***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,556,979 Views | 47736 Replies | Last: 9 hrs ago by ABATTBQ11
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Anyone know the percentage of armed civilians? We have reports of maybe 20K+ rifles being handed out, but even that is pretty telling. We may not see large scale fighting because there isn't much to fight with. They aren't letting the militia use the anti-armor stuff. Most barely know how to handle the rifles.

Ukraine is saying fight to the last but definitely looks like most are just holing up and waiting. With exceptions of course.

Urban fighting is the perfect equalizer to armor but only if the populace has the will and the means, and I am still doubting both of those on a macro scale. (From what I have seen on my screen)
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Waffledynamics said:

LMCane said:

TacosaurusRex said:

BQ_90 said:

erudite said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

That's a lot of BUK systems.
Looks like 1 MT-LBV (Infantry Transport), 1 Acquisition Radar unit, 1 Reloading vehicle, 1 Command vehicle, 5-6 Tractor Erector Launchers (They have intergrated radars on top but can link to a larger radar unit).
They aren't the Buk M3, those have enclosed disposable missile tubes for storage.

[The warning that we put in the OP will be in effect as of this post. - Staff]
seems like pretty soft target without any infantry protection, where are the javilines or anti tank weapons?

Hell. Where are the IED's? Why are these a holes driving around without a worry in the world?

Welcome to the party. So that's three of us all seeing the exact same thing from a military perspective-

the Russkies are driving soft skinned vehicles right down a road as if on a parade for May Day in Moscow.

and there is not even a platoon of defenders anywhere to fire mortars or RPGs or machine guns at them.
Could this be because the Ukrainians are effectively beaten and are consolidating for a smaller defense?
That tweet says they are in a small village near Sumy...which is right on the border. It would appear Ukraine isn't able to have forces out that far right now? focused on things closer to Kiev?
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Waffledynamics said:

LMCane said:

TacosaurusRex said:

BQ_90 said:

erudite said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

That's a lot of BUK systems.
Looks like 1 MT-LBV (Infantry Transport), 1 Acquisition Radar unit, 1 Reloading vehicle, 1 Command vehicle, 5-6 Tractor Erector Launchers (They have intergrated radars on top but can link to a larger radar unit).
They aren't the Buk M3, those have enclosed disposable missile tubes for storage.

[The warning that we put in the OP will be in effect as of this post. - Staff]
seems like pretty soft target without any infantry protection, where are the javilines or anti tank weapons?

Hell. Where are the IED's? Why are these a holes driving around without a worry in the world?

Welcome to the party. So that's three of us all seeing the exact same thing from a military perspective-

the Russkies are driving soft skinned vehicles right down a road as if on a parade for May Day in Moscow.

and there is not even a platoon of defenders anywhere to fire mortars or RPGs or machine guns at them.
Could this be because the Ukrainians are effectively beaten and are consolidating for a smaller defense?

The tweet says near Sumy. Last I read they were fighting in the city itself. I'm not sure if it had fallen. I do remember seeing Sumy on fire last night on CNN though.
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erudite said:

Meanwhile, instead of helping US civvies who decided to not leave, US Embassy in Kiev is trolling Russia

That tweet is from 2/22/2022.....
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redline248 said:

Waffledynamics said:

LMCane said:

TacosaurusRex said:

BQ_90 said:

erudite said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

That's a lot of BUK systems.
Looks like 1 MT-LBV (Infantry Transport), 1 Acquisition Radar unit, 1 Reloading vehicle, 1 Command vehicle, 5-6 Tractor Erector Launchers (They have intergrated radars on top but can link to a larger radar unit).
They aren't the Buk M3, those have enclosed disposable missile tubes for storage.

[The warning that we put in the OP will be in effect as of this post. - Staff]
seems like pretty soft target without any infantry protection, where are the javilines or anti tank weapons?

Hell. Where are the IED's? Why are these a holes driving around without a worry in the world?

Welcome to the party. So that's three of us all seeing the exact same thing from a military perspective-

the Russkies are driving soft skinned vehicles right down a road as if on a parade for May Day in Moscow.

and there is not even a platoon of defenders anywhere to fire mortars or RPGs or machine guns at them.
Could this be because the Ukrainians are effectively beaten and are consolidating for a smaller defense?
That tweet says they are in a small village near Sumy...which is right on the border. It would appear Ukraine isn't able to have forces out that far right now? focused on things closer to Kiev?
I don't think anyone here has a clear picture of Uke order of battle right now, but they are definitely committed just about everywhere. The fighting north of Kiev and to the south in Kherson seems to be the stiffest resistance by far.

I wonder how coordinated they are really.
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Rapier108 said:

LMCane said:

erudite said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

That's a lot of BUK systems.
Looks like 1 MT-LBV (Infantry Transport), 1 Acquisition Radar unit, 1 Reloading vehicle, 1 Command vehicle, 5-6 Tractor Erector Launchers (They have intergrated radars on top but can link to a larger radar unit).
They aren't the Buk M3, those have enclosed disposable missile tubes for storage.

[The warning that we put in the OP will be in effect as of this post. - Staff]

ONE tank could have shot up that entire column!

they don't even have light armaments to defend themselves and no accompanying infantry for the first 12 vehicles!

even an RPG would have set on the fire the crew cabin.
Perhaps the tanks and APCs had already passed by. That's one problem with short video clips like that; they don't tell anywhere close to the whole picture.
Buk unit systems are theater (edit: Army Group tier) level weapons analogous to PATRIOT and Hawk Pip IIIs, so likely not at the frontline and probably much further back, unless the Russians likely living dangerously OR are giving a big "Leave us alone" sign to NATO.
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dc509 said:

How did the Ukrainians fair overnight? I've seen few reports that Kyiv is expected to fall relatively soon.
quick answer: Not well

I have seen video of Russian soldiers walking around in the outer Kyiv suburbs.

so the Ukes are close enough to video record them on their phones- but no one is actually shooting at them.

I have seen Russian BMP driving right down a street in a Kyiv suburb surrounded by High rise apartment buildings with hundreds of windows.

and not a shot.
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That's dumb and shows how ineffective our response has been.
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AggieChemE09 said:

erudite said:

Meanwhile, instead of helping US civvies who decided to not leave, US Embassy in Kiev is trolling Russia

That tweet is from 2/22/2022.....
Oops. Sorry.
Point still stands...
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seems like the NATO plan now should be to get in as much small arms and guerilla warfare gear as possible.

small arms, c4, hand held rockets, etc.

I'm sure NATO will send in Global Warming experts to make sure this war isn't exceeding co2 admissions.
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erudite said:

Rapier108 said:

LMCane said:

erudite said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

That's a lot of BUK systems.
Looks like 1 MT-LBV (Infantry Transport), 1 Acquisition Radar unit, 1 Reloading vehicle, 1 Command vehicle, 5-6 Tractor Erector Launchers (They have intergrated radars on top but can link to a larger radar unit).
They aren't the Buk M3, those have enclosed disposable missile tubes for storage.

[The warning that we put in the OP will be in effect as of this post. - Staff]

ONE tank could have shot up that entire column!

they don't even have light armaments to defend themselves and no accompanying infantry for the first 12 vehicles!

even an RPG would have set on the fire the crew cabin.
Perhaps the tanks and APCs had already passed by. That's one problem with short video clips like that; they don't tell anywhere close to the whole picture.
Buk unit systems are theater (edit: Army Group tier) level weapons analogous to PATRIOT and Hawk Pip IIIs, so likely not at the frontline and probably much further back, unless the Russians likely living dangerously OR are giving a big "Leave us alone" sign to NATO.

of course that is what happened- but the point is there are Ukrainian MEN shooting those videos because you can hear them talking in the background. there are literally tens of thousands of Ukes living along the roads as those soft skinned Russian vehicles drive along in a nice parade.

if one was a serious country- you would have had thousands of hunter killer squads sitting in houses along the major roadways JUST WAITING for this type of target to come trundling along.

Iraqi insurgents would target our MRAPS and Humvees for years along Route Irish or any axis of supply.
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What's the point, it's dumb?

The bottom pictures could be a swamp and labeled Washington DC.
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I'm still anxiously waiting to hear the outcome of today's NATO meeting.
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BQ_90 said:

seems like the NATO plan now should be to get in as much small arms and guerilla warfare gear as possible.

small arms, c4, hand held rockets, etc.

I'm sure NATO will send in Global Warming experts to make sure this war isn't exceeding co2 admissions.

how is NATO going to do that? even if Biden allowed it.

the Russkies are going to control all the airports and the border crossings in another day.

so how are they going to create the "rat lines" that the jihadis used against us?

If the Ukes can't fight for two days when they have real Javelins and equipment and are members under the Geneva Convention,

why would they fight when if they are captured they will be shot or hung as terrorists after the surrender?
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Have there been any reports of Russia using drones?
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Lost more in 2 days than we lost in Afghanistan in 2 decades.
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TxTarpon said:

Have there been any reports of Russia using drones?

Not that I've seen. I saw something about a Ukrainian suicide drone on a Russian tank though.
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That's....interesting. did they need another front opened up?
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Eliminatus said:

redline248 said:

Waffledynamics said:

LMCane said:

TacosaurusRex said:

BQ_90 said:

erudite said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

That's a lot of BUK systems.
Looks like 1 MT-LBV (Infantry Transport), 1 Acquisition Radar unit, 1 Reloading vehicle, 1 Command vehicle, 5-6 Tractor Erector Launchers (They have intergrated radars on top but can link to a larger radar unit).
They aren't the Buk M3, those have enclosed disposable missile tubes for storage.

[The warning that we put in the OP will be in effect as of this post. - Staff]
seems like pretty soft target without any infantry protection, where are the javilines or anti tank weapons?

Hell. Where are the IED's? Why are these a holes driving around without a worry in the world?

Welcome to the party. So that's three of us all seeing the exact same thing from a military perspective-

the Russkies are driving soft skinned vehicles right down a road as if on a parade for May Day in Moscow.

and there is not even a platoon of defenders anywhere to fire mortars or RPGs or machine guns at them.
Could this be because the Ukrainians are effectively beaten and are consolidating for a smaller defense?
That tweet says they are in a small village near Sumy...which is right on the border. It would appear Ukraine isn't able to have forces out that far right now? focused on things closer to Kiev?
I don't think anyone here has a clear picture of Uke order of battle right now, but they are definitely committed just about everywhere. The fighting north of Kiev and to the south in Kherson seems to be the stiffest resistance by far.

I wonder how coordinated they are really.

the Finns in 1940 deliberately left men way in the rear of the enemy, hiding out for the enemy soviets to pass. then would attack from behind and shoot up entire columns, snipe at them, real types of sabotage from well trained scouts.

the Ukes had 8 years to prepare for this. not only looking at old history- just look at Afghanistan and Iraq and how our enemies attacked us from small villages and along the roadways.

they could have blocked the roads with felled trees, blown all the bridges, set up ambushes around every bend, placed IED in the roadways. at least that would take hours to clear every few miles.
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BQ_90 said:

seems like the NATO plan now should be to get in as much small arms and guerilla warfare gear as possible.

small arms, c4, hand held rockets, etc.

I'm sure NATO will send in Global Warming experts to make sure this war isn't exceeding co2 admissions.

I'm thinking NATO is going to make some statements, say they're going to reposition personnel, and make arrangements for Ukrainian refugees. It's much too late to have an effect on supplying arms for Kyiv and the eastern half of the country imo.
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Keep given em hell boys!
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TRM said:

TxTarpon said:

Have there been any reports of Russia using drones?

Not that I've seen. I saw something about a Ukrainian suicide drone on a Russian tank though.
I have seen footage of Russian drones

I am sure they are using them for Recon, if not for ground attack.
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Just looked up info on Kyiv. It covers and area of approximately 324sq miles, which is about the same size as San Diego. Dallas is approx 358sq miles.

That's a lot of fighting if they have to go block by block.
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LMCane said:

dc509 said:

How did the Ukrainians fair overnight? I've seen few reports that Kyiv is expected to fall relatively soon.
quick answer: Not well

I have seen video of Russian soldiers walking around in the outer Kyiv suburbs.

so the Ukes are close enough to video record them on their phones- but no one is actually shooting at them.

I have seen Russian BMP driving right down a street in a Kyiv suburb surrounded by High rise apartment buildings with hundreds of windows.

and not a shot.
That's about what I expected. There really isn't a world where valiant Ukrainians throw the Russians back. As nice as that would be. They will have fight a resistance war, and I suppose it will comedown to how long they're willing to fight/how long Russia can take the pain.
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Spaceship said:

My brother-in-law and his family are in Melitopol which is in southeastern Ukraine. They were under Russian control by lunch time yesterday. They lost power and phone service overnight, but its restored now. There has been street combat in the city and he said quite a few Russian soldiers have been killed. He said the Russians really aren't engaging with the locals and seems they've been directed not to harm locals.

His business windows were blown out and they are boarding them up now with plywood to prevent theft. Yesterday he sent his son to the grocery store and waited in line for hours for one bag of food. They have the option to go to Poland (they are US-duel citizens), but are waiting for things to calm down before they try to cross the entire country to head west. His church has opened up, and is full of women and children being housed and fed.

They have friends all over Europe and have been contacted by people all over the world inviting them to come shelter with them if/when they need. Americans have been sending them money as well, but right now they can't get that through the banking system.

Just some interesting notes from a local perspective. We're praying for their safety and protection.

Praying your family stays as safe as possible
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TRM said:

Eliminatus said:

That's....interesting. did they need another front opened up?

Chatter I was seeing last night indicated that Mariupol was being advanced on from the east and west by a Russian troops but was held by the Ukrainians. If the Russians are going to do an amphibious landing assault, not that I really need to say it but Mariupol is likely going to see heavy urban fighting.
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Agthatbuilds said:

Spaceship said:

My brother-in-law and his family are in Melitopol which is in southeastern Ukraine. They were under Russian control by lunch time yesterday. They lost power and phone service overnight, but its restored now. There has been street combat in the city and he said quite a few Russian soldiers have been killed. He said the Russians really aren't engaging with the locals and seems they've been directed not to harm locals.

His business windows were blown out and they are boarding them up now with plywood to prevent theft. Yesterday he sent his son to the grocery store and waited in line for hours for one bag of food. They have the option to go to Poland (they are US-duel citizens), but are waiting for things to calm down before they try to cross the entire country to head west. His church has opened up, and is full of women and children being housed and fed.

They have friends all over Europe and have been contacted by people all over the world inviting them to come shelter with them if/when they need. Americans have been sending them money as well, but right now they can't get that through the banking system.

Just some interesting notes from a local perspective. We're praying for their safety and protection.

Praying your family stays as safe as possible
Thanks - its hard to watch videos like that knowing good, nice, normal people just like us are under attack.
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BadMoonRisin said:

Lost more in 2 days than we lost in Afghanistan in 2 decades.
I do not believe this at all
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I've seen this posted a few times on other Twitter handles. I held off posting this for a bit.

Looks like the Russians may have made a breakthrough at Kherson
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****ing cowards won't do what needs to be done to save lives and end this…
You think that will end it? Ahh no it won't it will greatly intensify it. At this time this is only a corrupt Ukraine issue, do that it and things will get very nasty very quick and it could expand into something we don't want it to expand into.
"only one thing is important!"
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I wonder how much of the EU's lack of response is due to the fact that they are dependent on Russian oil and gas for energy needs.
Ya think?
"only one thing is important!"
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2023NCAggies said:

BadMoonRisin said:

Lost more in 2 days than we lost in Afghanistan in 2 decades.
I do not believe this at all

I'm with you. No doubt the ukes have inflicted some damage but these numbers seems inflated/propaganda
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