Conservative WASPS are the new Jews

8,680 Views | 105 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by halfastros81
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Ag CPA said:

Ol_Ag_02 said:

MouthBQ98 said:

Glad I'm Catholic.

Don't worry, they'll come for you next.
Pretty sure Catholics in this country have been through this before during the past 250 years. Welcome to the party Protestants.
My ancestors were persecuted French Huguenots that escaped to England after the Catholic King of France went on a rampage. The Catholic Church isn't exactly a model for tolerance historically. Actually the modern concept of religious tolerance is primarily a Protestant one. That said every religion and race can find examples of being discriminated against, it's just how recent and how severe.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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ActualTalkingThermos said:

Almost 80% of congress is white, and over 75% is male. We have had one nonwhite President and zero female presidents.

This oppressed group sure is massively overrepresented in the government that is apparently out to oppress them, not to mention in the nation's boardrooms, mansions, and every other space occupied by our societal elite. It's still fairly notable when anyone who ISN'T a white male gets elected to high office, made a CEO of a major company, etc.

Um you need to be more specific about white males?
Don't lump them all together. There are differences.

You want fairness ? What about this?

Do you think it is wasps thatvcontrol the media, Hollywood, and admissions into the Ivy League for example? If you want to be honest about diversity you need to look at the 2 1/2% of the population of this country that has a disproportionate influence in these areas.

What kind of influence do Christian, conservative, traditional family value, Republican, southerner, and avid Hunter/2nd amendment enthusiast has/is represented in ownership and upper management in Hollywood and the major media and social media?

Merely look at their messaging. Everything is counter to what I just listed. There is no balance with one exception.

There was one show where the lead protagonist represented the conservative point of view and made fun of the traditional Hollywood values and that show was canceled even though it had huge ratingsRoseanne. It was bad enough that the main actor in the show was conservative, but how dare this person point out the Hypocrisy of the progressive left. It had to be canceled.

Another point ..,,

So my major oil employer announced quotas to try and reach equity (The ethnic percentages of employees match that of The general population) especially in senior leader ship and C-suite positions.

Hmmmm....I never hear this being proposed for Hollywood for example where this the small 2 1/2%
Has disproportionate control. Ben Shapiro has mentioned this too as he once famously investigated Hollywood undercover. There are org charts floating around too that support my case as I have friends who work in Hollywood. And I hear their stories and complaints. Hollywood has been canceling people long before the term "cancel culture " Came into Vogue

I'm glad I got that off my chest while I'm still allowed to do so because...

...after the domestic terrorism bill is passed I will not be able to point this out because hate speech will be the law of the land in the war against "incitement" which will be redefined with a lower bar to meet the burden of proof. And good luck with your right to assemble if you're a patriot, Trump supporter, free speech and second amendment absolutist, because that will should be shut down too.

As Glenn Greenwald predicted 30 years ago, expect the new law to dovetail with the existing patriot act so that the president can name US citizens as enemy combatants for merely exercising free speech that they deem to be illegal. And the most insidious part of the patriot act is that once you are deemed an enemy combatant you'll be tried in military court and will not have the normal rights to face your accuser's.

Yes I am suggesting a simple math problem:

The Patriot Act + domestic Terrorism act = the precursor to a totalitarian state.

All you need is the winning side to brand the opposition as the enemy that must be punished for voting for the vanquished incumbent, drastic re-education of our youth, The tearing down of our symbols ( statues, the American flag), and the rewriting of history (NYT 1619 project) and we will be on pace to be Venezuela.

And it doesn't help that Hollywood, the media, social platforms, and swampy DC hate and despise people in middle America. Tucker Carlson mentions this Repeatedly on his show.

And to give you an idea of how bad it can be if hate speech laws are instituted in this country, imagine it being illegal to protest or say that you're against illegal immigration, bringing in Muslim refugees that don't appreciate Western values.

Impossible you say ? Not in Europe.

In Austria some individuals were arrested for violating the EU's hate speech laws for putting up a banner stating that they wanted Muslims to go home which was in reference to Muslim refugees who had relocated to the small town and we're committing crimes and we're raping women. This in a town with almost no violent crime rate. Was their banner untasteful? Yes but it would be legal in this country to do so. So what is the EU's reason for banning this speech? I have to admit I don't know all the particulars but I do remember the term "incitement" used as a reason to criminalize the speech

More so than any law posed since I've been alive in my 57 years, every man woman and child should be contacting their congressman and senator to make sure that the already written domestic terrorism bill does not become law.

See OP, The media and the intelligence community who want to strip our rights have a got us fighting over trivial matters to divide and conquer us and get us distracted so that they can swoop in and take our liberties. So count me as one person that isn't going to be crying over you're supposed whiney white privilege problem.
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BusterAg said:

Pretty sure I was laughed off this board when I said that this was coming.

I'm just waiting for my required shoulder patch to arrive any day now.

I wonder if Zuckerberg has finished his plan for the "final solution" to the conservative problem.

It's certainly laughable.

So, because a private company banned a user from their platform, you believe that the U.S. government is on its way to genocide and concentration camps and the victims of this will be American WASPs?

Do you further believe that Twitter's decision was based on Trump's race and religion?

Just clarifying
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stallion6 said:

aggieforester05 said:

stallion6 said:

YouBet said:

Old Tom Morris said:

I work for a Fortune 100 that is actively discriminating against white males. We had a layoff in December and our function fired 3 white males in leadership (one SVP and two VPs) who were subsequently replaced by black male, black female, and hispanic male. The discussion and pressure not to hire white folks is out on the open. It's kind of amazing to see how clear and blunt the discussion and direction is. This week will act as an accelerant
I have a friend who is a VP at a huge company who was flat out told to backfill all of his future hires with women and/or blacks. In addition, he was told to only invite female and BIPOC clients to extra curricular events they sponsored even if it displaced a C Suite white person. And this was two years ago. I can't even imagine what its like now.

Open racism against whites is a sport now.
Sorry but I have a hard time believing that. I can understand having diversity and inclusion goals but no way a for profit company totally chooses to just hire based upon ethnicity.
Have you been living under a rock the last four years? We are absolutely at that point in America. The party and ideology that dominates our cultural institutions, academia and corporations are openly racist.
I am a senior leader in a fortune 500 company that is not under your rock. Where do you work?

Then you are clueless, is absolutely happening.
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TxAgswin said:

BusterAg said:

Pretty sure I was laughed off this board when I said that this was coming.

I'm just waiting for my required shoulder patch to arrive any day now.

I wonder if Zuckerberg has finished his plan for the "final solution" to the conservative problem.

It's certainly laughable.

So, because a private company banned a user from their platform, you believe that the U.S. government is on its way to genocide and concentration camps and the victims of this will be American WASPs?

Do you further believe that Twitter's decision was based on Trump's race and religion?

Just clarifying

Do you think what is happening to Trump would be if he was a back women?
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stallion6 said:

aggieforester05 said:

stallion6 said:

YouBet said:

Old Tom Morris said:

I work for a Fortune 100 that is actively discriminating against white males. We had a layoff in December and our function fired 3 white males in leadership (one SVP and two VPs) who were subsequently replaced by black male, black female, and hispanic male. The discussion and pressure not to hire white folks is out on the open. It's kind of amazing to see how clear and blunt the discussion and direction is. This week will act as an accelerant
I have a friend who is a VP at a huge company who was flat out told to backfill all of his future hires with women and/or blacks. In addition, he was told to only invite female and BIPOC clients to extra curricular events they sponsored even if it displaced a C Suite white person. And this was two years ago. I can't even imagine what its like now.

Open racism against whites is a sport now.
Sorry but I have a hard time believing that. I can understand having diversity and inclusion goals but no way a for profit company totally chooses to just hire based upon ethnicity.
Have you been living under a rock the last four years? We are absolutely at that point in America. The party and ideology that dominates our cultural institutions, academia and corporations are openly racist.
I am a senior leader in a fortune 500 company that is not under your rock. Where do you work?

No you are not.
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I'll just leave this here
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Clavell said:

I'll just leave this here

Why? You think that moron helps your case? He's not an R, BTW. Do better
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He's a Libertarian. Just saw his post on Twitter and tried to figure which of the hundreds of threads it was most applicable too. It was a hard decision with so many options.
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I'm not surprised you're still on Twitter.
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Between me and the President, that makes 1. Although I never post, just read, so doubt I'll be kicked off.
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ActualTalkingThermos said:

Almost 80% of congress is white, and over 75% is male. We have had one nonwhite President and zero female presidents.

This oppressed group sure is massively overrepresented in the government that is apparently out to oppress them, not to mention in the nation's boardrooms, mansions, and every other space occupied by our societal elite. It's still fairly notable when anyone who ISN'T a white male gets elected to high office, made a CEO of a major company, etc.

I'd be curious to see how "white" is defined in this context. Does this include White with Hispanic or other descent? From a mathematical perspective it would also make sense. There are X number of seats and the population is X % "white." In a first past the post system all that matters is the number that hits 50% first, which is easier if you're voter bank is simply larger than any other groups. This being a "white" country it's not exactly surprising that whites would win more seats.
B-1 83
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ActualTalkingThermos said:

Almost 80% of congress is white, and over 75% is male. We have had one nonwhite President and zero female presidents.

This oppressed group sure is massively overrepresented in the government that is apparently out to oppress them, not to mention in the nation's boardrooms, mansions, and every other space occupied by our societal elite. It's still fairly notable when anyone who ISN'T a white male gets elected to high office, made a CEO of a major company, etc.
Welcome to 2021. Yet another confused "crusader" who believes that equal opportunity means equal results.
Emotional Support Cobra
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Having lived in Texas for 20 years, and San Antonio for 15, I am so used to authentic ethinic diversity that it is easy to forget that many states and cities in the midwest and north, and pnw, are still 80 to 90% white. And true diversity is a non-entity on a daily basis for much of the US outside of cities and the south.

The desire for overrepresentation of ethnic minorities in government is pretty disingenuous. On a side note, I would like to see more conservative reps of Mexican heritage coming up this generation.
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stallion6 said:

YouBet said:

stallion6 said:

YouBet said:

stallion6 said:

YouBet said:

Old Tom Morris said:

I work for a Fortune 100 that is actively discriminating against white males. We had a layoff in December and our function fired 3 white males in leadership (one SVP and two VPs) who were subsequently replaced by black male, black female, and hispanic male. The discussion and pressure not to hire white folks is out on the open. It's kind of amazing to see how clear and blunt the discussion and direction is. This week will act as an accelerant
I have a friend who is a VP at a huge company who was flat out told to backfill all of his future hires with women and/or blacks. In addition, he was told to only invite female and BIPOC clients to extra curricular events they sponsored even if it displaced a C Suite white person. And this was two years ago. I can't even imagine what its like now.

Open racism against whites is a sport now.
Sorry but I have a hard time believing that. I can understand having diversity and inclusion goals but no way a for profit company totally chooses to just hire based upon ethnicity.
Unfortunately, its true. It's a tech company so they can get away with it.

This started when #metoo kicked off so it was initially focused on getting more women into the ranks by any means possible.
Sorry but not convinced a fortune 500 company is not longer hiring white employees.

I didn't say it was 100% across the board do not hire white people. That isn't possible because you may not have enough diverse candidates for some roles. I will clarify and say that he was told to hire women and blacks above white people. Basically, all else being equal hire the minority.
You kind of left out the "basically, all else being equal part" in your initial post. Maybe we now call that the white male loophole. Since I guess your VP friend can still hire who he or she wants but they have to be most qualified? If that is the accurate description of their situation then they have normal hiring practices like most every other business.

All else is never equal.
Red Fishing Ag93
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cbr said:

Carl Hungus said:

ActualTalkingThermos said:

Almost 80% of congress is white, and over 75% is male. We have had one nonwhite President and zero female presidents.

This oppressed group sure is massively overrepresented in the government that is apparently out to oppress them, not to mention in the nation's boardrooms, mansions, and every other space occupied by our societal elite. It's still fairly notable when anyone who ISN'T a white male gets elected to high office, made a CEO of a major company, etc.

They aren't over represented at all, thats about the make up of white people in this country. People who use words like are just jealous cry babies that want something given to them instead of earning it over several generations like most Congress critters families have. HTH
Lol - yes 80% of congress is white. That is called the international elite class. They answer only to chinese trillions. Saudi trillions. Euro trillions. Generational trillions.

They dont answer to you, me, or america.

The only threat to them are educated, informed, armed, orgnanized, independent middle class people.

That group is slightly overrepresented white, and all conservative.

That is the battle.

Liberal americans are just useful idiots. Moreso than lenin ever even dreamed.

Thats why white conservatives are the enemy and are being squeezed into oblivion.

Someday you will all understand. Unfortunately.

This needs repeating.
Old McDonald
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jews in europe back in the 1930s were systematically rounded up, put into box cars, sent to camps and forced to do hard labor until they were killed by the millions

modern day american conservatives lost a presidential election and had one of their websites taken down
Marcus Brutus
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Old McDonald said:

jews in europe back in the 1930s were systematically rounded up, put into box cars, sent to camps and forced to do hard labor until they were killed by the millions

modern day american conservatives lost a presidential election and had one of their websites taken down

This poster doesn't know his history.

Here is a hint: they were not rounded up and put in box cars on day 1.
Old McDonald
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Rittenhouse said:

Old McDonald said:

jews in europe back in the 1930s were systematically rounded up, put into box cars, sent to camps and forced to do hard labor until they were killed by the millions

modern day american conservatives lost a presidential election and had one of their websites taken down

This poster doesn't know his history.

Here is a hint: they were not rounded up and put in box cars on day 1.

this poster doesn't know how to read

did i say it happened day 1?
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Old McDonald said:

Rittenhouse said:

Old McDonald said:

jews in europe back in the 1930s were systematically rounded up, put into box cars, sent to camps and forced to do hard labor until they were killed by the millions

modern day american conservatives lost a presidential election and had one of their websites taken down

This poster doesn't know his history.

Here is a hint: they were not rounded up and put in box cars on day 1.

this poster doesn't know how to read

did i say it happened day 1?

You still don't seem to get it.
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BluHorseShu said:

BusterAg said:

Pretty sure I was laughed off this board when I said that this was coming.

I'm just waiting for my required shoulder patch to arrive any day now.

I wonder if Zuckerberg has finished his plan for the "final solution" to the conservative problem.

If you're worried about being laughed off the board, I'm not sure this post is helping your cause.
Comparing yourself to Jews during the Holocaust is a bit much. Do you also think you're being "crucified" like Christ?
I think his point is Jews were not taken to the gas chambers right away. They were slowly restricted by what they could do, where they could work, what they could say, then told to wear patches. The final solution didn't come about over night. It was a slow march to the gas chambers that were not fully visible at the beginning.

Don't you think more Jews would have left Germany a lot sooner had they know what the final solution was ultimately going to be?
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Old McDonald is the frog in the pot that doesn't realize the water is getting warmer.
Ag with kids
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Old McDonald said:

Rittenhouse said:

Old McDonald said:

jews in europe back in the 1930s were systematically rounded up, put into box cars, sent to camps and forced to do hard labor until they were killed by the millions

modern day american conservatives lost a presidential election and had one of their websites taken down

This poster doesn't know his history.

Here is a hint: they were not rounded up and put in box cars on day 1.

this poster doesn't know how to read

did i say it happened day 1?
Long before the boxcars, they took control of all forms of communication...
You can turn off signatures, btw
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Credible Source
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TChaney said:

He's got two whole likes in 36 hours, this is moving faster than we can process. How do we put out the fire this dewshnozzle started?
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Carl Hungus said:

TChaney said:

He's got two whole likes in 36 hours, this is moving faster than we can process. How do we put out the fire this dewshnozzle started?
He is absolutely obsessed with this place but not brave enough to post here anymore.

Figured I'd let the non ****ter folks know they have stalkers
Credible Source
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Jeez what a loser
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BusterAg said:

Pretty sure I was laughed off this board when I said that this was coming.

I'm just waiting for my required shoulder patch to arrive any day now.

I wonder if Zuckerberg has finished his plan for the "final solution" to the conservative problem.

The irony in this post is comparing Zuckerberg, a Jew, to Hitler.
What isn't ironic about your post is that Zuckerberg, a Jew, hates white people.
Reno Hightower
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It is the way
Leto Agtreides II
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Yeah no... Roseanne was cancelled because Roseanne tweeted that a former Obama advisor looked like " muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby".
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Biden has said worse....
Leto Agtreides II
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Ok? That doesn't have anything to do with the correction I was making to the objectively false statement.
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mad_mike_hoare said:

BusterAg said:

Pretty sure I was laughed off this board when I said that this was coming.

I'm just waiting for my required shoulder patch to arrive any day now.

I wonder if Zuckerberg has finished his plan for the "final solution" to the conservative problem.

The irony in this post is comparing Zuckerberg, a Jew, to Hitler.
What isn't ironic about your post is that Zuckerberg, a Jew, hates white people.

That irony was not lost on me, at all.

And I don't think he hates all white people. Just the ones he disagrees with.
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