ActualTalkingThermos said:
Almost 80% of congress is white, and over 75% is male. We have had one nonwhite President and zero female presidents.
This oppressed group sure is massively overrepresented in the government that is apparently out to oppress them, not to mention in the nation's boardrooms, mansions, and every other space occupied by our societal elite. It's still fairly notable when anyone who ISN'T a white male gets elected to high office, made a CEO of a major company, etc.
Um you need to be more specific about white males?
Don't lump them all together. There are differences.
You want fairness ? What about this?
Do you think it is wasps thatvcontrol the media, Hollywood, and admissions into the Ivy League for example? If you want to be honest about diversity you need to look at the 2 1/2% of the population of this country that has a disproportionate influence in these areas.
What kind of influence do Christian, conservative, traditional family value, Republican, southerner, and avid Hunter/2nd amendment enthusiast has/is represented in ownership and upper management in Hollywood and the major media and social media?
Merely look at their messaging. Everything is counter to what I just listed. There is no balance with one exception.
There was one show where the lead protagonist represented the conservative point of view and made fun of the traditional Hollywood values and that show was canceled even though it had huge ratingsRoseanne. It was bad enough that the main actor in the show was conservative, but how dare this person point out the Hypocrisy of the progressive left. It had to be canceled.
Another point ..,,
So my major oil employer announced quotas to try and reach equity (The ethnic percentages of employees match that of The general population) especially in senior leader ship and C-suite positions.
Hmmmm....I never hear this being proposed for Hollywood for example where this the small 2 1/2%
Has disproportionate control. Ben Shapiro has mentioned this too as he once famously investigated Hollywood undercover. There are org charts floating around too that support my case as I have friends who work in Hollywood. And I hear their stories and complaints. Hollywood has been canceling people long before the term "cancel culture " Came into Vogue
I'm glad I got that off my chest while I'm still allowed to do so because...
...after the domestic terrorism bill is passed I will not be able to point this out because hate speech will be the law of the land in the war against "incitement" which will be redefined with a lower bar to meet the burden of proof. And good luck with your right to assemble if you're a patriot, Trump supporter, free speech and second amendment absolutist, because that will should be shut down too.
As Glenn Greenwald predicted 30 years ago, expect the new law to dovetail with the existing patriot act so that the president can name US citizens as enemy combatants for merely exercising free speech that they deem to be illegal. And the most insidious part of the patriot act is that once you are deemed an enemy combatant you'll be tried in military court and will not have the normal rights to face your accuser's.
Yes I am suggesting a simple math problem:
The Patriot Act + domestic Terrorism act = the precursor to a totalitarian state.
All you need is the winning side to brand the opposition as the enemy that must be punished for voting for the vanquished incumbent, drastic re-education of our youth, The tearing down of our symbols ( statues, the American flag), and the rewriting of history (NYT 1619 project) and we will be on pace to be Venezuela.
And it doesn't help that Hollywood, the media, social platforms, and swampy DC hate and despise people in middle America. Tucker Carlson mentions this Repeatedly on his show.
And to give you an idea of how bad it can be if hate speech laws are instituted in this country, imagine it being illegal to protest or say that you're against illegal immigration, bringing in Muslim refugees that don't appreciate Western values.
Impossible you say ? Not in Europe.
In Austria some individuals were arrested for violating the EU's hate speech laws for putting up a banner stating that they wanted Muslims to go home which was in reference to Muslim refugees who had relocated to the small town and we're committing crimes and we're raping women. This in a town with almost no violent crime rate. Was their banner untasteful? Yes but it would be legal in this country to do so. So what is the EU's reason for banning this speech? I have to admit I don't know all the particulars but I do remember the term "incitement" used as a reason to criminalize the speech
More so than any law posed since I've been alive in my 57 years, every man woman and child should be contacting their congressman and senator to make sure that the already written domestic terrorism bill does not become law.
See OP, The media and the intelligence community who want to strip our rights have a got us fighting over trivial matters to divide and conquer us and get us distracted so that they can swoop in and take our liberties. So count me as one person that isn't going to be crying over you're supposed whiney white privilege problem.