Probably, but there was a lot of overreaction back in March when we didn't know as much about COVID as we do now.hbtheduce said:
Maybe they shouldn't have shut down Texas before we saw those trends. Now people are over it.
Probably, but there was a lot of overreaction back in March when we didn't know as much about COVID as we do now.hbtheduce said:
Maybe they shouldn't have shut down Texas before we saw those trends. Now people are over it.
Andrew99 said:Hand out beers to all of the guests since masks are not required if you are eating or drinking.riverrataggie said:riverrataggie said:ScottishFire said:
This is some bull sh*t. My little brother is supposed to get married Sunday in Dallas, and there's no doubt that tyrant Jenkins will endorse the 10 or less mandate.
Invite him to the wedding.
Just read the EO. Have the wedding in a pool. Good to go.
Here's the actual EO - addresses a bunch of the complaints voiced so far...beerad12man said:
Is there a list of rules? Outdoors? Exercise? I'm playing golf sunday, I better not have to wear a f***ing mask.
Winner. We're still having our July 4 party......OITSIDE.trouble said:heynow said:trouble said:heynow said:
Why are you folks interpreting public spaces as excluding outdoor public spaces?
Have you read the actual order?
Show me then.
If you can maintain social distancing outside, you do not need a mask.
15 days to flatten the curve was in March.MaroonDynasty said:
It's only for 2 weeks! Suck it up! If everyone stays home for Easter this thing will be all over soon.
Forum Troll said:
Mainly trying to have controlled spread as opposed to a raging inferno. Death rates are a lot lower but hospitalization rates are still high enough to warrant mitigation. Need to buck these trends. Can't just keep going up without some problems eventually.
Bexar county has a nearly identical trend line for COVID hospitalizations. We can't just look at this data and do nothing.
Doesn't give anyone the power that the governor is trying to exert.C@LAg said:emergency declaration?BTKAG97 said:
Does that EO have any power? What's the legality behind the order?
No more straight ticket voting in Texas so I will leave that vote blank if Abbott is the Republican nominee. You can book that.Grapesoda2525 said:
The abbott backlash is a big nothing burger when everyone on this board votes for him again in a few years.
It's always "two weeks."MaroonDynasty said:
It's only for 2 weeks! Suck it up! If everyone stays home for Easter this thing will be all over soon.
CDub06 said:
Shocking that so many here don't want to comply with a simple action that will help others. Selfless service, huh.
Love Gun said:
Jesus H. Christ
Are you really comparing catching Covid to being a victim of a school shooting?
Also, wearing a bulletproof backpack is ****ing stupid.
Masks are ineffective, social distancing is a crock....none of this is beneficial in the least and is totally illegal and unsupported by laws.CDub06 said:
Shocking that so many here don't want to comply with a simple action that will help others. Selfless service, huh.
BallerStaf2003 said:Love Gun said:
Jesus H. Christ
Are you really comparing catching Covid to being a victim of a school shooting?
Also, wearing a bulletproof backpack is ****ing stupid.
Where are you getting that from?
Genuinely curious but why would daily new hospitalizations not mean much of anything? Hospital beds and staffing is still a finite resource. All the other data points show similar trends lines (total ICU occupancy, total bed occupancy etc...)agdoc2001 said:Forum Troll said:
Mainly trying to have controlled spread as opposed to a raging inferno. Death rates are a lot lower but hospitalization rates are still high enough to warrant mitigation. Need to buck these trends. Can't just keep going up without some problems eventually.
Bexar county has a nearly identical trend line for COVID hospitalizations. We can't just look at this data and do nothing.
Those are admissions, not just ICU admissions; therefore, those numbers don't mean anything.
heynow said:BallerStaf2003 said:Love Gun said:
Jesus H. Christ
Are you really comparing catching Covid to being a victim of a school shooting?
Also, wearing a bulletproof backpack is ****ing stupid.
Where are you getting that from?
From your post.