ccatag said:
MooreTrucker said:
I refuse to believe that. Taking time to make things ironclad then the hammer comes down.
This is the same camp I'm in.
The swamp is a murky, black water, filth infested, sewer. Scum creatures keep crawling out from unsuspected dark places to protect it and defend it. The swamp has been unceasing.
Trucker is correct. Must be ironclad, Must be! Need a second Trump term.
So much this; both of these comments.
Half of the country's political class will be inclined to dismiss a rush job out of hand. Just look at the number of people who argue earnestly about the "very fine people" hoax. I know many personally. They have the same information I do. We're as close to being lifelong friends as you might hope to be, and they just don't see it the way we do.
That said, we've been divided over the Mueller investigation, the Ukraine whistleblower, the impeachment proceedings, and nearly every black citizen on the fatal end of the law enforcement equation.
So do we need another rush to "justice" just to placate the right for years of putting up with what we consider to be BS? I get that some want to lustfully shout "YES," but no, we'll wait. We'll let the professionals do their job. We'll let the evidence speak for itself. We'll welcome news about Republicans just as readily as about Democrats (if not more since they make our chosen team, for some, look bad).
Most importantly we'll sit here, waiting for the evidence we suspect is aching to reach the sphere of public discourse. When it arrives we'll be armed with years of insight and understanding the likes of which they've not seen reported. We'll be the trusted sources for tying it all back together when their world comes undone. It won't be Cooper. It won't be Lemon. I won't be any number of morning show pick-a-little, talk-a-little mouthpieces.
No. It will be us--the (im)patient observers--who watch the minutiae daily. I truly believe our collective investment in the truth getting out will pay out soon. It's a bit like waiting at the roulette wheel for 00 to finally hit, but when it does the entire casino floor with look over and wonder what all the excitement is about as the murmurs rise and spread about the "geniuses" who understood what was happening when everyone said it wasn't.