rhutton125 said:
That is interesting. With more time they might have known where the breadcrumbs were going, at least. But I feel like Abrams is way better at setup than payoff so maybe 7 was gonna be 7 regardless.
To me, with more time, I think they would have discovered Star Wars wasn't like Marvel. Star Wars wasn't really ready for adaptation like Marvel was. That they would have needed to actually create a three movie story.
I wonder how much the relatively easy adaptability of Marvel's IP influenced Iger to believe Star Wars would be the same.
I wonder as an IP asset, is Star Wars more like Star Trek than Marvel. Both Star Wars and Star Trek have a passionate fan base who want more stories with iconic characters they love. Making it great basis for novels, comics, toys, and animation.
But worse for live action tv shows and movies because the actors can't play the iconic characters forever. Recasting is hard and fraught with issues. Like what happened in Solo.
So that leaves in my mind three options:
1. Recasting (discussed above)
2. Creating brand new characters and developing new stories which is time consuming and hard to get audience buy in. (Marvel kinda cheats this step by having thousands of characters and stories already developed and waiting adaptation.)
3.Or going full blown reboot. (Strange New Worlds)