***** TED LASSO S3 THREAD *****

193,641 Views | 1560 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by CyclingAg82
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I think this episode was the catalyst for Rebecca's realization that she alreay has her family.

If you watch the scene with her and Keeley, the show went out of its way to make it look like a mother-daughter conversation. If you close your eyes & just listed to their conversation, it could have easily been a mother advising her daughter. Keeley said something about feeling like she was 15 yrs old or something (I can't remember exactly), she was dressed like a little girl and even had a bow in her hair. Rebecca was decked out in full CEO outfit, even more than normal. Even the camera angle highlighted Keeley's small stature compared to Rebecca's much taller & broader frame.

The phone call between Ted & Rebecca during the "Hey Jude" song felt more like conversations my wife has with her dumbass brother (I'm an only child, so I can only apply my observations of my wife's identical conversations she's had with her dumbass brother). It was sisterly advice in every way.

The manner of speaking & even the words used by Rebecca with Keeley seemed more like a mother to a daughter, and the manner of speaking & words used with ted seemed like a sibling.

As one of the posters way up above said, I think Rebecca has found her family.

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I don't think Ted & his wife get back together.

But I think it's obvious that his wife has a connection with Ted beyond just Henry. That mutual sense of humor they share shows why they loved each other and why they will always get along, but expecting them to return to each other is probably not in the cards.
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the Coach Beard & Henry/"Hey Jude" scene was very touching for me. Very well done, and it's a great example of what makes this show so special.
Average Joe
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Anytime I hear that West Ham bubbles song I think of Green Street Hooligans.

Definitely a weak episode, but has potential to set up a lot.
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As a straight guy who can't truly relate to Colin's situation, I just want to say how much I apprecaite PanzerAggie's input. Additionally, any others who can relate to his situation would be apprecaited.

I may disagree with some of the other posters a few pages back, but I think the writers have done a good job of not shoving the gay agenda down our throats or whatever some folks may say. It hasn't been preachy. Colin's comments about "just wanting to kiss his fella the way his teammates kiss their girls after the game" as something that makes a lot of sense. They did a great job of pointing out that his goal isn't to be a spokesman or draw attention to himself, which is what I think most of us dislike about many of the sportsfigures today (AKA Lebron James or Colin Kapernick).
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For me, the Keeley character has been the week link of this show since day one.

Her role in bridging the bap between Roy & Jaime as well as humanizing both of them has been critical. Otherwise, all attempts to make her relevant have fallen a little flat in my opinion.

The contrast between her relationships with Jack vs. Rebecca were evident in this episode, so the writing is on the wall thankfully.
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Clarke95 said:

So we've spent the entire season with this extraneous plot of Keeley starting her own PR firm, and when there's a massive PR crisis she issues no response, passively waits for a press release from her lawyers and shows none of the professional expertise they've been telling us she has??
I wasn't bothered by that. Professionalism frequently goes out the window when it's intensely personal. It's why fraternization is forbidden in the military and frowned upon in many other workplaces.

And I think part of why this was intensely personal was that she made the video for Jamie and still has feelings for him. If this was just a video for some dirtbag ex, I think it would've been a different story.
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The Barbara character has grown on me. It's amazing how much this actress can say with quick facial features. The writers should have never introduced the Jack character. They should have focused more on the Keeley vs. Barbara dynamic with a season-long fallout, reconcilliation, & bonding of the two characters. It could reflect the similar relationship between Ted & Nate, but in just one season. Perhaps Barbara would have been the Ted, and Keeley would have been the Nate.

But what the hell do I know.
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I really hope this thing doesn't resolve with everyone returning back to their norm. If we get Nate coming back to Richmond/Ted, Keeley coming back to Rebecca/Richmond and Jaime/Roy, and Ted going back to his wife, it's going to feel cheap. I think it's a foregone conclusion that Nate comes back and Keeley comes back to Rebecca/Richmond.

I doubt Ted goes back to his wife. I think this episode planted the seeds for him moving on from that. I still do think he goes back to the states, though.
Complete Idiot
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The show is completely saccharine so all happy endings that can be imagined will probably happen.
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I think Michelle and Henry move to London.
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Lots of crap on this episode but the good parts outweighed the bad.

It's funny how season 1 I hated Jamie and now I root for him. I know they want me to do that and dammit it worked.
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BowSowy said:

I really hope this thing doesn't resolve with everyone returning back to their norm. If we get Nate coming back to Richmond/Ted, Keeley coming back to Rebecca/Richmond and Jaime/Roy, and Ted going back to his wife, it's going to feel cheap. I think it's a foregone conclusion that Nate comes back and Keeley comes back to Rebecca/Richmond.

I doubt Ted goes back to his wife. I think this episode planted the seeds for him moving on from that. I still do think he goes back to the states, though.
I think Nate & Ted can reconcile without Nate "coming back to Richmond/Ted," especially if Ted returns to the US as I assume he will. But Nate leaving Rupert for Ted in some fashion is almost a certain.

I don't think Keeley ever really left Rebecca or Richmond although her employment did. I think she'll lose her company, but i think her relationships with the people can remain regardless of her employment status. I do imagine they'll resolve her status though, regardless if it's with Richmond or not (and I agree that I hope it's not with Richmond).

I think Keeley ends up with neither Roy or Jamie. She's been attached to someone this whole time almost like a dependent. It think her triumph will be as an independent Keeley.

Ted going back to his wife would be the worst storyline ever. On that, we most definitely agree. Please don't let that happen!!!

My real confusion is what happens with Rebecca. I think she has her family with "Keeley & Ted," regardless of where in the world they work or live. But there's so much more to life than that, so I hope they fill in the gaps along the way.
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With 2 s's.

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I dont think nate comes back. I think he could leave/get fired from west ham due to Rupert. But, he's going to find his own way and break free from another man dominating him, whether that be his dad, Ted or Rupert.

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Nate is going to replace Ted at Richmond.

Ted goes back to Kansas to coach Sporting KC.

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Most unbelievable part was them in bed together wearing bras.

I've lived with a woman for 21 years and she's never slept with a bra on.

And President Ellen Wilson had some bad tats.

And the 2nd most unbelievable thing is that actor playing Ted's son not being British.
Brock Sampson
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Really hoping the Keeley/Jack love story is over. I get it ties in with Jamuh but my gosh that is an absolute kick in the pants to get through. So many more interesting stories and we have to watch that.

Like mentioned earlier we get a 30 second voiceover for the futbol action this week. Lame

Thankfully some quality moments though. Higgens jazz hand running. Beard being beard. The locker room philosophical discussion over the validity of nudes being leaked, and then the conversation of deleting everything from your phone.

The stuff with Ted is rough. He basically has to let the relationship happen so he can spend time with his son, but at the same time it's destroying him. Glad Henry ignored the fist bump at the door.

Last note, but only 2-3 clips with Roy/Jamie in an episode is a travesty.
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Chuck Cunningham said:

Most unbelievable part was them in bed together wearing bras.

I've lived with a woman for 21 years and she's never slept with a bar on.

And President Ellen Wilson had some bad tats.

And the 2nd most unbelievable thing is that actor playing Ted's son not being British.
Your comments about the bras, tats, and Henry not looking like a little British kid all deserve their own blue stars.

Two lesbians sleeping in bras, and one is a billionaire heiress with cheap tats? This show should be better than that.
Another Doug
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Top 10 List of unbelievable things in this episode

1. Former therapist now boyfriend showing up at the beginning of show, it just wouldn't happen. There is no reason ever for them to interact.
2. Random Weekend trip for 3 people from KC to England, you are looking at $4,000-6,000 in travel to spend 30-40 hours in total in transit, losing a day, to feel like ass in England for 2 days.
3. Continued from above, "hey honey we finally got to Richmond dead tired and smelling like ass to go hiking in England for 48 hours, just kidding, I just added 10 more hours of total transit time/cost to go feel like ass in a city you aren't packed for, and I waited until we were around your ex-husband, son, and my ex-patient to tell you because I am totally not a sociopath."
4. There is no way Nate is good at his job, Air Bud is more realistic in the sport universe.
5. Keeley, Jack, and Colin's homosexual experience. Every other person on the show and on this thread seems to be a more realistic gay person.
6. Deleting **** off your phone because a team captain says so.
7. Former therapist now boyfriend showing up at the end of show, it just wouldn't happen. There is no reason ever for them to interact.
8. That this episode exists in a universe that in another episode a British person doesn't know bike lanes are a thing in Amsterdam... a dutch man that has a kid would throw away a phone into a canal just cuz.. a person doesn't know if they had sex...
9. A PR firm has to have it's parent company's PR department handle PR
10. Jade peeing sounds like Secretariat unloading into a hottub, meanwhile I have never seen a european toilet with more than a thimble of water in it.

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jeffk said:

Trent was wearing a college t-shirt in an episode a few weeks back. Funny story here, but I was actually hoping the connection was a little more deep than "costume designer liked the shirt."

Fake American stuff or real vintage American stuff is really popular overseas.

In Australia, I think it was "Cotton On" who did a line of fake American t-shirts about 10-12 years ago.
The only one I was interested in was a red "Houston Raptors 1988 - League Champions" or something like that.

If you ever travel to Osaka, Japan, they've got a whole street dedicated to legitimate American Vintage shops. I think I did see a Texas A&M shirt in a window on a 2nd or 3rd floor (I was in too much of a rush to investigate further) but, I definitely saw some older merch from schools like Ohio State and a couple others that I don't remember right off hand. But definitely the kind of stuff where the team had changed colors or logos since that one was produced.

And if you ever wondered where the used Levis from America wind up. They're in vintage stores in Osaka for $100 USD or so. My only real regret is not buying the Confederate Flag belt buckle I saw in Tokyo but the thought of a Japanese guy wearing it around cracked me up so much that I resisted the urge.
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PanzerAggie06 said:

And as a former professional closet case myself, Colin's behavior continues to confound me. A closeted gay man, in Colin's position, would have probably thrown punches before he just sat passively by and let a teammate scroll through his photos.
My take was that he thought the team captain was maybe too dumb to figure out what was on his phone.
And if he was going to try to fight McAdoo, obviously he'd get his ass kicked.

Now that the team captain has the information and didn't throw a fit about it, just sort of walked away in disgust, I wonder if it will go anywhere. I could imagine some sort of acceptance team building session coming in the next episode, or maybe a situation for McAdoo to shut down somebody making fun of poofters.

i've got a similar situation at my work where a female who reports to me has come out to me but, nobody else knows (AFAIK) and it's certainly never discussed. If somebody did bring it up, I'd steer the conversation in a different direction because frankly, it's her business and not anybody else's.

They've recently started a new LGBTQIAA++ etc. affinity group at work and she's expressed zero interest in participation or getting her picture in with all the trendy gays in our Bay Area HQ.
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Chuck Cunningham said:

Lots of crap on this episode but the good parts outweighed the bad.

It's funny how season 1 I hated Jamie and now I root for him. I know they want me to do that and dammit it worked.
Same with Jamie. He's pretty much my favorite character now although I still love Roy's gruffness.
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et98 said:

My real confusion is what happens with Rebecca. I think she has her family with "Keeley & Ted," regardless of where in the world they work or live. But there's so much more to life than that, so I hope they fill in the gaps along the way.
Well, the Dutch guy could always sail into town. Or, she could come above board with her relationship with Sam. And don't count Keeley out. There's definitely chemistry there.
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Brock Sampson said:

The locker room philosophical discussion over the validity of nudes being leaked, and then the conversation of deleting everything from your phone.
The toughest part was watching the Frenchie guy relive all his conquests of twins, mother/daughter combos, etc. I've been around rock and rollers but I can only imagine that European footballers must be getting it thrown at them 24/7.
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That scene felt like a lame PSA, lol.
Thought the episode was pretty good overall, not sure I really understand most of the complaints. HOpefully we are done with Jack's character. I understand the desire to develop Keeley's character more, it is a good character, they just missed with it.
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Now that the Keeley / Jack relationship appears to have run its course, I'll say that I'm glad it's over and the ending was not really a surprise.

When I lived in Australia, I wound up coaching women's softball for several years. I'm Puerto Rican so I love beisbol but I can only deal with so much drama. Women in their 30s and older who wind up experimenting in Lesbianism usually create so much drama that they ruin the entire team. I could deal with coaching under 10 girls, even girls aged 13-18 (which was pretty difficult). After a few years of coaching the Over 35 Women, I had to call it quits because I just couldn't deal with the fallout from the lesbian relationships.

But what's funny is, softball wasn't nearly as bad as O35 women's soccer. By this age, there were a fair number of women who were open to experimenting and there were also a few women who there's not other way to say it but to say that they were recruiting.

My wife wound up playing on a soccer team with several couples and a few new recruits among them. Several of the women were married with boys aged between 7-15 or so. It was almost like a stereotype.

There was one lady who came on really hard to my wife. She was 6 feet tall and gorgeous but she was only interested in speaking to me as a gateway to get to my wife. It was really strange.

I watched several of these relationships come and go and almost every one of them wound up in a death spiral with nuclear fallout. The only one that really lasted were two women about 55 years old. There were plenty of explosions between those two - frequently on the field, sometimes during a game.

So, when Jack acted controlling and chastised Keely about the pix, that relationship was over.
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Jack and Keeley's relationship was over as soon as Jack introduced her as her "friend" at the mini golf course.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Interesting side note I just found out - not a spoiler. And I had no clue.

This episode was written by Keeley Hazell who plays Rupert's 2nd wife Bex.

Keeley was a page 3 model and actress who has had a sex tape leaked publicly. So it is obviously very personal to her.

She also used to date Jason Sudeikis for about a year during I think the first season of Ted Lasso. they had met back on Horrible Bosses 2 in which she had a role. And Jason apparently had a crush on her for a long time (back before Olivia Wilde). they dated just after Olivia Wilde and Jason broke up but it was said to be "not serious".

Anyway I think the tie-ins there are interesting. Obviously Keeley Hazell was the inspiration for Keeley Jones. And now it has come full circle as Keeley Hazell's life is directly reflected in this last episode. It doesn't make it any better though, but maybe it's why it is being told.

Forgot to mention she is writing a memoir as well called "Everyone's Seen My Tits."
Zombie Jon Snow
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Their callbacks are flawless
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Complete Idiot said:

The show is completely saccharine so all happy endings that can be imagined will probably happen.
Been thinking about this and yes, to some extent I agree.

But I'd offer that the show is uncomfortably aspirationally saccharine. It paints an optimistic picture of what humanity ought to be like, yet makes us confront the cynicism in our own hearts that perhaps doesn't really want things to be that good.

Take Ted for example. The ex-wife and Nate storylines bother us. Why doesn't he fight back? We would fight back! And yet if the shoe were on the other foot, we would absolutely want a Ted on the other side who forgives us unconditionally. It's an internal conflict we all struggle with - we frequently treat others the exact opposite of the way we'd like to be treated.

So I predict, that yes, the show will have a "happy" ending - and probably in an overly contrived and fake way… but I think that's the point, because it will leave us with a bit of lament that the world doesn't actually work this way.

And now that I'm done preaching, I'll state that I totally hope they end it in a Sandlot style recap of what happens to everyone.
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Added another unrealistic thing:

Is Jamie smart or dumb? They go back and forth him pretty severely.
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What a terrible episode.
Complete Idiot
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deadbq03 said:

Complete Idiot said:

The show is completely saccharine so all happy endings that can be imagined will probably happen.
Been thinking about this and yes, to some extent I agree.

But I'd offer that the show is uncomfortably aspirationally saccharine. It paints an optimistic picture of what humanity ought to be like, yet makes us confront the cynicism in our own hearts that perhaps doesn't really want things to be that good.

Take Ted for example. The ex-wife and Nate storylines bother us. Why doesn't he fight back? We would fight back! And yet if the shoe were on the other foot, we would absolutely want a Ted on the other side who forgives us unconditionally. It's an internal conflict we all struggle with - we frequently treat others the exact opposite of the way we'd like to be treated.

So I predict, that yes, the show will have a "happy" ending - and probably in an overly contrived and fake way… but I think that's the point, because it will leave us with a bit of lament that the world doesn't actually work this way.

And now that I'm done preaching, I'll state that I totally hope they end it in a Sandlot style recap of what happens to everyone.
Well, we agree - you added additional color to my comment, and I agree with your sentiments. It's saccharine and unrealistic but hopeful and aspirational. I think this played perfectly when the series was initially released in 2020, 5 months after the pandemic blew up. I think it was the perfect show for that time.
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