aznaggiegirl07 said:
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
no, no, no , no

aznaggiegirl07 said:
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
no, no, no , no
Sci-fi monsters are the laziest SOBs there are. If they don't get you in the first 15 seconds, they give up.bobinator said:
What happened to that creature anyway? It came from underground, and then they go underground and it just like... gave up?
hopefully it's Bill Burr and he goes into a bit on how more people should die and an easy way would be to blow up light cruisers.Definitely Not A Cop said:
What if the Armorer is actually just Kathleen Kennedy?
The joke never got old either, did you see him mouthing No and Yes when he first got in?CondensedFogAggie said:aznaggiegirl07 said:
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
no, no, no , no
redline248 said:
Oh yeah, Favrea/Filoni fans of Bluey confirmed.
jokershady said:thought about this this morning and i dont think that matters too much.....Gideon knew from the start that the mandalorians were going to be heading to Mandalore and he most likely got that information from the Armorer....TCTTS said:jabberwalkie09 said:
If The Armorer was a spy, wouldn't he know before Kane contacted him about the report that the two factions of Mandalorians had united?
I do admit, this would be a bit of a head scratcher. Unless The Armorer and Gideon were estranged for whatever reason, but then decided to make a deal, off screen, after that opening sequence with Gideon. Or maybe he's just been off the grid and not communicating with anyone.
so all that meant was that he was going to be dealing with more mandalorians than he had expected so just got more reinforcements to handle it.....
really thinking this is in the bag now that those fans that were theorizing all the way back from the first season that the armorer was a baddie are going to look like geniouses next wednesday....
PatAg said:The joke never got old either, did you see him mouthing No and Yes when he first got in?CondensedFogAggie said:
Flashdiaz said:hopefully it's Bill Burr and he goes into a bit on how more people should die and an easy way would be to blow up light cruisers.Definitely Not A Cop said:
What if the Armorer is actually just Kathleen Kennedy?
Every parent of a young child felt that onejeffk said:
Din saying "this isn't working for me" as his kid spammed the noise button on his new toy really struck me deeply.
Always a possibility. They did kind of just leave that hanging out there. Hell, maybe the armorer is the one to send for that pilot, since she knows of the connection to Din.maroon barchetta said:
Is there a chance a New Republic fleet shows up?
We had the dad from Kim's Convenience piloting the X-Wing that found that Gideon had been extracted and never went to trial. Any chance he arrives somehow with reinforcements?
The Porkchop Express said:Sci-fi monsters are the laziest SOBs there are. If they don't get you in the first 15 seconds, they give up.bobinator said:
What happened to that creature anyway? It came from underground, and then they go underground and it just like... gave up?
Just like the the spinosaurus in JP 3. Once they lock the door in the little building, that thing is like "damn, they got me."
It almost feels like something like this has to happen:maroon barchetta said:
Is there a chance a New Republic fleet shows up?
We had the dad from Kim's Convenience piloting the X-Wing that found that Gideon had been extracted and never went to trial. Any chance he arrives somehow with reinforcements?
They did just have Harrison Ford in studio doing a whole bunch of de-aging work last year for another project ...bobinator said:maroon barchetta said:
Is there a chance a New Republic fleet shows up?
We had the dad from Kim's Convenience piloting the X-Wing that found that Gideon had been extracted and never went to trial. Any chance he arrives somehow with reinforcements?
- Some new republic people come to help, but it's not a whole fleet or a sanctioned intervention
- They see the tail end of whatever is about to happen (Gideon escapes with his fleet or whatever) and maybe evidence of the shadow council coordinating empire remnants
- They report this back to the New Republic, who ignores it or doesn't believe it
This show seems to be pretty consistently setting up a "the willful ignorance of the new republic allowed the rise of the First Order" thing
The whistling birds are a one off. He might have taken out 3-5 of the bad guys, but there were plenty more. I'm more confused why he didn't jet pack outta there.Definitely Not A Cop said:
If you were a Mando, what weapons would you augment into your armor?
I think those little homing rockets are the most dangerous things around, not sure why only Din seems to use them. I would get rid of his flame thrower for a shield.
twilly said:
Whatever the New Republic finds here they will ignore it. They have to. It's what sets up the Resistance for the 3 movies nobody wants to talk about.
Malachi Constant said:
Is Darth maul alive at this time? Or is he dead dead not pretend dead?
Malachi Constant said:
Is Darth maul alive at this time? Or is he dead dead not pretend dead?
I've got it set up in my basement with colorful strings and pushpins if you ever want to come by.bobinator said:
There should be an interactive website where you can move a slider around to points in time on the Star Wars timeline and it tells you who's alive and what's going on at that point or you could just select what show/movie you're currently watching.