***** THE MANDALORIAN SEASON 3 Official Thread *****

139,886 Views | 1857 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by jokershady
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That was plenty of fun. I hoped to see Mando wreck more droids, and they went a little over the top with the cameos this week, but that's all just window dressing. Another lighter adventure episode that concluded a couple of needed plot points, mostly Bo getting the fleet back.

I was a little surprised they went with the transitive property, Harry Potter wand rules for the Darksaber, but... meh.
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DubFalls said:

I think the point of this season being a little cobbled together with Grogu brought back too fast and kinda throwing some things off.

It's still fun though. I had figured he was going to give her the dark saber in the episode the cyborg captured him. I think that would have played better.

I dunno, Mando chasing droids and then Bo fighting the other Mandalorian was fun. Good day for the Western in Space
It was like a Space Western Sheriff/Cop Procedural this time.
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I knew Lizzo was an overweight black woman rapper.

I had no idea she was that character until I read this thread.

I thought they just grabbed an overweight black woman for HUB points to pair with jack black.
The Real Napster
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The Porkchop Express said:

How do so many people not know who Lizzo is?

She was that flute lady everyone was trying to get riled up about right? For me jack blacks awfulness over shadowed big cheddar.
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I had no idea who Lizzo is until reading this thread. When I watched the episode I thought she was the lady from the commercials that does a handstand in her yoga outfit
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Pretty much everything seems laid out except for one thing with me. The hint that Moth was taken by a Mandolorian. If it's Bo Kata and she's been playing them all the entire time. Not sure what to think.
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LB12Diamond said:

Pretty much everything seems laid out except for one thing with me. The hint that Moth was taken by a Mandolorian. If it's Bo Kata and she's been playing them all the entire time. Not sure what to think.
I was very confused wondering when Mon Mothma crossed over from Andor. Then I realized who you meant.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

6.9 on IMDb. I'm sorry, but how is THAT the worst episode of the show? It's not even the worst of this season.
Star Wars "fans" are a fickle bunch. Some will start watching it in the middle of the night when it comes out, then immediately make paragraph after paragraph, post after post, complaining about how terrible it was. Then the next week they turn right back in at 2:01am Central Time and repeat the process.
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Madmarttigan said:

Maybe I shouldn't have read some of this thread but yeah 75% of that episode was terrible, and we advanced the main storyline for 10 minutes.

We have two episodes left and we still don't even have a hint of the main conflict?
is it not pretty obvious that the hint of a main conflict is the rise of Moff Gideon/The First Order/Old Imperials vs. the New Republic, while the Mandalorian's try to re-establish a home world they also have a huge axe to grind with the Moff etc.?
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I thought the episode was great. Some of the best episodes in this series are these one-off adventures. I don't care about moving a story forward, just want to be entertained for 30-60 minutes a week.
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I guess I agree from an adult perspective, but the show isn't made just for adults, and kids love the Grogu stuff.

The Mandalorian falls into the same category that Clone Wars, Rebels, and Bad Batch do for me. They are kids shows, simple storytelling with occasionally complexity, that adults can enjoy too. I think since its live action and since we've seen a much more complex narrative show (that is definitely NOT for kids), it makes it seem that they are failing at their objective. But the objective of the show isn't some complex character study about belief / belonging / etc. Its a simple version of that, that even a 5+ year old can kind of track with.

So while it would have been more meaningful for them to be apart for a whole season, you'd be alienating another key demo in the audience by doing that. It's a no win when you are trying to hit all the quadrants of fandom, which essentially is what they are finding out this season. I think those of us who have spent more time in the animated world building they have done just take it all in stride because we know/trust that things pay off and if they don't, well then that episode just wasn't for us.
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ABATTBQ11 said:

TCTTS said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

redline248 said:

DallasTeleAg said:

I was watching some videos with people talking about a couple of these episodes, and I just don't get where this idea that there is some form of antagonistic relationship between Bo and the Armorer comes from. So many keep saying that, and NOTHING that we have seen even remotely gives off that vibe.

The armorer knew who Bo was, and told Mando during Season 2, in a very matter of fact way (as she says most things). She then immediately accepts her as part of the covert, provides words of praise for Bo's actions, immediately sees a need for another piece of armor and offers it to her. Bo obviously feels some form of camaraderie, respect, or trust with the Armorer from these interactions to bring up seeing the Mythosaur. I don't think the Armorer was being dismissive, but merely responding and eventually just saying, "This is the Way."

The Armorer doesn't seem to have any motive in anything, other than living the Creed. I see her more as a mandalorian monk than anything else. Unless Bo attempts to corrupt the others or somehow tries to tear apart the Creed from within the Covert, I don't see why the Armorer would be an enemy. And from what we've seen, I believe that is last thing we would see happen. As I've mentioned already, I believe Bo is beginning to respect The Children of the Watch.
The armorer knows Bo-katan, but it's possible (likely?) that Bo-katan doesn't realize she knows the armorer.

That is to say the armorer's identity is currently unknown, but under the helmet is likely someone that Bo-katan knows from the pre-empire era. Death Watch, of which Bo-katan was once a member, didn't always keep the helmets on around others like this current group.

Now, as you say, there is nothing shown in this series that I recall which gives much, if any indication of a past acquaintance. The theories pop up because the armorer is so mysterious, knows so much of the history, and her helmet is very reminiscent of Darth Maul, who ran Death Watch literally hours before the rise of the empire.

Edit to add: The armorer probably also knows that if Bo-katan joins her sect it would only help solidify the Creed for the future of all mandalorians.

I doubt Bo Katan knows the armorer, though it's possible. The Children of the Watch seem different than Death Watch. CotW is more spiritually motivated and DW was more politically motivated. The armorer probably knows Bo Katan because she's kind of (in)famous.

I think Bo is becoming a born again Mandalorian, and she's finding religion in CotW. Her conversation in the mines kind of sets this up. I get the feeling she came to find her life on Mandalore superficial and kind of fake, but here's Din Djarin and this covert living The Way and they're genuine and profound. They're Death Watch without the politics and power seeking.

IMO Bo ends up riding the mythosaur. It's a recurring motif of change or a kind of rebirth that we've seen since season 1 when Kuiil taught Din how to ride the blurrgs. He does that, and then what does he do? He saves Grogu and starts this whole quest and new life. He's got purpose. Boba Fett rides the rancor into battle and solidifies his change from a ruthless bounty hunter to... Something else. Bo is going to end up on the mythosaur (this season seems to be about her changing after all), and I think Din somehow uses this as a way to give her the dark saber and move on with his life with Grogu while she rebuilds Mandalore. Bo riding the mythosaur will symbolize her spiritual transition and the rebirth of Mandalorian society as a whole.

If this is the case - which would be awesome - the show should have focused on Bo from the beginning. Not necessarily in place of the Mando/Grogu story, but at least a 50/50 split where we're cutting back-and-forth between their stories, which are unconnected at first and then finally connect. Because that's a really, really strong arc that actually moves in one direction (and doesn't see Bo back at square one, like Mando currently is). Otherwise, it currently feels like the Mando arc/show is basically over, and the Bo show is slowly taking its place? Which is super weird storytelling, but at this point it's just like...

Mando isn't really at square one, though. He's got Grogu, and for a guy who was basically a loner at the beginning, that's pretty big.

And sometimes it's not about the destination, but the journey. Maybe the story isn't necessarily about Din changing himself, but how he changes other people. He's had huge of impacts on Nevarro, Bo Katan, and potentially Mandalore. Capturing Gideon was pretty big as well.

I'm going to stick with the assessment above. Din's found a way to give the dark saber back. Bo's ambition to reunite Mandalore and reclaim the planet has been reignited. She has the fleet back. She has a path to political recognition. They're going to Mandalore.

I think the end of season conflict will be the return of Gideon, specifically with a Mandalorian following similar to death watch and trying to reclaim the dark saber from Bo Katan. I think he intentionally gave it to Din knowing it would split the Mandalorians and weaken them. Either he wanted to pick up the pieces or he wanted to get them off his back. Either way, they were off the table for awhile. With Din showing up at her castle, I feel like that was his trigger to attack with the TIE's and try to take her out for good.
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The other Imperial warlord out there will be Thrawn-related, I think. Maybe not him specifically, but one of his lieutenants, leading into Ashoka.
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Madmarttigan said:

Maybe I shouldn't have read some of this thread but yeah 75% of that episode was terrible, and we advanced the main storyline for 10 minutes.

We have two episodes left and we still don't even have a hint of the main conflict?

There are plenty of hints. Gideon escaped, potentially with Mandalorian help. Kane is slowly and silently sabotaging the New Republic from within. Someone with a **** ton of TIE fighters and bombers attacked Bo Katan's castle. It's pretty obvious Gideon is coming back and has his sights set on Din, Bo Katan, and Mandalore. It wouldn't shock me if he plans on trying to use Mandalore and the Mandalorians as a cornerstone for rebuilding the Empire and taking on the New Republic.
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AliasMan02 said:

The other Imperial warlord out there will be Thrawn-related, I think. Maybe not him specifically, but one of his lieutenants, leading into Ashoka.

I don't think it's another warlord. I think Gideon will have been a lieutenant of Thrawn the whole time if anything. They're both company men and truly believe in the Empire and its order/bureaucracy, so it would make sense that they both just sort of continue doing what they're doing and maintain their rank and status relative to each other.

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Maybe I adjusted expectations, but I thought the episode was fine. I can't stand Lizzo, but Jack Black was definitely the weak link in that episode.

They gave away the dark saber handoff on the recap when they showed the rescue on Mandalore, but that's no big deal.

Agree with the previous posters that they should just give the reins to Bryce Dallas Howard. The "feel" of the episode was just much better, and when I saw her name pop in the credits, it made sense.
The Porkchop Express
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Funny stuff from the actor who plays Axe Woves about he and Bo Katan's fight scene.

There's one scene where I squarely punch her (Katee Sackhoff) across the face and she falls off of the wing of a ship. And as she's falling, she shoots a grappling cable which wraps around my neck. It pulls me down and I smack the wing and go flipping over. When you see people do that a couple of times, you think, Yeah, I'm never going to tell people that I did that stunt. Nope, there's no chance I'm going to do that. That's pretty hard-core."
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WES2006AG said:

I thought the episode was great. Some of the best episodes in this series are these one-off adventures. I don't care about moving a story forward, just want to be entertained for 30-60 minutes a week.
I agree, I think the issues with the overarching story is more of a season discussion vs being a specific episodes problem. Especially in a show like this.
Disco Stu
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Why was the little green muppet knighted at the end of that episode?
The Porkchop Express
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Disco Stu said:

Why was the little green muppet knighted at the end of that episode?
You're trying too hard.
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Disco Stu said:

Why was the little green muppet knighted at the end of that episode?

Because **** you, that's why
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I don't get the Jack Black hate. I thought he did fine and that he and Lizzo were supposed to be just a little off kilter like the rest of the planet.
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I don't think it's another warlord. I think Gideon will have been a lieutenant of Thrawn the whole time if anything. They're both company men and truly believe in the Empire and its order/bureaucracy, so it would make sense that they both just sort of continue doing what they're doing and maintain their rank and status relative to each other.

I'm extremely interested in how Thrawn comes back into the game because this part is definitely not true based on everything we know about the character.

There's a lot of potential for a really good show about what Thrawn and Ezra have learned from each other out there and could accomplish together and how their worldviews impact each other.

I don't trust the people running this show to handle that well at all, because this show has all the nuance of a nuclear bomb, but someone could.
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I halfway disagree with this, because it's like this show can't really decide who it's for.

If it was always for a younger audience or always for an adult audience, then that's fine, that's what Rebels was, and it worked. It still had serious moments, but it knew what its audience was.

But in this show you have some episodes like this one which was a little silly, and then the next week you'll have a plodding procedural adult office drama like the episode with the scientist back on Coruscant. What kid liked that episode?

Our main character isn't even the main character this season, Bo Katan is. She's on some kind of journey of self-discovery and reuniting the tribes of Mandalore and the main character of the show is like her sidekick.

Like, overall, it's fine, there's still some great moments and scenes, but it just feels like they were making a show and stumbled into a better story and decided to use the characters from this show to tell that story.
The Porkchop Express
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Based on the end of Rebels, Thrawn is stuck somewhere and getting back to the main part of the galaxy has taken him this whole time or possibly is still going on, so not sure even how much communication he and Gideon would have.
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ABATTBQ11 said:

I don't get the Jack Black hate. I thought he did fine and that he and Lizzo were supposed to be just a little off kilter like the rest of the planet.


He kind of acts the same in every role

Not sure what else you would expect
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I don't really understand the complaints about the lack of forward momentum during this season. The structure of the season is not really too much different from previous seasons, and I would argue there is more foreshadowing this season than any other.

Break down the episodes:

S1E1 The Mandalorian
Introduce everyone, can't forshadow a lot

E2 The Child
The imperials want the child because he can use the Force, that's a hint!

E3 The Sin
Table is reset as Mando is forced to wander

E4 Sancuary
Introduce Cara dune, but otherwise a one-off

E5 The Gunslinger
Introduce Fennic Shand, but otherwise a one-off

E6 The Prisoner
Straight one-off

Two-part finale that features the "Moff Gideon wants Grogu" storyline (which before now had only been seen in one episode)

S2E1 The Marshal
Overall theme is looking for Jedi, but he doesn't know where they are so he looks for Mandalorians first

E2 The Passenger
One-off, no connection whatsoever

E3 The Heiress
Introduce Bo Katan, ends up pointing to Ahsoka

E4 The Siege
No connection to Jedi plot, but hints backwards to Imperials

E5 The Jedi
Ahsoka shows up and calls him Grogu, sends him further along on his quest

E6 The Tragedy
Grogu searches for jedi, boba fett makes an appearance, catalyst for action in finale

E7 The Believer
One-off all about finding Gideon

E8 The Rescue
Tie off jedi storyline and (seemingly) imperial storyline, great finale

S3E1 The Apostate
New mission for Mando- redemption. Tries to get Bo Katan to help

E2 Mines of Mandalore
Mando achieves his redemption, sets up unification of Mandalore via mythosaur

E3 The Convert
one-off...maybe? Imperial presence is shown throughout in both the space fight scene and the New Republic storyline

E4 The Foundling
Bo Katan earns the respect of the coven (and leadership cred) by rescuing a child, uniting that group behind her

E5 The Pirate
Bo Katan and Mando lead the coven in action against pirates, the undercover imperial Kane shows up again, Bo Katan is specifically given the quest to unite Mandalore

E6 Guns For Hire
With Mando's help, Bo Katan unites the Mandalorian mercenaries under her leadership (possibly) setting the stage for the finale

E7 ???
I would bet this episode sees Mando and Bo bringing in more Mandalorians while the New Republic spy plot culminates, mandalorians trying to be recruited are ones who freed Gideon

E8 ???
Battle between Mandalorians and the Imperials (probably Gideon), but this time Mandalor wins
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I haven't read any of the books about him and it's been be while since I watched Rebels, but that is what I remember of him. He and Gideon seem like the types who are all in and aren't going to waver on allegiance because the winds have shifted.
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I think spy plot culminates in the last episode with Kane and Gideon pitting the Mandalorians against the New Republic.
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The books give some background that Rebels hints at, but Thrawn is only "all-in" on the empire as a means to an end. He certainly doesn't believe in a lot of their tactics and that sort of thing.

If he comes back as some sort of Tarkin-esque company man then that will be a huge miss IMO.
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LB12Diamond said:

ABATTBQ11 said:

I don't get the Jack Black hate. I thought he did fine and that he and Lizzo were supposed to be just a little off kilter like the rest of the planet.


He kind of acts the same in every role

Not sure what else you would expect

You've obviously NEVER seen Bernie, he was SUPER masculine in that movie
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Basic Thrawn breakdown for those looking for a TLDR:

- Thrawn is from a powerful nation in the Unknown Regions known as the Chiss Ascendency. They're traditionally isolationist to the point of being legendary, but recently created a fleet to have a foothold in the rest of the Unknown Regions.

- The Chiss are familiar with the Force in a way. They use sensitive girls as navigators, but they grow out of the ability in their teens.

- Thrawn is a controversial figure in the Ascendency, but eventually was sent to evaluate the Outer Rim in the face of a threat known as the Grysks. Thrawn found the Clone Wars ongoing.

- Once the Empire emerged, Thrawn was sent to evaluate it as a possible ally against the Grysks, or failing that, someone they could use as a buffer/distraction. He is "exiled" in a way to be sure he is discovered by the Empire, and works his way up the ladder, gaining the Emperor's trust. Thrawn's loyalty was always to the Chiss, however.

- Thrawn was a vocal opponent of Project Stardust, and a political opponent to Tarkin. Thrawn favored fleets and more robust starfighters to super-weapons.

- The Emperor was about to make his power play too take over the Ascendency when Thrawn vanished.

The big question for me is, with the Emperor gone, how will Thrawn pivot? Would the NR not be the better dupes to help defend the Chiss? Or does he need the Empire in power because of the NR's lack of military might?
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Good summary, between Thrawn being an Imp that isn't really an Imp and Ezra being a Jedi that isn't really a Jedi, there's some big time potential there in the right hands.
The Porkchop Express
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I think the real question for Thrawn is why is he so long returning home? What's out there where he and Ezra wound up? Something worse than the Empire or the NR?

In the original books that are now legends, they did reverse osmosis to have him and the Chiss being aware of the threat of the Yuhzn Vong and allying with the Empire to combat what else was out there. Filoni has gone on record saying he took a lot of direction for the Ahsoka plot line from the Heir to the Empire series, which means possibly Thrawn's own cloning tech and an insane cloned Jedi and lots of other interesting things. Is he building an army out there to conquer what exists in the known realm of space or to defend it from something new?
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Finally caught up. I thought it was a fine episode even though it was pretty much a Mass Effect side mission taking place on the starliner from WALL-E.

Jack Black and Lizzo were perfect for their roles. The main storyline advanced. These final couple of episodes are going to be pretty epic I think.

Someone brought up that this show is kind of caught between being a kids show and an adult show. Which sort of makes sense - I think initially it was planned as a SW Western epic for adults (probably mostly men), but then Grogu's mass appeal with younger and female viewers made them shift gears a bit. It doesn't really impact my enjoyment of it. I don't think we were every going to get super dark or adult themed anyway... this is Disney.
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