ABATTBQ11 said:redline248 said:The armorer knows Bo-katan, but it's possible (likely?) that Bo-katan doesn't realize she knows the armorer.DallasTeleAg said:
I was watching some videos with people talking about a couple of these episodes, and I just don't get where this idea that there is some form of antagonistic relationship between Bo and the Armorer comes from. So many keep saying that, and NOTHING that we have seen even remotely gives off that vibe.
The armorer knew who Bo was, and told Mando during Season 2, in a very matter of fact way (as she says most things). She then immediately accepts her as part of the covert, provides words of praise for Bo's actions, immediately sees a need for another piece of armor and offers it to her. Bo obviously feels some form of camaraderie, respect, or trust with the Armorer from these interactions to bring up seeing the Mythosaur. I don't think the Armorer was being dismissive, but merely responding and eventually just saying, "This is the Way."
The Armorer doesn't seem to have any motive in anything, other than living the Creed. I see her more as a mandalorian monk than anything else. Unless Bo attempts to corrupt the others or somehow tries to tear apart the Creed from within the Covert, I don't see why the Armorer would be an enemy. And from what we've seen, I believe that is last thing we would see happen. As I've mentioned already, I believe Bo is beginning to respect The Children of the Watch.
That is to say the armorer's identity is currently unknown, but under the helmet is likely someone that Bo-katan knows from the pre-empire era. Death Watch, of which Bo-katan was once a member, didn't always keep the helmets on around others like this current group.
Now, as you say, there is nothing shown in this series that I recall which gives much, if any indication of a past acquaintance. The theories pop up because the armorer is so mysterious, knows so much of the history, and her helmet is very reminiscent of Darth Maul, who ran Death Watch literally hours before the rise of the empire.
Edit to add: The armorer probably also knows that if Bo-katan joins her sect it would only help solidify the Creed for the future of all mandalorians.
I doubt Bo Katan knows the armorer, though it's possible. The Children of the Watch seem different than Death Watch. CotW is more spiritually motivated and DW was more politically motivated. The armorer probably knows Bo Katan because she's kind of (in)famous.
I think Bo is becoming a born again Mandalorian, and she's finding religion in CotW. Her conversation in the mines kind of sets this up. I get the feeling she came to find her life on Mandalore superficial and kind of fake, but here's Din Djarin and this covert living The Way and they're genuine and profound. They're Death Watch without the politics and power seeking.
IMO Bo ends up riding the mythosaur. It's a recurring motif of change or a kind of rebirth that we've seen since season 1 when Kuiil taught Din how to ride the blurrgs. He does that, and then what does he do? He saves Grogu and starts this whole quest and new life. He's got purpose. Boba Fett rides the rancor into battle and solidifies his change from a ruthless bounty hunter to... Something else. Bo is going to end up on the mythosaur (this season seems to be about her changing after all), and I think Din somehow uses this as a way to give her the dark saber and move on with his life with Grogu while she rebuilds Mandalore. Bo riding the mythosaur will symbolize her spiritual transition and the rebirth of Mandalorian society as a whole.
If this is the case - which would be awesome - the show should have focused on Bo from the beginning. Not necessarily in place of the Mando/Grogu story, but at least a 50/50 split where we're cutting back-and-forth between their stories, which are unconnected at first and then finally connect. Because that's a really, really strong arc that actually moves in one direction (and doesn't see Bo back at square one, like Mando currently is). Otherwise, it currently feels like the Mando arc/show is basically over, and the Bo show is slowly taking its place? Which is super weird storytelling, but at this point it's just like...