Some outstanding 1st-round battles yesterday.
Round 2 is live. VOTE NOW!Yesterday's results
#1 I am a Jedi like my father before me/So be it, Jedi vs. #16 The Rancor revealed 94%-6%
#2 Darth Vader saves his son vs. #15 Boba Fett vs. Luke 91%-9%
#3 Palpatine unleashes the Force Lightning on Luke vs. #14 The original Force ghosts appear 70%-30%
4 Luke's NEVER and attack on Vader vs. #13 Luke burns Vader's suit 67%-33%
#5 "It is too late for me, son" vs.
#12 Leia chokes out the Hutt 33%-67%
#6 It's a trap! vs. #11 Luke lights up the green saber for the first time 64%-36%
#7 There is another Skywalker/Yoda dies vs. #10 Luke takes off Vader's hand 59%-41%
#8 Luke tells Leia about their family tradition vs. #9 General Solo? Is your strike team assembled? 52%-48%
#1 The helmet lowers onto Anakin/Vader's first breath vs. #16 Execute Order 66 - Ki Adi Mundi killed 85%-15%
#2 The look in Yoda's eyes when he pushes back on Palpatine's Force lightning vs. #15 Execute Order 66 - Cody shoots down Obi-Wan and his veractyl 75%-25%
#3 Yoda/Sidious lightsaber fight as platform rises into Senate chamber vs. #14 Owen and Beru become Jonathan and Martha Kent 94%-6%
#4 Opening 30 seconds of Anakin vs. Obi-Wan vs. #13 Yoda and Obi-Wan's last stand at the Jedi Temple 66%-34%
#5 Palpatine throws senate pods at Yoda vs.
#12 Mace Windu disarms Palpatine 34%-66%
#6 Anakin takes Mace's arm off / UNLIMITED POWER vs.
#11 Execute Order 66 - Yoda kills the clones 44%-56%
#7 Obi-Wan guarantees Anakin an all-time handicap parking tag vs. #10 Yoda slams the red guards 69%-31%
#8 Obi-Wan kills Grievous/so uncivilized vs. #9 Anakin executes Dooku 52%-48%
#1 The Jedi Voices vs. #16 Palpatine is Snoke and Vader's voices too 88%-12%
#2 Ben Solo pulls the blue lightsaber vs. Knights of Ren vs. #15 Wicket and son on Endor 91%-9%
#3 Han Solo's "Hey, kid" vs. #14 Babu Frik in Zori's Y-Wing 88%-12%
#4 Rey is all the Jedi/crosses sabers vs. #13 Rey's uncontrolled Force Lightning 66%-34%
#5 Luke / Leia training flashback vs.
#12 Chewie's reaction to Leia's death 25%-75%#6 Luke lifts his X-Wing out of the ocean vs. #11 Luke catches his lightsaber as Rey tries to destroy it 69%-31%
#7 Rey Skywalker/binary sunrise ending vs. #10 Rey enters the throne room on Death Star II 74%-26%
#8 There are more of us Poe/Lando brings the cavalry vs #
9 Leia reaches out to Ben to prevent him from killing Rey 47%-53%