First round is complete! No upsets to be seen, although I'm disappointed there wasn't more love for Lando and the Calrissian Chronicles; that was my biggest laugh of Solo.
Second round should prove tougher, especially for the Rogue One matchups sans the tops seed.
VOTE NOW!First-Round Results
#1 Vader in the Hallway vs. #16 R2/3PO cameo 100%-0%
#2 Hope/Princess Leia reveal vs. #15 Admiral Raddus tells Rogue One MTFBWY 70%-30%
#3 K2SO's last stand vs. #14 Cassian guts the spy in the alley 80%-20%
#4 Vader chokes Krennic vs. #13 First look at CGI Tarkin 83%-17%
#5 Chirrut vs. the Stormtroopers vs. #12 Mon Mothma and Bail Organa talk about Obi-Wan and Leia 57%-43%
#6 Rebel hammerheads ram the Star Destroyer vs. #11 Jyn breaks down seeing Galen's hologram message 90%-10%
#7 K2SO takes the prisoners to prison vs. #10 Chirrut dies/Baze attacks 57%-43%
#8 Jyn/Cassian on the beach/your father would have been proud vs. #9 Vader's entrance - shadow on the wall 53%-47%
#1 You're 190 years old? / Han and Chewie fly the Falcon together the first time vs. #16 The Imperial recruitment ad on Corellia 100%-0%
#2 Maul's revelation vs. #15 First look/musical cue for the Falcon 69%-31%
#3 Lando's intro / everything you've heard about me is true vs. #14 Beckett wears Lando's ROTJ disguise 90%-10%
#4 Han shoots first, kills Beckett vs. #13 Beckett's "gunslinger" intro on Nimban 97%-3%
#5 Chewie/Beckett play holo-chess vs. #12 Enfys Nest vs. Beckett fight on the train 62%-38%
#6 Me have plan of break out. You and I freedom make... by secret battle of pretend. vs. #11 Han's boast about 30 hired guns on the freighter 71%-29%
#7 The escape from Kessel vs. #10 Enfys Nest takes her helmet off 76%-24%
#8 Lando records the Calrissian Chronicles vs. #
9 Chewie tells the other Wookies goodbye on Kessel 34%-66%