Well it's a little weird. I have no doubt it is (likely) in the movie some way and not purely promotional but.....allow me to overanalyze. It's kinda my thing.
I think it is probably edited a little different then we will see it in final form. It's a little (overly) dramatic. And one thing is for damn sure that voice over does not go with that scene - and it's likely not even directed at Rey imho. In that sense it is "promotional" in that it is meant to deliver a message other than just how it appears in the movie.
Things that make me go hmmmmmm.....
1. the tracking shot through the desert before the ship comes in is an artistic gimmick - doubtful that would be shown that way in the movie. it could but it's a little pod race-esque. so could be an homage to the master Lucas.
2. She looks wayyyyyy beautiful... almost too beautiful to be in the middle of a desert 6000 miles from anything apparently and looking like a fashion model with perfect makeup.
3. the setup to run is a little odd. maybe she would do that but really ...why? And running ~20 mph vs what 200 mph of the ship is pretty meaningless. you could just stand still and vault over it too (force vault).
4. i don't know what's supposed to happen here but i'm pretty damn sure she did not clear the canopy of that thing. Her center of mass is between her hips (crotch level) and that's not higher than the canopy. Maybe she intends to land on it (and not be squashed like a bug but that seems crazy at the speed of that ship) or just crash through it.
5. Like Rickon in GOT....why not ZIG ZAG mfer.... that ship cannot turn on a dime. Or for that matter lie flat and it goes right over you, the pilot ain't scraping the ground with it and there is clearance room.
who knows. we have no context for it really and.....
anyway don't care it's a cool shot but there is a lot to wonder about if not question.Below is why I say she does not clear the canopy - this is at the apex of her jump. She isn't going up any more at this point.
Anyway can't wait to see it in context.