****** Game of Thrones - Season 8 ******

2,216,995 Views | 14667 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Prosperdick
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WestAustinAg said:

I feel like most complainers aren't really comparing the quality or realism of this season to prior seasons in a honest way. There have always been moments in the seasons that were far less realistic and even more wtf than this season. There were many scenes and plot lines and motivations that never made any sense. But we overlooked it because we had fewer expectations of the way it should go. I mean for 5+ seasons all good people died and all bad people prospered. That's the most unrealistic plot device ever created.

Maybe it's just disappointment that the series is coming to a close and those that are unhappy just really want the show to end the way they want the show to end.

Too many of you keep trying to rewrite the final episode storylines to align with the generally most common, read easily predictable plot, sort of like most Hollywood movies do now.
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gigemJTH12 said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

gigemJTH12 said:

wangus12 said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

The first guaranteed survivor of Game of Thrones. Because they can't afford him in the budget

He is Tormunds now. And no WAY Tormund is gone for good.

Ghost isn't done.
That was pretty clearly a goodbye scene for Tormund. How/why do you think he returns?

I think Jon said "hope to see you again one day" and Tormund said "you never know".

I took that to mean, the writers are setting up Jon to deny the Throne... the very last scene of the series, after all the battles are won. Jon is missing from King's Landing - no one knows where he went, but he's just gone. Dany ascends to the throne. Cut to Tormund and ghost in the Real North out hunting in the forest. A dark shape appears on the horizon and begins to walk towards them. Ghost bears his teeth, but then whimpers when he sees it's Jon. Jon and Tormund embrace and Tormund says something like "Couldn't hack it as a southern King, eh? We could use some smaller men up here in the real north, to wash the dishes and cook our food. Welcome home..."
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Stolen from Reddit


Wow so Grey worm is not gonna date Missandei anymore just because someone cut off a part of her? What a ****ing hypocrite.


When your daughter couldn't keep a secret for a day that you kept for 18 years until the day you died.
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wangus12 said:

Stolen from Reddit


Wow so Grey worm is not gonna date Missandei anymore just because someone cut off a part of her? What a ****ing hypocrite.

That is too soon to criticize. There is plenty that Grey Worm could still do with her. Just ask Jeffrey Dahmer.
Bunk Moreland
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Maybe it's just disappointment that the series is coming to a close and those that are unhappy just really want the show to end the way they want the show to end.
You and others keep hammering this drum and it couldn't be further from the truth.

It can end 800 different ways for all I care. Just tell a good and well-written story while doing it.
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i think the other point is that an episode like this--with some plot holes and a bit slow-would have been fine in the middle of season 7 when we still had 10 more episodes. but we're running out of time and with only two episodes till the damn thing ends, folks get even madder when it's not as good as they hoped it would be.

gonna rewatch it tonight and i have the feeling ill appreciate it more

also i cant help but feel bad for drogon. his two brothers are dead and mom keeps making him fight. can only imagine him waking up being like mom cut this **** out. im tired.
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Sansa has no business being the head of anything. Sure, she's had some life experiences, but she's still a little spoiled brat that lets her emotions make her decisions. Little lady Mormont - THAT was a woman to sit upon a thrown. I hate that she kicked the biscuit down the road. :/
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It can end 800 different ways for all I care. Just tell a good and well-written story while doing it.

yes, but please tell it the way i want it to be told otherwise i will hate your show forever
Urban Ag
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I purposely didn't read this thread last night as I kind of gave up on it over the weekend as all the constant beeeotching just wore me out.

EP4 was absolutely awesome. My favorite part......for all of you that have incessantly complained about how bubblegum panning to the fans that GOT has become, they completely and totally built upon last episode and ripped the rug out from under you. HAR! /Tormund

Was it not obvious that so many characters survived the BoW so they could wreck shop on your emotions over the final three episodes? I hated that Rhaegal seemingly died so casually but no one saw that coming. Executing Missandei was out of left field and will drive Grey Worm to beserker status and probably was the last straw to Dany going mad Queen. Tyrion found his balls, Varys found um, uh, backbone. The masterminds reengage for the final stretch. Arya turning down Gendry was cold but predictable but it's not over. Don't write that one off. I called the Jamie/Brienne hookup years ago. And......I don't think we've seen the last Tormund. And Brienne and Jamie will meet again before he dies.

This episode was f'ing awesome.

My takes:

Jamie doesn't feel he is worthy of Brienne and panicked. He's going back to KL to fulfill his destiny to end Cersei, not to be with her again.

Dany is going Mad Queen but won't actually go through with it.

No idea where they are taking Jon's arc at this point but given how awesome this episode was I have faith they have a fitting ending for him.

As many predicted, Dany would find new allies (Dorne's new prince/army) and more Unsullied and Dothraki survived than it appeared (shocker - sarcasm). I think this is why Rhaegal was killed off so abruptly. Dany back on the upswing then boom, skewered dragon. By the way I hate seeing the dragons die.

Euron is likely going to die screaming soon. And Euron will flip on Cersei if he thinks she'll lose.

Time to eat my crow. Clegane Bowl is on. No question. I blew that call. Happy to admit as it is part and parcel to this season getting dumped on its head which I love.

Dislikes = few

Ghost. See ya boy, it's been a good ride. F that. Why? That was terrible.

Bronn. My wife and I literally looked at each other at the end of that scene and said "that was just stupid". Hey, I'll kill you lads if you don't promise me Highgarden. Ok, you can have Highgarden. Great, later. So if Dany/Jon wins we're giving one of the best castle's in the realm to this ******* who threatened to kill us and now is on the losing side of the war and will be begging us not to feed him to Drogon? ok. dumb.

Great episode.
Trident 88
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FIDO95 said:

I don't see Sansa on the Iron Throne simply because "there must always be a Stark in Winterfell". There is no one left; Jon is a Targaryen, Bran is the 3ER, and Arya is literally "no one".

I think the Iron Throne and Kings Landing gets nuked by dragon fire and wildfire ala the scourge of the shire.

But what the Hell do I know?! I've been convinced for years that Howland Reed and Dawn would show back up!!
Good point. Crap...

Jon is going to die, and Dany will either die or leave Westeros. So, if it isn't going to be Sansa, then I'll go with no one (and I don't mean Arya).
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aTmAg said:

I don't want to turn this thread into a history argument, but look up the list of wars by death toll. There were many ancient wars where 100s of thousands or even millions died. Many of the dead were civilians. I agree that killing 100% of the population was not common, it was common to kill a bunch and then sell the rest to slavery. Either way, the population and society is destroyed.
I think the issue is that this is basically a war of succession among one land (Westeros.) So comparing it to one race of people trying to wipe out another race of people is not exactly the case. (Even if it was the case, those kind of wars were pretty rare).

It's not really worth arguing about probably, but all I'm saying is that wiping out a civilian population without thinking about it wasn't a common occurrence in ancient/medieval warfare, and it definitely isn't a 21st century creation. Like I said, if anything, acceptance that the populace can be a target of war is a relatively new thing.
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Anyone defending this last episode has to be a casual viewer who doesn't really know what's going on. The writing is so bad. Reddit's ASOIAF and Gameofthrones boards both think it was a disaster. I'm so disappointed.


No discussion of the night king, how Arya got to him, what they wanted, nothing. They mourn the minor characters for twenty minutes and then....


Then Daenerys really wants her throne still. Asks Aegon to hide his identity. Selfish. Stupid. Petty in the big scheme of things.

Jamie being a changed man then all of a sudden deciding to leave makes no sense.

Not showing Arya and Sansa's reaction to finding out about Aegon is unforgivable. Sansa was awful to Jon as kids, maybe even an apology would have been nice.

The single, dumbest, most infuriating part of the episode? TYRION AGAIN LOOKS STUPID. Once again he fails trying to outwit Cersei. When was the last time Tyrion was smart?

Daenerys will die unless Jon dies for her in Ned Stark fashion. I have a feeling he will when he left ghost behind.
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chiken said:

Sansa has no business being the head of anything. Sure, she's had some life experiences, but she's still a little spoiled brat that lets her emotions make her decisions. Little lady Mormont - THAT was a woman to sit upon a thrown. I hate that she kicked the biscuit down the road. :/
She got popped like a can of biscuits
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MuckRaker96 said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

Opening scene of the battle at KL:

All the scorpions are aimed at Dany and her small army. Cersei has them dead to rights.

Suddenly, magical portals start opening all around them.

And through the portals enter:
Tormund & Ghost with a wilding army;
the Dorne army;
the Tully army;
the Second Sons;
Brienne & Pod;
The Hound & Arya;
Nymeria & her band of wolves;
Jon leading the Unsullied & Dothraki;
a ghost Stark army;
and Howland Reed.

Music swells.
I made this joke a week ago and 10 people spent the next 5 pages trying to get me banned.
It's called an Oathgate.

/nerd cross-over

Orlando Ayala Cant Read
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Sansa is really no different than Dany.

Both are greedy. Both want their way no matter what. Both refuse to see big picture in anything. Both are ruled by emotion.
Urban Ag
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Good Lord of Light! Now that Gendry has been legitimized, Jon doesn't want the Iron Throne, Dany is likely going to die or leave Westeros, and Sansa wants to stay in the 'Noth...Gendry taking the Iron Throne as the third party candidate being advised by Davos doesn't sound nearly as forkin stupid as it did just a few weeks ago.

Joffrey is looking up from hell and laughing his ass off.
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Cersei sends bron to kill tyrion and jamie but Munch Munch walks up to the castle wall and she spares him?
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i dont think tyrion looked stupid. overly emotional sure, but not stupid.

he knew it was inevitable and he likely knows that dany, in her current state, will lose. he was trying to appeal to cersei's emotion. dont think he got outwitted, he's just showing his idealism which might be off character for him, but i think the time for outwitting someone is gone.
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Orlando Ayala Cant Read said:

Sansa is really no different than Dany.

Both are greedy. Both want their way no matter what. Both refuse to see big picture in anything. Both are ruled by emotion.
I disagree here. Sansa doesn't seem to be all that greedy. She seems perfectly content for the north to keep to itself if Dany or Jon would let it. And she does see the big picture. She was the one organizing the food and whatnot for the armies at Winterfell and she's the one who thinks they should rest up and regroup before marching south.

I don't think she's any more emotional than anyone else on the show except in the sense that she doesn't want her people wiped out.
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Why didn't Jaime and Tyrion send some of the unsullied to kill Bron on his way out? I don't understand why they just let him leave as easily as he snuck in.
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easttexasaggie04 said:

Why didn't Jaime and Tyrion send some of the unsullied to kill Bron on his way out? I don't understand why they just let him leave as easily as he snuck in.
because a Lanister always pays their debts! And they're indebted to him for not murdering them outright, which he clearly could have done.
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Orlando Ayala Cant Read said:

Sansa is really no different than Dany.

Both are greedy. Both want their way no matter what. Both refuse to see big picture in anything. Both are ruled by emotion.


Sansa learned how to play the game. Daenerys just expects everyone to bend to her will.

Couldn't be more different.
Urban Ag
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Dude, I have read every book at least twice, a couple three times, and seen every episode at least twice.

The book and the series have always been about the Game of Thrones. Always. 90% GOT, 10% The WW/Prophecy/etc. Dany's entire arc has always been to take the Iron Throne. The NK was a quick detour.

If you don't like it, that's fine. I don't think it has been done perfectly either. But the show writers simply can't replicate GRRM's mind. They can't.

Get over it. Last night was pure awesome.
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bobinator said:

aTmAg said:

I don't want to turn this thread into a history argument, but look up the list of wars by death toll. There were many ancient wars where 100s of thousands or even millions died. Many of the dead were civilians. I agree that killing 100% of the population was not common, it was common to kill a bunch and then sell the rest to slavery. Either way, the population and society is destroyed.
I think the issue is that this is basically a war of succession among one land (Westeros.) So comparing it to one race of people trying to wipe out another race of people is not exactly the case. (Even if it was the case, those kind of wars were pretty rare).

It's not really worth arguing about probably, but all I'm saying is that wiping out a civilian population without thinking about it wasn't a common occurrence in ancient/medieval warfare, and it definitely isn't a 21st century creation. Like I said, if anything, acceptance that the populace can be a target of war is a relatively new thing.
I think it's the other way. I guarantee you that in caveman days, there was no distinguishing between "uniformed' soldiers and civilians. All the men and male children in one tribe were killed and the women raped, enslaved, etc. by an other. That the notion of getting dressed up in uniform going out to an open field and sparing the civilian population was a later development.

My main point over this whole discussion is that the only thing the show seems to be basing the "Dani is going mad" thing over is that she killed the Tarlys (after giving them a choice). That was NOTHING. Her dad was burning people for amusement and wanted to burn the entire city. Executing enemy soldiers during wartime is not in the same ballpark or sport for that matter.
Bunk Moreland
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Was it not obvious that so many characters survived the BoW so they could wreck shop on your emotions over the final three episodes? I hated that Rhaegal seemingly died so casually but no one saw that coming.
love how these goalposts have shifted.

We were told Ep2 was the way it was because it'd be the last time we'd see so many of these characters on screen together so it was super duper important to draw every character in and give everyone a moment on screen with old pals. Then there were pick em contests of who lives and dies. Once no major characters died after the BoW and there are still so many conveniently alive, we're now justifying it because they want to 'wreck shop on our emotions over the final 3 episodes.'
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chipotle said:

The complaining about complainers is getting old.

Now we're on to complaining about the complaining about the complaining?
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When was the last time Tyrion was smart?
That would require smart writing. Something we are way past it seems...
Nobody cares. Work Harder
Urban Ag
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Told by who? Did the show writers state that Ep2 was a sendoff episode?

I can pull up my prediction death pool that MuckRacker is tracking. I was off net 4 character deaths for BoW and none of them were majors.

Still don't understand the notion that "everyone has to die" to make this worthwhile or the notion that because you survived the BoW you wouldn't die later.
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There was also the murdering and crucifying of the masters at Meereen that her advisors warned her against as well that ultimately caused a bunch of trouble for her.

Also who cares about cavemen days. This show is clearly set as some kind of medieval equivalent, and during that time most of the fighting was usually done by paid soldiers, against paid soldiers. If you laid siege to a city, usually the goal was to get a surrender or for the people in the city to overthrow the lord/king.

Very rarely did anyone just burn down a whole city to try and overthrow one person. There's hundreds of years of medieval wars and battles of succession to look at.

I do agree with your base premise though that she hasn't done anything really bad yet, but that's also why she still has people on her side. I think people are assuming she's going to, and then she'll lose the people she has. I think it's more of a prediction that people are making than it is anything that's already happened.

In the 'game of thrones' so to speak, Dany's biggest enemy is probably herself. If she would just have patience, it seems her side winning is inevitable, but she doesn't have any patience and now Cersei is trying to play on that and provoke her into battle.
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C@LAg said:

OK, did I miss a scene tonight?

Tyrion and Sansa had their scene and she asks her question.... and then cutaway, and next thing you know both Tyrion and Varys are talking about Jon's parentage matter-of-factly, with no surprise.

So much KEY information being handled off screen this season it is ridiculous.
Sansa sort of let the cat out of the bag in this scene. Sansa says Starks dont do well in KL. He reminds her that he isn't a Stark. She gets shaky and a bit weepy....then suggests to Tyrion that there is someone else, someone better (maybe more ruler like as well as closer to the Throne in legitimacy). This seems to have immediately clued Tyrion in that Jon isn't the ******* son that we were all told he was.

Go to 3:30

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Urban Ag said:

Dude, I have read every book at least twice, a couple three times, and seen every episode at least twice.

The book and the series have always been about the Game of Thrones. Always. 90% GOT, 10% The WW/Prophecy/etc. Dany's entire arc has always been to take the Iron Throne. The NK was a quick detour.

If you don't like it, that's fine. I don't think it has been done perfectly either. But the show writers simply can't replicate GRRM's mind. They can't.

Get over it. Last night was pure awesome.

Hell, even GRRM himself apparently can't replicate the mind that wrote the books, otherwise we'd have another 2 books, and quality source material for the show writers to take from

Does anyone really think HBO and their team thought they'd be finishing a story that hasn't seen new source material since season 1?
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So how did Dany not see the ships? How were they ambushed by them? Those things require line of sight and there's no way a fleet of ships would "ambush" flying dragons.

Also what sort of wizardry would propel those missiles at that velocity and range? Just bad writing really.
Big Al 1992
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As much as we love Tyrion, does he have any more purpose? It would have been a brave fitting end for his character if he'd gone out at the castle wall like Sonny Corleone but instead of bullets in a swarm of arrows with both sides just standing and watching. He had taken Dany as far as he could. And one more reason for Jon, Sansa, Dany and Jaime to go all out on Cersei - they all cared for him.
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BallerStaf2003 said:

Anyone defending this last episode has to be a casual viewer who doesn't really know what's going on. The writing is so bad. Reddit's ASOIAF and Gameofthrones boards both think it was a disaster. I'm so disappointed.


No discussion of the night king, how Arya got to him, what they wanted, nothing. They mourn the minor characters for twenty minutes and then....


Then Daenerys really wants her throne still. Asks Aegon to hide his identity. Selfish. Stupid. Petty in the big scheme of things.

Jamie being a changed man then all of a sudden deciding to leave makes no sense.

Not showing Arya and Sansa's reaction to finding out about Aegon is unforgivable. Sansa was awful to Jon as kids, maybe even an apology would have been nice.

The single, dumbest, most infuriating part of the episode? TYRION AGAIN LOOKS STUPID. Once again he fails trying to outwit Cersei. When was the last time Tyrion was smart?

Daenerys will die unless Jon dies for her in Ned Stark fashion. I have a feeling he will when he left ghost behind.
the NK and his whole army are defeated...done and finished...what is there to talk about when there is still a battle to be fought? do you want them to sit down and do a sidebar camera interview like in The Office and explain everything second by second to you? good grief

mistakes like this have happened on basically every show...WGAS

Jamie decided to leave because he realized that he could not be at peace until he destroyed Cersei and atoned for all the sins he committed in her name...thats why he left...because he HAS changed...him staying behind is what would have made no sense

I dont think their reaction is as big of a deal as people make it out to be....it actually is kind of inconsequential in the greater scheme of things

I think Tyrion looked brilliant executing the strategy they had discussed prior...he knew full well that Missandei was a goner, but by giving Cersei a chance, he exposed her as the monster she truly is. he pantsed her hard in that scene and i suspect that it will cost her on loyalty big time from a few parties before its all said and done
Definitely Not A Cop
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This episode was classic GOT. Loved it. I think Tyrion is going to end up killing Varys, or Vice versa.
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