Was it known info

Was it known info
The Night King seems to exist in - or to be able to see into - more than one place in time, since he was with Bran in at least one of his visions with the TER. He knew Dany was going to bring her dragons north of the wall.Zombie Jon Snow said:redline248 said:
I'm sure the walkers had a plan to get past it (no idea what it could be), but the dragon was obviously an easy plot device that requires no explanation
the NK knew they would bring the dragon north of the wall (from his seeing ability)....and THAT was the plan all along....zombie a dragon to bring down the wall.
explains why they met them where they did, and waited as long as they did to attack, and explains why they happened to have a weapon to kill a dragon, and explains why they had the chains nearby to drag a dragon up from the water.
Episode IV said:
If he can see the future, then what else can he see? Can he see that he is going to win? If he see's defeat, why would he bother?Belton Ag said:The Night King seems to exist in - or to be able to see into - more than one place in time, since he was with Bran in at least one of his visions with the TER. He knew Dany was going to bring her dragons north of the wall.Zombie Jon Snow said:redline248 said:
I'm sure the walkers had a plan to get past it (no idea what it could be), but the dragon was obviously an easy plot device that requires no explanation
the NK knew they would bring the dragon north of the wall (from his seeing ability)....and THAT was the plan all along....zombie a dragon to bring down the wall.
explains why they met them where they did, and waited as long as they did to attack, and explains why they happened to have a weapon to kill a dragon, and explains why they had the chains nearby to drag a dragon up from the water.
Brian Earl Spilner said:I mean, the gate isn't all that wide. All they would've needed is to light that tunnel on fire and none of the wights can come through.aTmAg said:Couldn't they have just gone in through that gate? That seemed like a big weakness. A sort of a flaw in the story, IMO.Brian Earl Spilner said:
Personally, I don't love the idea of a "magic item" like a horn bringing it down, but then again, as cool as it was to see a dragon bring it down, I didn't love that either.
It essentially made it so that our heroes were the reason they were able to attack Winterfell in the first place. The Wall had stood for generations, and there wasn't any huge reason to think the Wall couldn't stop them this time.
Which is ironic to think about, in hindsight. Tyrion tells her "sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing to do", when she has to go rescue everyone.
In this case, doing nothing would have meant the death of everyone who ventured beyond the wall, but it also ensured the Army of the Dead would never cross.
It has been years but I believe in the books they mention that they can collapse the tunnel at Castle Black if needed.redline248 said:Brian Earl Spilner said:I mean, the gate isn't all that wide. All they would've needed is to light that tunnel on fire and none of the wights can come through.aTmAg said:Couldn't they have just gone in through that gate? That seemed like a big weakness. A sort of a flaw in the story, IMO.Brian Earl Spilner said:
Personally, I don't love the idea of a "magic item" like a horn bringing it down, but then again, as cool as it was to see a dragon bring it down, I didn't love that either.
It essentially made it so that our heroes were the reason they were able to attack Winterfell in the first place. The Wall had stood for generations, and there wasn't any huge reason to think the Wall couldn't stop them this time.
Which is ironic to think about, in hindsight. Tyrion tells her "sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing to do", when she has to go rescue everyone.
In this case, doing nothing would have meant the death of everyone who ventured beyond the wall, but it also ensured the Army of the Dead would never cross.
The NK has extinguished fires by walking through them, at least twice. Once at the 3ER's cave, once when he killed Viserion.
It's possible he sees what he thinks is the outcome and that's why he is doing what he is doing. Maybe the outcome can be changed, and that's what Bran is going to do.aTmAg said:If he can see the future, then what else can he see? Can he see that he is going to win? If he see's defeat, why would he bother?Belton Ag said:The Night King seems to exist in - or to be able to see into - more than one place in time, since he was with Bran in at least one of his visions with the TER. He knew Dany was going to bring her dragons north of the wall.Zombie Jon Snow said:redline248 said:
I'm sure the walkers had a plan to get past it (no idea what it could be), but the dragon was obviously an easy plot device that requires no explanation
the NK knew they would bring the dragon north of the wall (from his seeing ability)....and THAT was the plan all along....zombie a dragon to bring down the wall.
explains why they met them where they did, and waited as long as they did to attack, and explains why they happened to have a weapon to kill a dragon, and explains why they had the chains nearby to drag a dragon up from the water.
And why can't Bran see the outcome too?
With that song? Or is this sarcasm?C@LAg said:
It will have a new title sequence.
Either I didn't pay close enough attention when I watched, or most of this is in the books. Because I have no clue on 80% of what he was talking about.Brian Earl Spilner said:
Speaking of the Crypts of Winterfell and the bodies of the Starks, here's some interesting watches. (Haven't seen part 2 yet.)
C@LAg said:Entire new sequence, same theme song. Supposedly plan is to update each week as the ice moves south.Brian Earl Spilner said:With that song? Or is this sarcasm?C@LAg said:
It will have a new title sequence.
But seriously, the whole map covered in snow and ice would be baller.
Melisandre actress leaked partial clip during premier last week
I don't think it's a bad plan to go get one. The bad part of the plan was sending the King of the North himself to go get one.clinker03 said:
They went north to capture a wight and bring it back to Cersei so should would believe that there is an army of the dead. The end result would be for everyone to fight the Army of the dead together so they would have a better chance of survival. And yes, it was the dumbest plan ever. I just rewatched them hatching the plan and it still bothers me.
storyline iirc. If they did 10 episodes like normal they would have had to either cut a bunch out or add a bunch of filler bs. They decided to cut the number of episodes to make 2 half seasons to finish the showdouble aught said:
It seems that some of the issues with season 7 would've been alleviated with three more episodes. Why did they only make seven?
double aught said:
It seems that some of the issues with season 7 would've been alleviated with three more episodes. Why did they only make seven?