who is supposed to recognize her? Blake? He'd be the only one most likely that is part of security detail or check in...and his mind is obviously a thousand ways from the girls that night, considering the business going down.
I don't think it's that out of the realm for her to not be detected by 1 guy who's attention is divided at best, but then to be noticed when multiple guys are looking at security footage of their security guard getting massacred by a chick. At that point they'd clearly know she's professional, and start putting puzzle pieces together.
I'm not trying to defend the writing or say it's clever. I long ago accepted that the writing is more Shield than Wire this year. My point is, out of all things to criticize...this one is not close to one of them imo.
I'll concede that on looking at security footage that they could figure out who she was (though again it raises the question how there were security cameras to catch her face but no alarm system in sight).
But it's still a pretty big suspension of disbelief that a cop that was in that high profile a massacre walking into a party with probably a dozen men somewhat connected to the investigation that led to the massacre (fairly safe to say that at those parties Casper wasn't a stranger) just wasn't noticed.
And The Shield was a loosely written show, but it didn't have gaping plot holes like that. Again, it's more '24' than anything.