quote:Here is the part of the
Still shot from episode 8 below - is the girl in the middle Caspere's assistant?

quote:Here is the part of the
Still shot from episode 8 below - is the girl in the middle Caspere's assistant?
quote:they are going to be the True Detective version of Huell.
Not to mention that his mom and fianc are still in that motel room.
I'm on the side that thinks Birdman is orphaned brother and that orphaned brother is movie set producer. The sister/Caspere's asst being at the movie set and that car being tied to the movie just seem to significant for it to not tie back that way.
Seems like the 90 minute finale will go by fast. Lots of action still to happen in 90 minutes. I'm hoping AB, RV and VV all survive.
Wanted Woodrugh to survive too but thought they did a great job with his end. In some ways it was easy to see coming but after the feeling of relief that he killed the other 4 guys and was home free his death swung the emotions in a big way. He was probably my least favorite character of the season but this episode really made me like him a lot. Great writing/acting in this episode on all parts.
It's a stretch but doesn't bother me that much. What if the chief got out and called Burress? The chief would have known which way Woodrugh was headed. Woodrugh was also told when he first walked up that he had lots of eyes on him.
Even if it was lazy writing they still swung the pendulum of emotions and had me completely hooked to the screen.
If [Nic Pizzolatto] wanted to do another season, I told him our door is open. I'd love to do another season with himI think he's an enormously talented writer, and I have already called him and said, 'Nic, if you want to do a Season 3, let's start talking.'
When Ani/Rachel and CF we're naming off names at the party - did we see all of them at some point in that house? I'm lost on who is who other than the 4 main folks and a few others.
The guy VV beats up and shoots - he killed Stan? Who was this guy?
The dudes in the tunnel - where did the ring leader come from - Blackwater?
Do we know who killed the lady copy that CF found - wasn't that CF's boss?
I guess I must've missed this, but how do we know it was RV's gun that was used to kill the DA?
quote:Then after getting the documents back, he will tie Ani and Ray together back to back on a chair in a room with a laser or saw or something slowly inching toward them while he makes his escape.
It's just tough for me to ignore stuff like that coming fresh off the "Muhahah lets discuss our evil plan and lets take these evil documents that could destroy us all and put them in this desk drawer and go back to the party."
Next episode -- villian holds someone hostage attempting to get the evil documents back.
quote:quote:Then after getting the documents back, he will tie Ani and Ray together back to back on a chair in a room with a laser or saw or something slowly inching toward them while he makes his escape.
It's just tough for me to ignore stuff like that coming fresh off the "Muhahah lets discuss our evil plan and lets take these evil documents that could destroy us all and put them in this desk drawer and go back to the party."
Next episode -- villian holds someone hostage attempting to get the evil documents back.
It's not that bad, but the main baddy (possibly) waiting at the random door where Paul makes his escape was pretty weak. Some have said that they probably had all the exits covered (that would take a lot more guys in the conspiracy, but we can go with that for a minute) - but why? Paul was disarmed and surrounded by 4-5 special forces guys. Why would anyone even be worried about an escape?
Also, how did the APB on Ani get put out so quickly? You had a criminal body guard killed at an illegal sex party, surrounded by countless people who would not want their presence at the party known. She was undercover. So who not only recognized her, but also stepped up as a witness, outing himself as a participant in the party?
Also, how did the APB on Ani get put out so quickly? You had a criminal body guard killed at an illegal sex party, surrounded by countless people who would not want their presence at the party known. She was undercover. So who not only recognized her, but also stepped up as a witness, outing himself as a participant in the party?
Also, how did the APB on Ani get put out so quickly? You had a criminal body guard killed at an illegal sex party, surrounded by countless people who would not want their presence at the party known. She was undercover. So who not only recognized her, but also stepped up as a witness, outing himself as a participant in the party?
Because police officers and major people in major positions of power were there. As soon as a security guard got sliced and diced, I'd assume they looked at video or something and recognized her(remember last week how many on the interwebs and even this thread were crying that it wasn't believable because she was only wearing a wig-that the lieutenant and state AG would totally recognize it's her?)...well they did probably as soon as they saw security footage while still at the party.
The BOLO would grab her, and then hold her until the "proper' authorities arrived, which would no doubt be tied into those guys.
The power players at the party don't have to say what's going on to police, when they are the bosses of the police. It was a private party. End of story. Seriously, in this corrupt world we have been thrown in to, that's completely believable for this show.
They got the bolo out because they have the cops in their pocket.
Catalyst now has a team of ex special forces guys working for them, the AG, Venci PD....
We've got VV with an orphan backstory that is going to find out that his $5 mil & life changing business deal was turned sideways because 2 orphan took revenge on their parents killers. That ought come to an interesting conclusion.
quote:Dang man, you may want to try watching some episodes twice.
When Ani/Rachel and CF we're naming off names at the party - did we see all of them at some point in that house? I'm lost on who is who other than the 4 main folks and a few others.
The guy VV beats up and shoots - he killed Stan? Who was this guy?
The dudes in the tunnel - where did the ring leader come from - Blackwater?
Do we know who killed the lady copy that CF found - wasn't that CF's boss?
quote:The guy waiting at the random door bugged the hell out of me, but the Ani thing is explainable. You had cops at the party. You also had pliable hookers who could be persuaded or coerced into acting as witnesses. Cops don't need to out themselves and they have enough power/influence that they can push it through to the APB without raising too many eyebrows.quote:Then after getting the documents back, he will tie Ani and Ray together back to back on a chair in a room with a laser or saw or something slowly inching toward them while he makes his escape.
It's just tough for me to ignore stuff like that coming fresh off the "Muhahah lets discuss our evil plan and lets take these evil documents that could destroy us all and put them in this desk drawer and go back to the party."
Next episode -- villian holds someone hostage attempting to get the evil documents back.
It's not that bad, but the main baddy (possibly) waiting at the random door where Paul makes his escape was pretty weak. Some have said that they probably had all the exits covered (that would take a lot more guys in the conspiracy, but we can go with that for a minute) - but why? Paul was disarmed and surrounded by 4-5 special forces guys. Why would anyone even be worried about an escape?
Also, how did the APB on Ani get put out so quickly? You had a criminal body guard killed at an illegal sex party, surrounded by countless people who would not want their presence at the party known. She was undercover. So who not only recognized her, but also stepped up as a witness, outing himself as a participant in the party?