Haha I didn't mean you dude! Though we differ on this one, I enjoy reading your thoughts on shows.
Drugs already in her blood stream, but she can make herself puke and magically sober up?
It can help. Also a rush of adrenaline and almost dying would clear you up a bit too.
By that point, it wouldn't, but I don't really give a crap about medical accuracy in TV shows not about medicine.
Dont get me wrong, its the only show i tune into every week... just pointing out to those posters defending the way the story "doesnt wrap up with a neat bow" and "its different" because its a show about how true detective work goes that for the 2nd time in 2 seasons the main piece of implicating evidence has surfaced from a "detective" breaking into a mansion and getting the secret documents.
Not exactly real high brow storytelling.
quote:Also good for the show in that it will have to compete in the Limited Series category instead of Drama. It might have a chance to actually win Limited Series.
yes no question...whatever you think of the show/writing/directing/music/cinematography.......
there is no denying Colin Ferrell is nailing this....I always though he had real talent but poor role choices...this is perfect for him.
I was not in the "give him the emmy" camp with Mcconaughey....thought he was very good and deserved the nom, but was definitely in the Bryan Cranston camp.....
but I'm ready to give it to Colin Ferrell right now. No Hamm or Cranston next year and I can;t see any of the current noms topping this either.
Drugs already in her blood stream, but she can make herself puke and magically sober up?
Drugs already in her blood stream, but she can make herself puke and magically sober up?
Not to mention that is not at all what Molly does to you.
Drugs already in her blood stream, but she can make herself puke and magically sober up?
Not to mention that is not at all what Molly does to you.
It probably wasn't Molly. Real easy to lie to a sex girl to get her to take whatever.
Drugs already in her blood stream, but she can make herself puke and magically sober up?
Not to mention that is not at all what Molly does to you.
It probably wasn't Molly. Real easy to lie to a sex girl to get her to take whatever.
Non-hallucinogens that make you feel good are what you would give high end hookers at a gathering like this. Not acid or bath salts or whatever it was they gave her.
What if Blake is chads bio dad and he gave VV the info in beginning to throw off that investigation. VV can't tell cf yet because he needs to find out what Blake is into/get hard drive. Blake used Leo connections to frame the recent arrest and cause issues between vv and cf because he knows vv is getting suspicious.
Bad ass episode. Amazing last 3. Some of you are off your rockers.
I think it's just that some of you have something against particular cast members and can't see through it.
Also, mcadams looked super hot in black wig.
Drugs already in her blood stream, but she can make herself puke and magically sober up?
It can help. Also a rush of adrenaline and almost dying would clear you up a bit too.
By that point, it wouldn't, but I don't really give a crap about medical accuracy in TV shows not about medicine.
She was still heavily influenced by the end of the episode to the point where she had to practically be dragged to the car.
Another item that I find wildly intriguing is the severe discrepancy of opinions on this season. You can roll through this board topic or weekly reviews on the webz and find everything. One person says CF sucks, another says he's great. Someone says VV isn't any good, while another lauds his portrayal of the over-the-hill mobster whose heart isn't into what he's being forced to do. Someone says Taylor Kitsch is bad, another thinks his inner torture at what he is is fascinating. Some people hate that the plot is too deep to follow, others like a story that unfolds as it goes and doesn't baby you with its findings.
To me, it's the coming to a head of different styles of viewers. This season is darker (at least to me) than Season 1. It's like someone took The Usual Suspects and dropped it a vat of hemlock. A lot of people want the issues spelled out for them in the first episode or two and then want to spend the rest of the show solving a case. This season has taken the approach of the viewer learning more about the case as the show goes on. Instead of everything becoming clearer, it becomes more convoluted. It's a really cool way to do a show. That kind of thing isn't for everyone.
Another item that I find wildly intriguing is the severe discrepancy of opinions on this season. You can roll through this board topic or weekly reviews on the webz and find everything. One person says CF sucks, another says he's great. Someone says VV isn't any good, while another lauds his portrayal of the over-the-hill mobster whose heart isn't into what he's being forced to do. Someone says Taylor Kitsch is bad, another thinks his inner torture at what he is is fascinating. Some people hate that the plot is too deep to follow, others like a story that unfolds as it goes and doesn't baby you with its findings.
To me, it's the coming to a head of different styles of viewers. This season is darker (at least to me) than Season 1. It's like someone took The Usual Suspects and dropped it a vat of hemlock. A lot of people want the issues spelled out for them in the first episode or two and then want to spend the rest of the show solving a case. This season has taken the approach of the viewer learning more about the case as the show goes on. Instead of everything becoming clearer, it becomes more convoluted. It's a really cool way to do a show. That kind of thing isn't for everyone.
Another item that I find wildly intriguing is the severe discrepancy of opinions on this season. You can roll through this board topic or weekly reviews on the webz and find everything. One person says CF sucks, another says he's great. Someone says VV isn't any good, while another lauds his portrayal of the over-the-hill mobster whose heart isn't into what he's being forced to do. Someone says Taylor Kitsch is bad, another thinks his inner torture at what he is is fascinating. Some people hate that the plot is too deep to follow, others like a story that unfolds as it goes and doesn't baby you with its findings.
To me, it's the coming to a head of different styles of viewers. This season is darker (at least to me) than Season 1. It's like someone took The Usual Suspects and dropped it a vat of hemlock. A lot of people want the issues spelled out for them in the first episode or two and then want to spend the rest of the show solving a case. This season has taken the approach of the viewer learning more about the case as the show goes on. Instead of everything becoming clearer, it becomes more convoluted. It's a really cool way to do a show. That kind of thing isn't for everyone.
- the plot isn't too deep to follow, it's just nonsensical and has given me no reason to care about the big huge overall mystery and how it's all connected. I care about CF and RM as characters, but what's my draw to the larger Vinci story? They have given my no reason to care about the corruption and magic blue diamonds.
quote:I agree you kind of had to roll your eyes because stuff happened coincidentally. But I also appreciated that they didn't do some montage explaining exactly how they planned everything, which every cop/heist/detective show does. You know everyone crowds around a table with a map, as each character points to the map and says something like "and while your distracting the guard I'll be sneaking into the control room." I think the directors expect us to think the detectives prolly thought this out
preface: there is something about the show that makes it different than anything else and a must see.
I have struggled with the overly complex plot and who is who.
But this week the plot was really hard to believe. Most times you just let the plot go. But I just couldn't this time:
Let me get this straight. Two guys with no map or houseplan jump a security guard at the compound. Then they happen to walk right by the office. They break into the office. Really ominous plans just happen to be in the unattended room that they happen to break into - - right on top. They then just walk out and happen to catch up with Ani.
So with Ani, we have her sneaking into the house. OK, I can go with that. But we are to believe that she just happen to find her missing person (even while she was drugged up) in this house full of people. She slices a security guard and somehow barely makes a scene. She is able to get out of the house and just happens to meet her two best friends outside. Right at the same time.
The odds that they break into the room that contains much needed documents is quite low. The odds that top secret documents are there for the taking just seems crazy. I mean, they could have easily walked into the kitchen.