*** TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 ***

266,581 Views | 1788 Replies | Last: 9 yr ago by TX scallywAG
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They were in a PO box of hooker sister that concerned sister just was able to access. IIRC.
I wanna say the hooker's sister said they were sent to an old address and bounced around until they made it her place. Either way, it's a very odd plot point...who was sending the pictures to the hooker/hooker's sister and why?
Francis Macomber
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VV continues with his "minimalist" acting job, as another poster put it. I'd definitely say he just barely meets the minimum to qualify as an actor.

ok, done with my weekly Vince bashing.

Really, because I think VV is doing a better job than TK.
Like a "who's the tallest midget" situation there. I'd say TK is slightly better. Just personal opinion.
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I'm watching and enjoying this show, but I've determined that it's just bad writing. Bad dialog. I've been focused on the acting too much and it's really the Pizzolato screenplay that's the weakness. The acting has been fine given the source material. The story is good, the music and cinematography is good. It's the dialog. Actors look like they're just reciting bad lines. No one talks like that. Colin Farell is owning the season with what he's been given to work with.
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If that drowsy chick doesn't want to play songs in the bar anymore, I'd be totally cool with that.
Old School Brother
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put me in the camp that thinks that crow head is frank's ginger lackey, who has been out there making moves on his own.
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She's been one of my favorite parts of the season.
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If that drowsy chick doesn't want to play songs in the bar anymore, I'd be totally cool with that.

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I'm watching and enjoying this show, but I've determined that it's just bad writing. Bad dialog. I've been focused on the acting too much and it's really the Pizzolato screenplay that's the weakness. The acting has been fine given the source material. The story is good, the music and cinematography is good. It's the dialog. Actors look like they're just reciting bad lines. No one talks like that. Colin Farell is owning the season with what he's been given to work with.
"It's like blue balls...in your heart'
Objective Aggie
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I'm watching and enjoying this show, but I've determined that it's just bad writing. Bad dialog. I've been focused on the acting too much and it's really the Pizzolato screenplay that's the weakness. The acting has been fine given the source material. The story is good, the music and cinematography is good. It's the dialog. Actors look like they're just reciting bad lines. No one talks like that. Colin Farell is owning the season with what he's been given to work with.

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If that drowsy chick doesn't want to play songs in the bar anymore, I'd be totally cool with that.

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I'm watching and enjoying this show, but I've determined that it's just bad writing. Bad dialog. I've been focused on the acting too much and it's really the Pizzolato screenplay that's the weakness. The acting has been fine given the source material. The story is good, the music and cinematography is good. It's the dialog. Actors look like they're just reciting bad lines. No one talks like that. Colin Farell is owning the season with what he's been given to work with.
"It's like blue balls...in your heart'

Or how about when the mediator/judge in the custody hearing said "You two will not talk to each other. PERIOD".

The only people I've ever heard use that word legitimately were my siblings and me when we would have shouting matches while under 10 years old.
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The more I watch Vince Vaughn's character, the more I feel like Nic Pizzolatto wrote that character for himself because he likes to imagine himself as a mobster with a heart of gold.
marble rye
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I think it was VV's ginger pit boss... I believe the guy in the mask was pretty lanky... at least not built like the chinese guy.
But the pit boss is pretty tall, no? I recall the dude that shot Velcoro was kinda short. But Ive slept many nights since watching it.
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That scene in the mayor's office was weird. VV disrespects him by flicking him on the head to wake him, then just lays down and accepts the increase in demanded payoff each month?
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Furlock Bones
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I'm watching and enjoying this show, but I've determined that it's just bad writing. Bad dialog. I've been focused on the acting too much and it's really the Pizzolato screenplay that's the weakness. The acting has been fine given the source material. The story is good, the music and cinematography is good. It's the dialog. Actors look like they're just reciting bad lines. No one talks like that. Colin Farell is owning the season with what he's been given to work with.
so, does this lend more credence to Pizzolatto ripping off other writers for season 1 or is it an instance of a writer just not living up to what he created the first time?

but, i also think the acting has been great.
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There have been several scenes where you could tell it was acting. It was like you were on the set and were waiting for the director to yell "Cut!".

The scene where the black lady cop is on the street and trying to get Colin Farrell to help her comes to mind.

Colin has been amazing.
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I feel like the season finally hit it's stride this week. Better late than never I guess.
Francis Macomber
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To me, the dialogue is no better or worse than last season. It is stylistic and verbose, just like it was last year.

Rust had several eye rolling lines last season. Everybody ignored them though, because they thought he was so cool.
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To me, the dialogue is no better or worse than last season. It is stylistic and verbose, just like it was last year.

Rust had several eye rolling lines last season. Everybody ignored them though, because they thought he was so cool.
I just don't think VV is a good enough actor pull it off. It's not believable.
Victory Dance
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I agree bangobango.

Seems like that is the #1 complaint around here is about the dialogue. How do yall know how people talk in Vinci, CA? Isn't it a made up place? How do yall know how gangsters are supposed to talk? Cause you watched the Wire and Sopranos?

The dialogue kind of reminds me of the movie Brick where the kids had their own style of talking, TD is definitely not to that extent but Brick made me pay attention so much more because of it. TD does that for me as well.

And yes I don't run into many people in Tx or Louisiana that talk like Rust Cohle did.
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The show has been very good. This is a message board. People pick things apart to show how smart/sophisticated they are. It's what we do.
Ol Jock 99
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To me, the dialogue is no better or worse than last season. It is stylistic and verbose, just like it was last year.

Rust had several eye rolling lines last season. Everybody ignored them though, because they thought he was so cool.
Disagree completely. In Season 1, you had one guy, Rust, who waxed eloquent, and he had a foil, Woody, who would frequent criticize him for doing so (would you shut up, why do you say stuff like that, etc). And Rust was established from the get-go as a very odd bird.

This year, you have multiple characters busting out the thesaurus every chance they get. Instead of being called out, it is taken as a challenge to use a bigger word next. Not to mention that the worst offender, VV, was established as a hard-nosed street guy who scratched and pulled his way to top. Not really a guy who spent time studying the words for this year's spelling bee.
Bunk Moreland
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Had Season 2 been in the same realm of season 1(flashbacks and recounts of a story), you'd see a much more polished version.

Again folks, just STOP comparing the 2 seasons. the whole feel is different from the set-up. They aren't comparable. Rust got to be all cool, calm and collected because he knew what happened, he had been through it all, and he was able to lie about what he needed to and be truthful about what he needed to. But both ways, we got to see someone speaking about something that has already happened, therefore everything is going to be different.

This season we are watching it happen "live" with the characters. It changes literally every single aspect of the show from a story-telling point of view.

That's not to say this season isn't without its faults, but stop comparing it to something that is so incredibly different in style. IMO, the lines are a bit over the top, but many times they feel like that because the actors haven't been able to deliver the lines as well.

That being said, they should have cut about half of the incredibly witty or edgy lines that seem perfectly placed throughout. Had they done that(or at least cut half the ones that anyone other than CF had to deliver), then people wouldn't be having as hard a time with some of the acting
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NP thinks he is changing the game but in reality his writing comes off as forced. Good story with terrible dialogue.
Bunk Moreland
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NP thinks he is changing the game but in reality his writing comes off as forced. Good story with terrible dialogue.

It's reading too much like a book at points. It's sort of the issue I had at times with Inherent Vice(film). You can see where some of the lines, if delivered by someone who was really into the part and could deliver it would work, OR, if you read about the characters, then the dialogue would work.

But multiple lines have not worked at times throughout this season. I definitely think that.
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There's just too much going on.

In season 1, all the backstory connected (or at least, we thought it did) to the main story. We cared about Marty's messing around on his wife because it drover to Rust, which precipitated the fall out between them. We cared about Rust being a drunk because we were trying to figure out if he could have gone bad. We cared about the occult stuff because it may have explained why people were being killed. Hell, we even cared about Marty's daughter being twisted up because we thought it might be tied to the occult stuff.

In season 2, there's no reason to care about Frank and his wife's difficulty having a baby, other than to try and force dimension to the character. There's no reason to care about Woodrugh being gay, other than to try and force dimension. (In fact, there's very little reason to care about Woodrugh at all. He adds very, very little to the plot through 5 episodes.)

Conversely, Bezzerides' background is directly relevant; her father was involved at some level with the main players in the conspiracy. Velcoro's background is directly relevant; him coming unhinged after murdering the man that he thought raped his wife is what put him in league with Frank and turned him into a dirty cop.

They are forcing too much story compared to season 1. Cut out Frank's wife's side story. Cut out Woodrugh's mommy issues and gay angst. The screenplay needed a better editor.
Ol Jock 99
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Well said
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To me, VV's character and his language just don't compute. Kind of the same for all the characters save maybe CF. It was never an issue to me with Rust in S1 because you could always tell that Rust was a head above everyone else when it came to thought and intelligence. Marty was a good detective, but the level of education (mostly self-educated I would guess) Rust had completely dwarfed Marty's and his use of vocabulary was one way of showing his intellectual superiority.

None of these characters fit that mold of "intellectually superior" to me. We have TK who is a military (probably special forces) veteran who is a badass commando and just loves the thrill of the job. A drunk Bezzy with sex and gambling addictions and obviously a ****ed up past. VV who was abused a child, horrible up bringing, was a mobster of drugs and hoes, and now is trying to act buttoned up and legit but is getting made a fool of by the other players. And then CF, a good cop who had an awful family experience and his whole life unraveled from there and was then taken advantage of by VV based on a lie and has been ever since.

None of these guys scream any type of intellectual or high level thinking. Shoot, a previous poster even said, this is the first episode where true detective work was actually being accomplished. And that was mainly only CF beating the **** out of the crazy doc. There isn't any battle of wits going on here like in S1 because I don't think any of these characters are the least bit intelligent. Rust went borderline crazy getting into the mind of the serial killer. Always had his notebook, always extremely observent. He was a step above the rest in mind which made him an outcast with his piers. Because of that, his dialogue and vocab fit.

With this season, it seems like they're trying to maintain the same intellectually superior dialogue with a bunch of intellectually mediocre street cops and thugs. CF is the only one that could possibly be viewed as thinking at a higher level, but that was way before his whole family issued happened. VV just doesn't strike me as an "intellectual", he's no smarter than the rest. None of these people strike me as having a higher level of intelligence than the average joe, yet they are all talking as if they're intellectually more superior than the next guy.
Cave Johnson, CEO
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This season is just boring, that's all that it really is for me. I'm just not interested in the story or the characters at all and I don't like the LA/California setting. So because I find it so boring there's nothing there for me to get over all the damn talking that's going on. I feel like Adam Sandler in Billy Madison "Talkie, talkie, talkie, no more talkie."
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I agree with an earlier comment that VV's wife and her infertility problem is getting a whole lot of screen time. Too much it seems unless the wife is somehow involved with the murders
Bunk Moreland
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Wonder if the wife used to be one of those party girls at one point and one or some of the abortions were from that time?
Objective Aggie
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What about the bike cop (and I still don't know his name) and the TMZ story with the celebrity.What teh heck does that have to do with anything?

Or his Afghanistan past?

way way too layered.

Vince Gilligan is somewhere laughing knowing that imitation is flattery.
Bunk Moreland
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What is NP doing that is imitating VG?

NP already delivered one of the greatest seasons in TV history last year, and is a very successful writer.

Again, IMO too much of the dialogue is reading like a book. The one thing lacking from some of the characters this year is the soul. I don't care how layered and in depth their characters are, etc. I think they could easily show that as well and have it more effective. But too much reads just like a book IMO. And I agree about it needing better editing. That's really where the drop-off seemingly is.

But I'm still enjoying it immensely. Probably because I'm not putting it up against unwarranted comparisons and pressure.
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