Thanos' MCU Backstory To Be Revealed in Canon Novel
Fans won't get the full backstory of Thanos in
Avengers: Infinity War ; for that they're going to have to wait for a Marvel Cinematic Universe first a tie-in novel. Thanos has been described as the "main character" in
Infinity War. So, there will obviously be a big spot light on the purple Mad Titan, played by Josh Brolin, in the movie. There might even be some exploration of his past, as suggested by the flashback shown in the
Infinity War trailer featuring Thanos and a young Gamora . However, that may be as far as
Infinity War travels in the past of Thanos.
Though Thanos has a backstory that's over a thousand years old in Marvel Comics, the MCU history of the character hasn't been defined. The Marvel Cinematic Universe usually sticks pretty closely to the comics but has also been known to change things. After all before the MCU, the Infinity Stones were known as the Infinity Gems. Fans can probably expect similar changes to Thanos' backstory, when all is revealed in the novel
Thanos: Titan Consumed.
Io9 reports that
Thanos: Titan Consumed, written by YA author Barry Lyga, will arrive in November of 2018. The book will be set long before the events of
Avengers: Infinity War and explore Thanos' origins.
Titan Consumed will reveal how the villain got on the path searching for the Infinity Stones and how he earned his terrifying reputation in the MCU at large. Here's part of the official plot summary for the book:
Born on a doomed world and cast out by his people for his genius, physical deviancy, and pragmatic but monstrous ideas, Thanos is determined to save the galaxy from the same fate as his homeworld no matter how many billions have to die. Learn the origins of the most formidable foe the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, and Black Panther have ever faceda foe whom even a group of remarkable people, pulled together to fight the battles nobody else could, will fail to stop. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives. Thanos is here.