A Very Fine Final Four: Ridley, Fisher, Portman, Jones
We topped triple-digit voting for the first time in this poll's long three-day history on Friday, and Daisy Ridley needed every last one of hers. With 107 people casting a ballot, Rey Skypatine defeated the only woman in the galaxy with a "Babu Frik is my co-pilot" bumper sticker by a single vote, 54-53, to win the Jakku regional and advance to the Final Four of Fine Women that I would be scared of talking to in real life.
There, she'll take on her Jedi Master, Carrie Fisher, who whipped Mara Jade like a red-headed step child (you're welcome, pun masters!), When I first saw the final score, I thought it was a rematch of A&M vs. LSU from last fall as Leia racked up 100 votes to what's her face's 7.
The other side of the bracket pairs a woman who kicked ass for 2 straight hours in Rogue One against one who kicked ass for 2 straight movies in the prequels, then stood around barefoot and pregnant in the third one before dying of a
bad script broken heart. Yes it's Natalie Portman vs. Felicity Jones. Portman had to sweat it out a bit, defeating Knightley 61-46 while Jones was a surprisingly easy winner over Emilia Clarke, 68-39. Moments after the defeat, Drogon arrived at my house and burned my 2004 Toyota Highlander down to slag, then flew off with my monitor, which displayed a picture of Khaleesi on it.
So onto the final four we go! Vote early, vote often, enjoy the ride (that's what she said).
Semifinal #1 - Leia vs. Rey
Semifinal #2 - Padme vs. Jyn