TPM has a fantastic soundtrack, it would rival the OT if the movie was better.Brian Earl Spilner said:
All prequels are ahead of TFA and TLJ, imo. Though I do love Rey's Theme and Jedi Steps.
ROTS is too heavy-handed for me, which I know sounds a little dumb given the plot of the movie. Too many choruses singing. And I dislike General Grievous and his music, so that's 2 tracks wasted for a CGI sideshow.I feel like the best tracks are the one's that retouch old cues, specifically "A New Hope and End Credits."
AOTC is sort of a train wreck. Never understood the recycled music from TPM. I really do like "Across the Stars" although that title is terrible. The electric guitar in "Zam the Assassin" is probably my least-favorite Star Wars track ever.
The blending of Luke's theme and Rey's theme on "Ach-To Island" on TLJ soundtrack is currently my favorite thing.
And I continue to not like sand.