SpreadsheetAg said:
AlphaCharlieUniformAggie said:
Then when Samuel L. Jackson played Mace Windu in Ep. 1, 2 and 3 he asked for a Purple Light Saber because that's his favorite color.
That blew open the doors for fiction writers.
Different colored lightsabers have been around for a LONG time; especially if you read any of the EU Legends stuff.
The class thing I can't speak to - that seems... contrived by board game and MMORPG folks.
You're right. I feel the best Star Wars stuff came from the books and graphic novels.
What I said was based on the interviews of Lucas and Jackson from the Ep. 1, 2 & 3 special features.
Frankly, I think one of the worst things to happen to Star Wars was George Lucas himself. He was a bull in a China shop to this franchise.
There was a a Star Wars RPG from Lucas Arts called Star Wars 1313 where you created your own character and played as a Coruscant bounty hunter. It was was going to be with adult themes and have a M (mature) ESRB rating.
Despite being in the late stages of development Lucas continually sbatoged the project. He decides last minute he wanted you to be Boba Fett. The studio employees said he creeped everyone out by talking in different voices, doing Lauren Becall imitations, interuping meetings, 45 second conversational pauses. A lot of the developers quit.
Kathleen Kennedy wanted it canceled. And it was.
I REALLY wanted to play that game and almost despise Lucas as awful as that sounds.
Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.
Steve McQueen