3rdGen2015 said:I'm not a book reader, but it is my understanding that there is something in cannon that says that the Kyber crystals choose their color based on the maker of the lightsaber. If this is actually true and the speculation about Rey's path are true, could Rey's lightsaber be some shade of grey?jabberwalkie09 said:So far, only yellow has been used by the Jedi Temple Guards.The other colors that have appeared for Jedi Knights, members of the Council and Masters, and their padawans are blue and green commonly. There's been a few one offs like the Darksaber with a black blade (which is even more unique in it's form resembling a katana style blade), Ahsoka's shoto being yellow with a green hue, Tera Sinube had an extremely light blue saber that was almost white, Ahsoka had the white sabers, and of course Mace's purple saber.AliasMan02 said:
I need to go back and verify, but I think they are reserving yellow for temple guards. I say this because in Heir to the Jedi I could swear that the Rodian Jedi whose lightsaber that Luke takes from the tomb was originally yellow, but was revised/corrected to be purple in my digital copy.
I need to go back and check a first printing hard copy somewhere but I could swear that's the case.
I think that Rey's saber would be interesting if it was orange with a golden hue. I don't see why they wouldn't give her a unique lightsaber color.
That would be great. Doubly so as someone who once had a Jedi RPG character with a platinum colored lightsaber.