Bingo, that is!
They answered that in the link and said no.redline248 said:
So I guess these are the same walkers that were in rebels when they recruited Rex?
Holdup. Snowdpeeder blasters can't scratch AT-AT armor, but a shoulder fired rocket can render damage?
The comic finds Maul an untested warrior under the training of Darth Sidious, who would later become the Galactic Emperor. Told to stand down from engaging with Jedi yet, Maul hunts down the worst of the worst in the cosmic underworld to vent his frustration.
After learning a young Jedi Padawan named Eldra Kaitis has fallen into the hands of a crime lord, Maul seizes an opportunity to test his skills against a real Jedi but also maybe turn someone else to the dark side.
wangus12 said:
So I'm extremely curious on how big the planet is that they are preparing to destroy. There are two shots that make the Death Star look tiny in comparison. Also, the superlaser must not be fully powered yet, because in VI, it simply zaps and explodes Alderaan whereas here it appears to take some to time to deal destruction to the planet.
They are AT ACTs. Some sort of cargo walker thing....TexAgBolter said:
Didn't know if it has been discussed, but I just noticed that the one AT-AT is open and empty.
Duncan Idaho said:
do you even follow the toys?
Its just so......rectangularTexAgBolter said:
Didn't know if it has been discussed, but I just noticed that the one AT-AT is open and empty.
TexAgBolter said:
yeah, I kind of often wondered why the snowspeeders didn't attack from the side or behind... they just need to stay out of the range of the motion of the head.jr15aggie said:TexAgBolter said:
They have exactly ZERO ways to defend themselves from the side or the back. The ONLY way they can attack something is if it is stupid enough to stand/fly in front of it. If the enemy were ever smart enough to deploy troops behind it, I have no friggin idea how these things would even begin to try and turn around. And don't even get me started on troops simply standing below them and shooting the crap out of their bellies.
Seriously, what is the point of Imperial Walkers........... Looking friggin awesome, that's what!!!!!
hunter2012 said:
Catalyst, the prequel book for Rogue One, released today. I got the audiobook on audible and just need a chance to listen to it.
yeah, I kind of often wondered why the snowspeeders didn't attack from the side or behind...
That armor's too strong for blasters. Rogue Group, use your harpoons and tow cables. Go for the legs. It might be our only chance.
Simplebay said:
When the bloody hell are tickets for this thing on sale
It's just a movie screen. After battles, the storm troopers have movie night.TexAgBolter said:
Didn't know if it has been discussed, but I just noticed that the one AT-AT is open and empty.
I'm a little behind, but have read everything up to Ahsoka, which I hope to get into this weekend. Think I'm gonna hold off on Catalyst until after I see Rogue One.aggie1906 said:
Anyone else read (listen) to the cannon novels?
I am working my way through Lost Stars now and as I mentioned a few posts before Catalyst next week. Aftermath, Aftermath Life Debt, and Bloodline are all excellent listens and Ahsoka is solid. I'm not enjoying Lost Stars quite as much, but still good.
Vader is probably the best series. The base Star Wars series is also pretty good. The Vader Down crossover was good.aggie1906 said:
I bought a few #1s and read a few Vaders. Which (any? all?) comics are worth reading?
Duncan Idaho said:
I really hope there isn't a "new Alderaan"