Interesting. Good catch.
is Kylo saving Rey in her force vision??
quote:So Kylo saved whomever she is witnessing this from. I.e. Lukequote:
is Kylo saving Rey in her force vision??
Rey looks same outfit/age there as in TFA. I'm thinking it's a vision of something that happened and she gets to witness in an "in the flesh" dream, as a spectator.
quote:I hate the prequels and acting was always my number one complaint. But, I watched an "in defense of the prequels" video that made a good point about the acting. They put together some clips where Hayden Christensen didn't have any dialogue and it was actually some, dare I say, pretty good acting.
There is a difference between a talented actor and a talented performance
Depsite having a lot of talented actors, there's isn't a single performance in the prequels that would be used as an example of a talented performance.
Which adds to the list of reasons why the prequels are so bad.
quote:An early part of her vision was her fight against Kylo Ren in the snow on Starkiller Base.
It's also possible that this is a vision of the future. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility, she does have visions of the island where she meets Luke after all. Not saying I believe that, but it is a possibility.
It's also possible that this is a vision of the future. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility, she does have visions of the island where she meets Luke after all. Not saying I believe that, but it is a possibility.
quote:At what point in the vision? I missed that.
I believe it's been pointed out that in the vision Kylo has Anakin's lightsaber, which would mean it has to be the future.
Anakin or Luke's lightsaber?
quote:Luke's from Jedi
Anakin or Luke's lightsaber?
and yes, the illustration used for comparison is the wrong lightsaber
I think the likely answer is that her vision was caused by the force, and not some specialized skill created for a character almost no one knows about.
quote:the only nitpick I would have is that if this is a flash forward vision, Kylo is wearing his same helmet. The helmet he left inside Starkiller base when he pursued Rey and Finn out in to the snow. Maybe he had a spare stashed away at Papa Snoke's pad.
I feel so much better now that the flash-forward theory is gaining strength. Seems like only a 100 pages or so back this theory was ridiculed.
I've thought that was a flash-forward since my second viewing. That is not 15-year old Ben Solo wiping out the Jedi school or some village. That is 30 something Kylo Ren, undisputed leader of the Knights of Ren, killing a whole bunch of well-armed people.
We will see this scene in Episode 8. Although i don't think Rey is actually there. She is having visions of the lightsaber's experience. The lightsaber is there.
I think the fact that we didn't see a scene of the lightsaber killing younglings is pretty strong evidence that they are deliberately avoiding references to Eps 1 through 3. In the history of that saber, that's a substantiala moment, as is it passing from Anakin/Vader to Obi-Wan. But, all we daw was Luke losing it and forward from there.
I think the fact that we didn't see a scene of the lightsaber killing younglings is pretty strong evidence that they are deliberately avoiding references to Eps 1 through 3. In the history of that saber, that's a substantiala moment, as is it passing from Anakin/Vader to Obi-Wan. But, all we daw was Luke losing it and forward from there.
I'm not seeing how this has anything to do with recognizing or not recognizing the prequel trilogy.
Why do so many people think they're going out of their way to not reference the prequels? Nothing that's happening at this point has anything at all to do with it. We're dealing with the repercussions of the fall of the empire now.
Completely confused now on which light saber we are talking about in the vision. Some are saying the vision showed Anakins (first one in that pic list) and some are saying Luke's (fourth one in that pic list).
Do we have a consensus? In Vision with Ren it clearly looks more like Luke's than Anakins between the two of them.
Just think about Kylo's actual reactions.
"What girl?"
Being very shaken when she resisted the mind probe. "She's strong in the Force. Untrained but stronger than she knows."
"It is you."
Also keep in mind that Kylo and Snoke spoke freely about Kylo's family, but never talked about Rey in that context.