Personally, I'm of the stance that Kenobi and Yoda both told Luke the "truth" in "a certain point of view" that given how canon is now flowing with Ahsoka being in Rebels, as well as Kanan and Ezra, that it kind of makes harder for me to take what Yoda said to Luke in ROTJ at face value.
Based on The Clone Wars and now Rebels, would you agree those 2 are the only ones to survive Order 66? Technically, Asohka isn't even a Jedi, and I don't think we can quite count Ezra yet, although he is well on his way. Kanan is the one that causes the real problem with Yoda's remark in ROTJ. I doubt Kanan could have been so instrumental in getting the rebellion off the ground without Yoda knowing about it.
I think that is a complex question, because I think that there were other Jedi that survived Order 66 initially but overtime up to Rebels may have met their fate at the hand of an Inquisitor (Luminara) or even Vader himself. I think that they are setting it up for us to see other Jedi (padawans, younglings, or even a knight or two) in the series though, but it remains to be see if they have completely set aside the Jedi ways to survive or if they took the Ahsoka route and became part of the Rebellion. Remember that in AOTC I think it was mentioned that the Jedi Order was something like 10,000 strong. Even if we take into account some attrition over the war, that is still a lot of Jedi to deal with. Both Yoda and Kenobi survived it as well, so I think it is within the realm of possibility that others weren't around clones when the order was issued or others that escaped their fate somehow.
I want to say that Filoni has said that had TCW made to to the events of Order 66 there was an arc planned dealing with the exploits of Rex and Ahsoka. Given how we now know that both of those characters will be in season two of Rebels, I think it is very possible that we may see some Jedi they saved during that time. Some of the younglings from the season five arc in TCW seem like some great candidates for this.
You are right, and I agree, that Ahsoka isn't technically a Jedi anymore but many people will still continue to consider her as such. Most people identify the lightside of the force with the Jedi with no real distinction. Ahsoka resurfacing with her white lightsabers and Filoni making a point to distinguish her as being non-aligned is an example of this as people still consider her a Jedi as she was trained as one. Kanan up until Rebels had pretty much cast aside the Jedi way, so he is making his way pack onto that path. Ezra, while the age of a padawan, is very much at the equivalent skill of a youngling from TCW. Both Kanan and Ezra will mature as the series progresses, but it remains unclear how far they both will.
I doubt that Kanan could have been instrumental in helping start the rebellion. The talent pool we have seen that would have been capable of that other than Ahsoka is either in hiding (Kenobi or Yoda) or most likely dead.
Interesting thing is that at the panel today, one of the questions asked was how many trials Kanan had completed to become a Jedi Knight. Freddie admitted he isn't too sure himself, but he did talk to Pablo Hidalgo about it and its somewhere around one or two trials completed. In the mythology of SW there is what like five?
With all this said though, TCW really setup this whole little discussion by introducing different force using sects (which in all honesty only makes sense) with the Night Brothers (ex. Maul and Savage) and Night Sisters (ex. Ventress). Because of those two sects existing in canon through TCW, I am more open to other force user sects existing beyond the major two Jedi and Sith. Ahsoka could essentially be a derivation of the Jedi and a new sect of force user. IIRC in the EU there were other Jedi sects. I wouldn't want the story to go towards focusing on this though, but knowing that there are variations on the theme is something that I am open to.