Canyon99 said:
Select baseball? He was selected because his parents are willing to pay.
My son is a senior and plays ball at a Dallas area 6A high school. We avoided the select BS for the most part because the boy had enough natural talent to make the team. He could probably play at some po dunk OK college, but he's headed to A&M for academics. /humblebrag
If your son's goal is to make the high school team, be ready for the following:
Most high school teams have tryouts. In the larger (6A) schools, 50-100 boys will try out as a freshman. Only 15-16 will get picked up. The vast majority of the boys that try out have played "select" ball their entire life.
The high school coaches expect you to continue playing select/club ball all through summer and the rest of the school year. They ask players this question during annual player interviews. Don't expect your son to have a job over the summer. Oh yeah, kiss your spring break plans goodbye. Apparently spring break is reserved for high school sports, not family vacations.
My son has worked the last two summers by basically telling the coach he played summer ball. (Technically fall ball starts in August). That said, about half of the varsity team will go on to play for a small college for a $2K "scholarship". There's always a stud that will sign with a D1 school.
Overall, my opinion is that high school baseball puts a lot of emphasis on the select/club side, which allows the school to be more competitive. But in the grand scheme, most of those players hang their cleats up after playing a year or two in a small college.