40 hours after Moderna 2nd dose:
Feel better. No fever. Slept 11 hours last night.
Feel better. No fever. Slept 11 hours last night.
One day at a time.
Yep...by this evening you will likely feel like nothing ever happened. I had a bad day like you and by lunch the next day was able to ride 10 miles on my exercise bike. Its crazy how fast i bounced back.aginlakeway said:
40 hours after Moderna 2nd dose:
Feel better. No fever. Slept 11 hours last night.
KidDoc said:
It seems pretty consistent with my experience.
Roughly 20 hours post vaccine you get chills, body aches, headaches. This lasts roughly 12-18 hours. Then back to normal.
Not fun but a good sign the vaccine is working. I would just plan on doing nothing the day after vaccine so you aren't frustrated.
Been hovering around 100 since 8 AM. Should be on the other side. 104 only lasted 2 hours or so.nhamp07 said:nhamp07 said:nhamp07 said:
8 hours post 2nd dose of Moderna
Arm is starting to hurt. We'll see how this goes.
Chills started at 12 hours post. Fever a short while later. Currently at 102.2
Now 103.8. Sucks.
I'm not a doctor, but from what I've read, it often means the first shot did the trick and you may not have even needed the second shot.3rd Generation Ag said:
If my reaction was mild, does that mean the vaccine is not working?
3rd Generation Ag said:
If my reaction was mild, does that mean the vaccine is not working?
Older adults could experience fewer side effects
While the coronavirus vaccines have been shown to be just as effective in older adults, people age 65 and older experience fewer side effects than younger recipients.
Researchers are still studying why this is the case, but they say it's likely related to the declining immune response that comes with age.
Studies also show that most people experience more severe side effects after their second dose.
Tx-Ag2010 said:
Just got my second shot... guess we'll see how this goes in the next 24-48hr.
Moderna or PfizerTx-Ag2010 said:Tx-Ag2010 said:
Just got my second shot... guess we'll see how this goes in the next 24-48hr.
21 hours after second shot. Felt achey and slightly chilled overnight, woke up a few min ago with mild-moderate aches in my whole body but worst in my back (similar to the next day after a bad waterski wipeout), feeling slightly chilled but otherwise fine.
Guess we will see how the day progresses...
Tabasco said:Moderna or PfizerTx-Ag2010 said:Tx-Ag2010 said:
Just got my second shot... guess we'll see how this goes in the next 24-48hr.
21 hours after second shot. Felt achey and slightly chilled overnight, woke up a few min ago with mild-moderate aches in my whole body but worst in my back (similar to the next day after a bad waterski wipeout), feeling slightly chilled but otherwise fine.
Guess we will see how the day progresses...
Tx-Ag2010 said:Tx-Ag2010 said:
Just got my second shot... guess we'll see how this goes in the next 24-48hr.
21 hours after second shot. Felt achey and slightly chilled overnight, woke up a few min ago with mild-moderate aches in my whole body but worst in my back (similar to the next day after a bad waterski wipeout), feeling slightly chilled but otherwise fine.
Guess we will see how the day progresses...
Lily09 said:
Received my 2nd dose of Moderna yesterday morning. Sore arm developed during the day. Fever, chills and body aches around the 12 hour point. Woke up early this morning around 4am drenched in sweat and had one of the worst headaches I've ever had. Took Tylenol and went back to sleep for about an hour. Headache all day today. Getting chills and aches again. I hope this stops by tomorrow morning.
nhamp07 said:Been hovering around 100 since 8 AM. Should be on the other side. 104 only lasted 2 hours or so.nhamp07 said:nhamp07 said:nhamp07 said:
8 hours post 2nd dose of Moderna
Arm is starting to hurt. We'll see how this goes.
Chills started at 12 hours post. Fever a short while later. Currently at 102.2
Now 103.8. Sucks.
aginlakeway said:KidDoc said:
It seems pretty consistent with my experience.
Roughly 20 hours post vaccine you get chills, body aches, headaches. This lasts roughly 12-18 hours. Then back to normal.
Not fun but a good sign the vaccine is working. I would just plan on doing nothing the day after vaccine so you aren't frustrated.
Yep. You need you be off the day after you get this.