Is that a Limavady pick? how is it?
AgDev01 said:
Here you go. Looks like store 92 in Hoover has some Dettling,
Outside of NCAgDev01 said:
Now that i think about it Alabama might be one of those states that is state controlled and have both ABC stores and private stores, which is like the worst of both worlds (outside of NC).
txag2k said:
Boring old BTI'll be refilling it early next week I'm sure.
ConfidentAg said:
I'm thinking WT101 for me. Never gets old!
Aggie Therapist said:
Ever since Batch 15 was released, I thought Stagg (jr) really fell off.
Aggie Therapist said:
Ever since Batch 15 was released, I thought Stagg (jr) really fell off. I got chastised for that take here before and I am sure I will again. Just my opinion. Hopefully they figure it out again.