You still willing to deal on a bottle of 12 or maybe a 10, too? Shoot me an email. Thanks.
Tx4guns - if your deal above doesn't work out, let me know, I might be willing to part with a 10
You still willing to deal on a bottle of 12 or maybe a 10, too? Shoot me an email. Thanks.
SB Blend
- Age and location? Dirty 30's in H-Town
- Favorite bourbon of all time? Pappy 15
- Daily pour? SB Blend, dusty OGD, Bernheim OWA, Pappy, BTAC, Elmer T Lee, FR Roses Small Batch
- Neat, w/rocks, water, coke, etc? Mostly neat, but occasionally a cap full of water if necessary or 1 rock depending on the proof. When mixing with coke, I only use a Styrofoam cup. No need to waste the expensive stuff with coke, so I usually mix with W12
- Favorite bourbon cocktail? Old Fashioned
- Bourbon you're on the hunt for? Dusty S-W
- In your opinion, most overrated bourbon? Sorry, I have to go with a whiskey, not bourbon - Crown Royal
- Most underrated bourbon? I am pretty sure a lot of great $22-$30 bourbons have been pointed out, but I will go with Evan Williams 1783 based on its $12 price tag.
SB Blend
50/50 or adjust to taste? I tried a 70/30 I am really enjoying.
Speaking of SB blend, why would PVW discontinue 10/90 in favor of the 107 when you could stretch the 90 further and still sell everyone of them in a minute?
Got this today. 4/5 of the 2013 BTAC are mine so far. Need a Saz 18.
Anybody do a SBS yet with this years stagg and a stagg jr? I would be interested in your thoughts. I'm gonna do mine tomorrow.
You might get a 2:1 offer on that trade. WLW is pretty tough for people to let go of.
$250 is about the normal retail price.