The Whisky Exchange in London (UK) has ER17 on hand, I will be opening my bottle in about 30 minutes if anyone is in town, picked it up for 90 pounds sterling on Wednesday.
Just called the specs on Louetta. They claim not to have it. You just messing with us?
Just called the specs on Louetta. They claim not to have it. You just messing with us?
Let me give you guys yet another reason why I don't like Specs. I just called the Specs down in Clear Lake inquiring about Pappy and BTAC. Word for word, this is what they told me:
"You can't find that anywhere in the United States. None of our stores have it."
Now he's either completely clueless or he's laying, either way...
quote:if you are in houston, try the specs at 290 and jones. They had some small batch in last week, but dont know if it was the 125th or just a regular small batch.
the 125th small batch.
I recall seeing plenty of the single barrel. best value in Bourbon in my opinion.
Dryfly. That store at 59 and 762 didn't get any Van Winkle. They may have received one case of George Stagg 3 weeks ago. But that's it. No other btac