If it's barrelled and aged in Texas, then none of that would be true....
Sorry missed that.Buck Compton said:
If it's barrelled and aged in Texas, then none of that would be true.
Buck Compton said:
If it's barrelled and aged in Texas, then none of that would be true....
After a career in media, public relations and entertainment in Austin, TX, Marsha Milam decided to dive headlong into the spirits industry. Specifically, she is the founder of the
new Milam Distillery.
Ms. Milam has always considered herself a "from the ground up" person. She was the first PR and marketing director for Chuy's restaurants, an Austin-based chain, the co-founder of The Austin Film Festival, the creator of the immensely popular live music series, "KGSR's Unplugged at The Grove." She served as the talent buyer for The County Line BBQ's chain of free music series in San Antonio and El Paso. She also created and produced an acclaimed live music series for 95.9 The Ranch Music in Fort Worth. Most recently, she produced "Ranch Bash," an annual celebration of Texas' country singers and songwriters and Oklahoma's "Red Dirt" country scene. Ranch Bash, now in its 15th year is attended by more than 10,000 folks annually.
All told, Ms. Milam entertains more than 100,000 Texas music fans a year.
Marsha currently sits on the boards of The Austin Film Festival, the Clifford Antone Foundation, the HOPE Outdoor Gallery and H.O.M.E which provides housing assistance to aging musicians.
After having her genealogy traced, she was delighted to discover that she and Ben Milam were in fact first cousin six-times removed. Ben Milam was a hero and martyr of Texas' fight for independence. To honor him, Ms. Milam's goal is to create a whiskey "as authentic as Texas."
Jordan Osborne
Head Brewer,Ben Milam Whiskey
Born and raised near Houston, Jordan is a Navy veteran who moved to Durango, CO to pursue a career in the art and science of brewing. Within a year of joining an award-winning
Colorado brewery, he had risen from a member of the production crew to lead brewer. "My passion for brewing and distilling comes from the creative yet systematic processes involved. It's an exciting and rewarding experience turning raw materials and ingredients into a product that brings people together," he explains.
Colorado was greatwhat's not to like?but by 2016, Jordan was ready for a return to the Lone Star State and ready for a new challenge, which turned out to be Ben Milam Whiskey. "I'm excited by the opportunity to help create some of the finest whiskey in Texas," he says.
"What I love about Ben Milam Whiskey is that we are centered around authenticity, from our founder's direct lineage to Ben, to the quality of our whiskey. We carry this authenticity throughout our company."
When he's not crafting great whiskey, Jordan recharges in the outdoors, indulging a longtime fondness for camping and fly fishing.
BQRyno said:
Little Book #2 coming out next month. Kentucky Bourbon blended with 2 Canadian whiskeys. I enjoyed the first one, so I'm interested in giving this a shot.
You're going to piss Deats off.Fall92 said:
I don't get the love for Blanton's Gold. STFB is great and I do like the SB but the Gold has a dry after taste that I just can't get used to.
agcrock2005 said:You're going to piss Deats off.Fall92 said:
I don't get the love for Blanton's Gold. STFB is great and I do like the SB but the Gold has a dry after taste that I just can't get used to.
Lincoln Road?CharlieBrown17 said:
You wait til this fall. Already have my liquor store in Mississippi picked out.
CharlieBrown17 said:
You just like it cause there's two ECBP and two EC store picks