divine reserve 16 is pretty good. I don't really know much about the adambier style, and can see how its so polarizing among early reviews, but Im enjoying it. it's smokey, sweet, fruity, and interesting. I really like when they step outside the box like this in the dr series.
Having my first one tonight and completely agree. It's pretty good stuff. Even my wife likes it and she doesn't normally like the "heavier" stuff.
it really reminds me of a smoked quad almost, but a little easier to put down. pretty nice depth of flavor. of course I went back for more and the store I got it from was sold out. although I'd prefer to land a 6er (if they even still do those) over the bomber I got, so I'm holding out hope. also can't wait for this to go into barrels. I know bishops barrel is mapped out for the next few, but they gotta do it down the road.
looking like north coast le merle and maybe wipers times 14 for me tonight
Where are you located? I drank one, would like to hold on to one, but have the other 4 I'd be willing to give you.
thanks for the offer. I'm on the nw side of houston, toward cypress. so finding more probably won't be impossible for me. unless you just didn't care for them, in which case I'd have no problem throwing you some cash, or if there was something in my somewhat limited collection (as far as rare stuff goes at least) youd be interested in. but if you do like them, no need to burn your stash on me. I was able to get 1 at least, which is more than a lot of non local posters can say- so if one of then wants them, I'd give them or yourself preference. but like I said, if they just weren't your thing I'd buy them off you gladly, assuming someone that's looking that hasn't had any luck doesn't want them. I'd always defer to as many people getting to try the beer theyre after as possible, especially other ags, over getting extras for myself.