quote:The 4/11 still tastes good, but there is also a 6/6 batch out there and in most stores now. Bunker Hill had one of the larger displays of HD when it first released, and unfortunately it hasn't moved enough for Michael to order more I guess. I imagine there will still be one or two more batches hitting shelves before the season is over.
I got hucklebucked at HEB and couldn't make up my mind on anything. Just ended up getting some Staycation for the pool tomorrow.
I was gonna get some Hop Delusion, but it was dated 4/11... Seems like old balls to me. I know it's not crazy old, but hasn't there been a fresher batch? They had an asston of it.
As a general note, y'all, keep in mind that shelf beer is ideally FIFO, so if the brewery reps/distro merchandisers/store stockers are doing their jobs, the freshest beer is stacked underneath or put behind the first thing you see in the cold box, like milk. With Karbach's you can usually see a stamped date on the cardboard flat that can point out where the newest beer is on big displays, and our shelf life is roughly 4 months. It sucks that the easiest beer to grab may not be the freshest batch, but there would be a lot of really stale beer on every shelf if it wasn't done this way. Luckily our year-round beers usually move quick enough to not have much issue; Hopadillo and Love Street are typically less than a month old.