A look at the Corps of Cadets Association - Where your donor dollars go

16,535 Views | 172 Replies | Last: 12 yr ago by Dirk Diggler
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You can Google street view them, id provide you with a link, but I can't at the moment.
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Google Earth - 1134 Finfeather Road, Bryan, Texas ?

With others, looks like on a row of big metal boxes?

Perhaps Google Earth does not do the CCA HQ street presentation justice.
Ryan the Temp
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Looks like an industrial office complex. Here is the appraisal district info:

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Sure hope the percentage of a CCA donor's dollar which goes into the career employee's retirement fund (if one exists) is rather infinitesimal.

Employee medical/dental insurance coverage ?

EDITED ABOVE TO READ...(if one exists).

[This message has been edited by BeBopAg (edited 12/20/2011 8:02p).]
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The CCA office is in a industrial part of Bryan. Their building use to be a Greyhound bus station. It was an ideal purchase as they could drive their concession trailers inside the building for security.
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Lobby Texas A&M to allow a CCA move to campus ?

If FSA Clayton Williams Bldg, A&M Foundation Bldg and the 12th Man Association offices can be located on campus, Bop says, "Why not lobby to move the CCA offices from the industrial district of Bryan to a nice spot on the Texas A&M Campus ?"

(Suggestion: - The old Grove area - directly west of Simpson Drill Field).
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The 74 should be a 69.

Did anybody else giggle at this, or am I the only idiot?

Greutzmachers -- Goin' commando!
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I would agree that the CCA should have a presence on campus. If they don't have space in the Sam Houston Sanders Corps of Cadets Center, they should. Maybe just a table to man on football weekends and during major recruiting events.

I don't have a problem with the off site office space given the space required for storing items for sale and their recruiting trailer.
Dirk Diggler
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The CCA is on campus right in front of the sanders museum for every home football game. They are also here for FOW and many other important events on the quad.
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In defense of FSA Disbursements - 2011-2012

$116,400 to Cadet Corps

FTAB - 90k
Sanders - 6k
ROTC Awards - 2,4k
ROTC Dept - 8k
Parsons - 10k

Wow......everybody blew past this one.
There are 2200-2400 in the Corps. The band is 300-330. FSA gave 90% of the money to only 15% of the Corps.
THink about it. I'm ok with fsa giving 90k to the band, travel is expensive. But let's not think that went to the CORPS.(ie 2200 cadets DID NOT benefit from 90k)Frankly, niether did the ROTC 10k, nor the Parsons.

Back to my original question, why doesnt the FSA who have a CRAP LOAD OF MONEY.....give money to the corps??????
Come on people. Get off your hard-on about the cca. Frankly your have a decission to make. Give or don't give. That's the only 'vote' you get.
And the CEO can hire his daughter if he damn well want's to. Using the phrase 'nepotism' is insulting.
Frankly, I would think that as former ct/bq we would try to live by the code......
And trust that others are doing the same.

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/16/2011 4:34p).]
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I may be wrong, but I think most of the money that goes to the FTAB is pass through of money people have earmarked for donation to them.
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The band has a whole lot of money, and I'm pretty sure it is earmarked for them. I think they can even afford private tutors for their cadets. I know travel is expensive, but I'm sure they're not pinching too many pennies because I'm pretty sure individual BQs end up making money on away games.

The thing is, everyone likes seeing BQs at halftime, even the folks that hate the corps. Even CTs like seeing the band, so everyone has an interest in supporting them.

Also, my understanding is the person at the AFS/A&M Foundation the is supposed to look out for the Corps isn't allowed to directly solicit donations for the Corps because the AFS/A&M foundation is scared too much money will go to the Corps and nothing else.
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Believe me, I am 100% behind the band and the positive exposure for the Corps and for the school.
I just think that when 'someone tries to say' the FSA gave 120k to the Corps of Cadets....we alll don't go glazzy eyed and think that is some big deal.
In fact, why the hard ass scrutiny of the CCA and everybody failed to 'analysis' the AFS money.
I realize that the internet forum 'industry' allows for very biased opinions to float around. But my question is:
Do you care about all the money given to the Corps?
Do you just want to rag on the CCA?

Just sayin..........
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just to summerize......

The 12% is direct cash requested to be used by cadets.
there is some amount of the admin costs that are paying for direct Corps PR.
1.) recuiting material used at college nights (huslinOne explained this in another post)http://texags.com/main/forum.reply.asp?topic_id=2005445&forum_id=63
2. other publications mentioned in above posts.

It is probably safe to quit refering to the 12% number as the ONLY $$$$ affecting the CORPS.
THE mission of the CCA is to SUPPORT THE CORPS.
Theat is a much broader proposition than "GIVE MONEY TO THE CORPS.
While some here may have been confused about where their money was going (direct pass thru to Corps), there is no question that the CCA is performing it's mission.
If we want the % of the salary to go down, then we need to increase our giving. I imagine that like any business model, there is a point where payroll is flat thru the initial years. In other words, the same payroll can manage $2million to 4 million in donations. That would also increase the cash dollars available to direct support.

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/20/2011 1:40p).]

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/20/2011 3:50p).]
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Wow, Bop seems to have an agenda at play here...
BigJim49 AustinNowDallas
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Bop wants a bigger % to go to the Corps in my opinion - and I agree with him. It would seem like some scholarship money for Corps members at least!
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Sclarships are not the Mission of the CCA.
There are scholarships, lot's of them.
They are set up thru the FSA (I believe)EDIT thru the foundation EDIT. Just like the Hometown Scholarships. Former Huslers set up a Memorial Schloarship for Mark Stranton who died a yr ago in Afgan.
THere is a "Corps" Scholarship. It's a 1k a semester. Almost anyone one joining the Corps qualifies. When we we reseaching a Sacramento Hometown Scholarship several yrs ago, it came up in conversation.

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/20/2011 1:11p).]
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So, bigjim, how much more are you going to commit to to help the cca get to the next million so they can give a bigger %??
after 3 pages of senseless and uniformed whining,(of others) you need to bring something to the table. The facts are laid out.
Now you 'vote'.
Give or don't give.
Being late to the conversation isn't going to cut it. you can read all the posts.
If you want more scholarships....what are YOU going to do?
Have you researched how 'scholarships' happen?
Have you reseached how many scholarships exist already?
I would 'hope' that as was stated in another post, that we are better, smarter, more honorable than the average forum poster on the internet.
let's move forward.
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I just got off the phone with the CCA. I had business concerning the stand-up of Sq 1.
But I asked for clarification on some of the 'things' brought up in this thread.
Here goes:
1. Why didn't those of you sitting on your arse and typing on the keyboard not pick up the phone and simply ask?
3. The money is asked for not given randomly. The CCA has NEVER denied a request for money. THe CCA did NOT reduce the amount they gave, the Corps ASKED for less. (this point was made and not understood). so to recap. Next yr if the Corps (thru requests) doesnot 'ask' for any money, then none will be distributed.
4. There is an established process to reuest funds. If a cadet showed up and 'asked' for $ he would simply have to submit the request.
5. Pirchasing the building was a very 'business' decission. AND DID NOT effect the amount of money available to be 'requested'.
They now own a location that can store and handle future growth.
6. If 'you' want them to have a location on campus.....you need to extend the substantial clout 'you' must have to make that happen. they had already explored that option. It's a non-starter.
7.as far as I am concerned The FSA gives ZERO to the Corps of Cadets. Funding the FTAB is only done because it serves the bigger good of NCAA football.
I would be willing to bet that ut's band gets a hell of a lot more $.

If you read this and feel like I sound 'like a dick'.......goood. It's suppose to.

The sad part of this is that 'we' claim to be better because we are AGGIES.
We 'claim' to be better because of our time in the Corps.
Thru Unity Strenght
Soldier, Statesman, Knightly Gentleman
An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal.

Let me be clear. When you make a post that is not founded in FACT, you have 'Stolen'. When you 'question' in a way that 'implies' something besides the truth, you have stolen from their reputation.

We are AGGIES, let's start acting like it.

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/20/2011 6:11p).]
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3 pages of senseless and uniformed whining,(of others) you need to bring something to the table.

Wanting to know how your contributions are spent is not "whining."

Your condescending attitude and accusations are not helpful in this discussion.

I appreciate your calling the CCA, but one of their reps was on this thread and promised to return with more information, and so far has not.

[This message has been edited by OldArmy71 (edited 12/20/2011 1:17p).]
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to ryan the temp......

you wrote: "The CCA is one of an extreme few non-profits I’ve ever seen that also offers a pension for its employees."

prove it. or remove it.
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old Army71,

Pay attention. PLEASE. any post AFTER 3 pages is now whining. That's what I said
And if you don't get that at this point....your really not getting it.

so i beg to differ.
I stand by my comments 100%
1. Ryan's post first post was less than factual as he claims.
2. The money is requested, not given.
4. ONLY 12% was REQUESTED, so there was money left over waiting to be requested.
5. The CCA had tha ability to give more than 12% if more had been requested
6. Do YOU GET IT YET??????????????????
7. Go rag on the 'requestor'!!!!!!!!
8. This entire thread is based on an ASSUMPTION that the CCA ONLY WANTED TO give 12% because they were keeping the $$$ for themselves

If you don't understand the difference those two FACTS make in the last three pages....well I'm sorry.

And isn't the internet wonderful. Someone can slander the CCA, harm their reputation, and since the CCA didn't jump on every other post, you think that the CCA is short changing you....
How about this.....since 99% of the posters are 'hiding' behind a 'handle or nic name', let's assume that they are not being straight forward in their posts and might have an agenda.
Since we KNOW who the CCA, let's assume that they are actually good aggies.
Why does CCA HAVE to respond?
And how would they know to respond?
ANd what if 'Ryan the Temp" posted this original post on a non-profit forum, or any host of other forums to hurt the reputation of the cca? Is the cca suppose to spend the day surfing the web looking for negative comments?
Instead of getting you feeling hurt by my revalations of truth. PICK UP THE PHONE. Call cca.
Then maybe you'll realize how XXXXXXXXXX you last post is.
Instead of realizing that half the posts are false claims, you are bothered by me calling out the facts.
But don't believe me, call the cca.....it you really care how your money is 'spent'.

Because - here is a fact- each poster who 'questioned' and did not call....is a whiner. period.

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/20/2011 2:40p).]

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/20/2011 2:43p).]
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oldarmy71 said " I'd like to know why ...... pays comparatively little of the funds given to it directly to the Corps."

On 12-5-2011 you wanted an answer to this question. then sat back on your xxxxxx and did nothing.
Why didn't you call?

I really want to know.
Because by not doing anything but "*****' you became a whiner.

And now, less than 2 weeks later when the truth is revealed, the best you can do is complain about my 'tone'.

The cca had the ability to respond to more requests to the tune of MORE THAN they gave.
So from the 'warped view' (that I already dispelled) that request were equal to 12%, the had 15% unspent.
So if the requests had totaled 27% they would have been met.

And where is the OUTRAGE that the FSA gives nothing to the Corps in direct support of the Corps?

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bop said "Sure hope the percentage of a CCA donor's dollar which goes into the career employee's retirement fund is rather infinitesimal.

Employee medical/dental insurance coverage ?"

you are stating that there is a retirement fund, you question is only 'how much?'

prove it or remove it.

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If one (retirement/medical/dental plan) exists fine, if one does not exist...NOT FINE.

Bop wholeheartedly approves of a CCA retirement/medical/dental fund (plus paid vacation time and Christmas bonus) only if it's all been approved by CCA's BOD.

[This message has been edited by BeBopAg (edited 12/20/2011 5:06p).]
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No, seriously.

You stated that THERE IS ONE. PERIOD.

your question was how much.
Now you want there to be one if there isn't.

Now you are a proven liar.

There has been a lot of crap on this thread and it's time to start calling it out.
Dirk Diggler
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Did you know that one of the evil characters in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles name is BeBop? Every time I see your handle I think of him. You always have interesting facts throughout the different boards on Texags and I though I should fill you in. Here is what he looks like...

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Who knows what "crap" to believe ?

Initial thread poster, Ryan the Temp 3:24pm 12/05/11 posted:

..."The CCA is one of an extreme few non-profits I've ever seen that also offers a pension for its employees..." (true or false)

the CCA 3:03 12/07/11 posted:

..."Currently there are no health or retirement benefits to any CCA employee..." (true or false)

Tag Bop with what you like but if "the CCA" poster is correct the CCA-BOD should be lobbied to provide retirement, medical/dental, and Christmas bonus benefits to its dedicated employees.

Where to get the money ? Raise dues.

(Wonder where "Ryan the Temp" received his initial CCA pension info ? Surely Social Security employee deductions are not considered part of a proported CCA pension package by Ryan the Temp ? Wonder if poster "the CCA" is an official spokesperson of the CCA ? Wonder? Are both "Ryan the Temp" and "the CCA" ah couple of clever t-sips?)

(Also note: Corrective clarification edit of 12/15/2011 - Bop post, 3:26:07pm)

[This message has been edited by BeBopAg (edited 12/20/2011 8:29p).]
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appreciate your 'effort' to address your error quickly
But the simple solution was to get off your arse and call......

Ryan's post is intentionally incorrect and misleading.

So here is (as CCA posted & i have already posted) the fact:
THERE IS NO FUNDING OF RETIREMENT. (uotside of the social security. This information was given to me by a member of the CCA staff, today.

bop, the 'cute' comments about 'who' a poster is does not absolve YOU of getting off YOUR arse and calling cca.
But for your info, 'the cca' is in fact the CCA.
Again, CALLING verified this......
(are some of you really this pathetic.......)
Old army, you should be banned for sitting and not calling.
Really, I am just amazed that some of you post random, unproven comments when calling could have stopped this dead in it's track.
We;re not talking about the football coach or some private company.
It's the CORP of CADETS ASSOCIATION for Christ sake!!!!!
Supposedly most of you are members....they will talk to you!!!

This thread should have never gotten this far.
one of the old, retired, posters w/ nothing but arse-sitting time on their hands, who 'claim to be members of cca' should have picked up the phone and just called.
CCA is a highly admirable organization who do a GREAT deal of good filling a vaccuum created by the lack of financial support ftom AFS.

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/20/2011 8:56p).]

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/20/2011 8:58p).]

[This message has been edited by mcrews (edited 12/20/2011 9:00p).]
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On 12-5-2011 you wanted an answer to this question. then sat back on your xxxxxx and did nothing.
Why didn't you call?

I really want to know.

The reason I waited to contact CCA directly was because I know that I am posting on Texags.com, a site on which post/have posted former A&M coaches and players, a current high official in the Athletic Dept., a serving president of the university, several professors, and a couple of people in the admissions department. In short, given the proven fact that all sorts of people interested in A&M monitor this site closely, it seemed reasonable to give it a few days before contacting CCA directly (I would have emailed them--and I still might--because the figures involved are too complicated for a phone call).

My decision to wait was rewarded on Dec. 7, a little over 40 hours after my first post, with a response from CCA.

As the discussion with the CCA poster went on, I said:

Thank you, CCA.

So is there a way to recalculate the figure of 12 cents on the dollar going directly to the Corps?

CCA responded on Dec. 8:

It is possible to recalculate that amount. I will let our Executive Director know that you guys are asking for that and he can figure those numbers up.

If the poster from CCA whom you have verified to be genuine offers to consult the Executive Director and to answer questions for a number of people in a public forum, why should I be "banned" for not personally phoning CCA? It has been nearly two weeks since that post, but it is the holiday season and I felt that it was reasonable to give the CCA poster some time.

I imagine most of this is all a misunderstanding of "direct" vs. "administrative" costs, and I think other posters on this thread have suggested the same thing, but it would be nice to have the figures in writing, not delivered over the phone to one person made thus responsible for conveying complex information.

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If CCA employees ARE NOT to receive retirement benefits, medical/dental, paid vacations, life insurance and Christmas holiday bonuses, surely their salary compensations should be adjusted to allow adequate provisions for covering independent costs for some, or all, of those benefits (benefits as are normally provided by many businesses and/or established charitable organizations).

Wonder if the FSA, A&M Foundation, and 12th Man Association employee has a fringe benefit program ?

Bop would not mind a CCA dues increase IF it were specifically designed to cover the cost of such a CCA employee benefit program.

Now, as far as only 12% of a donar's dollar reaching the Corps, well, that's another matter for the CCA-BOD to consider.

Perhaps a dues increase is long overdue ?

But, if a listing of CCA employee salaries (other than the CEO's) is a confidentiality not for publication then who can judge if there is a dues increase need ?

The CCA-BOD ? The membership ?

[This message has been edited by BeBopAg (edited 12/20/2011 11:55p).]
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bop said 'Now, as far as only 12% of a donar's dollar reaching the Corps, well, that's another matter for the CCA-BOD to consider.

Perhaps a dues increase is long overdue ? '

Are you really an idiot or you just can't read?
1. The CCA-BOD doesn't have to concider anything.
2. The CCA and the CCA-BOD approved every single REQUEST that was made for the funds.
4. THe "REQUESTOR" did not ask for all the money that was availible.
5. the mission of the CCA is NOT to give away all the availible money in a given year.
6. The mission is not to spend all the availible money in one yr. (this creates the reserve)
7. These FACTS were confirmed by the employee I spoke with today.

bop, your 'third person stupid act' is wearing thin.

Next: Raise dues??????

Again, are you really an idiot?
There are 7 different levels that a member can choose to contribute at.
Why don't you and your friends just give at the highest level.
You obviously are NOT a member because if you were you would know this.

So, to wrap up, you aren't a member of the cca and you are an idiot.

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CCA is O.K. to just stay that way but please...

[This message has been edited by BeBopAg (edited 12/20/2011 11:49p).]
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Consult FSA, A&M Foundation and 12th Man Association as to their employee benefit package.

Then, increase CCA dues !
(Bottom - $75; top - sky's-the-limit).

(P.S. And while you're at it, ask FSA, A&M Foundation and 12th Man Association how they managed to locate their 990 non-profits on campus ?)

[This message has been edited by BeBopAg (edited 12/21/2011 12:02a).]
Ryan the Temp
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"Ryan the Temp" received his initial CCA pension info ?
It's on the 2009 Form 990

[This message has been edited by Ryan the Temp (edited 12/21/2011 9:58a).]
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