Here's Rory saying he feels a bit like a sacrificial lamb in all of this. pic.twitter.com/tHd2mKeIkf
— Kyle Porter (@KylePorterCBS) June 7, 2023
zgolfz85 said:
how much of the LIV contracts were paid upfront? For those who got huge sign-on bonuses, was that all paid in full upfront?
These Rory quotes from last summer seem pretty prescient today. pic.twitter.com/CUJFZwUWaL
— Kyle Porter (@KylePorterCBS) June 7, 2023
MarathonAg12 said:
Golf ages a man worse than being an Infantryman
We are the same age and he looks rough
jonj101 said:
Sacrificial lamb is not the phrase I'd go with. Sure, he got played to an extent, but as he said in another part of the interview he still hates LIV. So he was personally motivated to do/say the things he did.
Maybe its just me, but there are too many people claiming a degree of victim hood these days.
I'm pretty sure he wasn't offered money because he made it clear he wasn't interested, not that they didn't want him. I have little doubt he could have put hundreds of millions of dollars in his pocket from LIV if he had been interested.Bunk Moreland said:jonj101 said:
Sacrificial lamb is not the phrase I'd go with. Sure, he got played to an extent, but as he said in another part of the interview he still hates LIV. So he was personally motivated to do/say the things he did.
Maybe its just me, but there are too many people claiming a degree of victim hood these days.
Agree. I was looking for a video of that part. If he's being honest with himself he never wanted anything to do with LIV, and admittedly was not offered any money from them, even though the internet keeps loving to toss out $400M.
So if he never wanted anything to do with them and he didn't turn down an offer that he was considering...why is he a sacrificial lamb?
Then why did you ask why he thought he was a sacrificial lamb if you understood all this?Bunk Moreland said:
I understand all that. But he still hated LIV and never received an offer per his own words today.
He feels like a sacrificial lamb for the Tour. That's got nothing to do with what LIV offered or didn't offer.Bunk Moreland said:
Because he said he hated LIV and never received an offer. A sacrificial lamb would more have been one to have decided against taking an offer and then being cut down.
Rory is more of a mark than a sacrificial lamb.
Bunk Moreland said:Here's Rory saying he feels a bit like a sacrificial lamb in all of this. pic.twitter.com/tHd2mKeIkf
— Kyle Porter (@KylePorterCBS) June 7, 2023
Tiger hated Norman way before LIV.jonj101 said:
Yeah, its like he doesn't want to completely throw Monahan under the bus, but if he wants to blame someone (aside from himself) for parading out there being the mascot of the PGAT only for the tour then to come back and align with Saudi and the PIF, who else besides Jay are you going to point the finger at?
A few other notes:
Its nice that Kyle Porter is providing these updates, but he seems to have a spin/angle towards Rory/Tiger/PGAT. Maybe thats the case, maybe that isn't - I haven't read a lot of his stuff in the past.
Based on publicly available knowledge, Tiger and Rory loathe Greg Norman. As abrasive as Greg can be, it makes him an easy fall guy in this situation. So now that Saudi has what it wants, it can fold LIV completely (if desired), Greg can be the fall guy/antagonist that everyone sees him as, and the new narrative can be a whole kumbaya/good for the game situation and the 'dirty Saudi money' talking points can disappear.
This seems to be true, but I can't say that Monahan made some indefensible decision in that moment. Not wanting to get in bed with the Saudis three years ago (that was right after the Khashoggi murder) was not some crazy decision. Most would have done the same thing at that time. But, clearly, hindsight is 20/20 and they would probably do it differently if given the chance. I don't think the PGAT thought the PIF was truly willing to burn the amount of money they have been willing to burn to force their way into golf. If there was a strategic mistake several years ago, it was probably that.98Ag99Grad said:
NLU guys were harping on this. I guess 3 or so years ago Monahan wouldn't take their (Saudis) calls and ignored them altogether. Liv formed to give PIF an entrance in to golf and here we are today.
zgolfz85 said:
how much of the LIV contracts were paid upfront? For those who got huge sign-on bonuses, was that all paid in full upfront?
DannyDuberstein said:
Has Phil Mickelson ever been cowed by anyone in his entire life?
DannyDuberstein said:
Rory was the PGAT's leverage. He's one reason why LIV wasn't able to get all the talented it wanted, ended up relegated to the CW with almost no one watching,