Logos Stick said:
Question for the investing gurus on this site
I was able to buy a bunch of ARM at the IPO. It's up 25% today.
Robinhood warned about flipping IPO stock, ie holding less than a month.
First time I've bought IPO.
But it's a darn good profit if I sell.
So is the worse that happens is I can't trade IPOs anymore?
lol there is no way Robinhood would blackball you from trading IPOs unless you're dabbling with an incredible amount of shares (which if you are buying an insane amount of shares, we need to have a separate convo about why you are doing so with Robinhood).
They are likely worried about their perceived relationship if there is a lot of the shares in their brokerage name being flipped. That being said, they are also likely hoping to keep those Robinhooders as likely bagholders if the stock tanks. There could also be daytrading issues if you sell the shares before the settlement date.
Do yourself a favor and take the profits. If they give you grief, you have your answer about going to another platform. That being said, I think you should go to another platform.
Its not your circus and not your monkey to be worrying about flipping IPO stocks - that's Robinhood's problem.
Take the profits and go to another broker.