Planning out this whole structure, let's assume you don't yet have shares.
Let's call it a $2.00 entry tomorrow with 100 shares. That gives us ($200) basis, and $200 market value.
Once we approach $2.80 we will sell a covered call understanding that we are expecting a pull back. Once we feel we've gotten enough pullback, we will buy back the calls we sold. Next step is $3.20. Again, as we approach, we will sell a call and again buy it back after a small correction. Ultimately, we should be finishing around $3.50 at which point we will sell all of our shares.
Even without the covered call premiums, we are expecting VEON to give us a 70-75% ROI ($150 profit on $200 spend). While timing is always tough, Fib fans, fib arcs, and my Elliott Wave channel are all pointing to June 2022 for finality.
If anyone wants to jump in and ride this wave let me know. I've posted the setup before and it's been tracking PERFECTLY (just search VEON with my screen name). We've already got waves 1 & 2 in place. Subwave i of 3 is in place and subwave ii of 3 is either done or about to be. It's almost the point of no return if you aren't in yet.