ClutchCityAg said:
Can't trust them. Prove me wrong.
Short trading story for you,...
In the 90's, China held soybean meal contracts with every major soy processor player in the U.S. Earlier in the year the ChiComs bought the contract highs in the market. Later - as loaded vessels sat in ChiComs ports waiting to unload their soybean meal cargo, the ChiComs arbitrarily started rejecting vessels in their ports and canceling contracts with the U.S. players. Vessels were stranded in port charging major demurrage, over $100K per day. U.S. processors were faced the losing money over this illegal activity that the ChiComs were springing on the trade. This move by the ChiComs was totally against trade rules. What happen,...soybean meal prices had dropped with South American harvest prospects indicating a huge harvest. ChiComs were not going to honor their earlier U.S. contract purchases and shift to cheaper South American supply. End result, the major U.S. players had a conference call with the ChiComs and told them how the game is played and if they wanted to break trade rules, no one will play the game with them. Processors in South America were the same entities in the U.S. Soybean meal trade would be cut off to ChiComs and their pigs starve and their people starve in the process. ChiComs quickly got back in line. I know most of the players on that conference call, men with spines, all retired now. Wasn't any USDA involvement. Industry took care of industry matters. ChiComs are pretty smart. They do stuff like this to see how the opposition reacts. Then ChiComs future gameplan around "the reaction"; hence, when faced with getting your food supply cutoff, you buy the food supply and that's when they decided to purchase "Smithfield Foods" - the largest pork producer/processor in the U.S. ChiComs take their time, politically correct antagonist in sensitive worldly matters, no quick moves, always surveying horizon. I don't hate them, I just don't trust them.