and for whoever needs to read this: 1) have a plan, 2) focus on the base hits that add up to something big vs the home runs, and 3) for the love of God, scale out of your winning positions gradually. My best trade ever was 11 years ago in the financial crisis by doing precisely that with Citigroup. I bought $2C when the stock was sub $1. A couple days later it had gapped up to $2, I sold 25%, then it went to $3, another 25%, then $4, etc. I exited all just over $5.
At the time, I kicked myself for not holding with the benefit of hindsight. In retrospect, I 100% did the right thing with going net free, and then scaling out. My strategy now is more simple - 50% at target, 50% when momentum begins to sleep for a naked call/put. For a vertical, 65-80% of max profit unless max profit is guaranteed (e.g. stock runs away on the upside).