Added to my SPY 295 put at 321. Time to call bull *****
Pignorant said:
Anyone buying WORK at this post earnings level?
0708aggie said:
OXY calls coming in strong
I have $285's to $300's now. Had the $285's and added the $300 July 17 just a little while ago. But if the markets continue a recovery then my $3000/1000 SPY shares becomes a net offset only. Not ideal but really the best option.fightintxag13 said:
Are you still thinking reversal with these jobs numbers? Are you raising your strike price on the July puts?
I'm holding it now that it started to engage. Sure would like to see $175.50 soon. It can happen really fast. We had a greater than $6 move intraday on it from the reversal lows, so big money has entered the arena.zwhag2010 said:
OA1, are you looking for 176 today for call exit of CRM. Or do you hold till next week?
319.19 is an intraday resistance that may be supportive now. If you shorted at 320.70 it's time to thinki about taking that $1.00 in profits and going flat.McInnis 03 said:You might say this right here is.........pivotal? I have the daily R3 at 323.11, you don't think we can do that do you?McInnis 03 said:
SPY 320.68 is my R3 pivot for the WEEK. If by some miracle we get to that, SHORT THIS MOFO
I'm thinking about selling the Aug 25c (covered). I'll bring about 12.5% on the premium and will have another 30% the stock can run. Thoughts?corndog04 said:
Bought AAL and immedialy sold August $20 ITM covered calls getting better than 20% back on the stock price. Puts were too expensive and can't sell naked calls in this account.
Compared stock closing price (red, right axis) vs TSA change in traffic from 2019 to 2020 (blue, left axis) and the relationship is totally bonkers to me. Maybe that blue line goes parabolic and surprises me but at current trajectory it's a looooong road to recovery.
I'm using $PCALL in thinkorswim and I see the 10d sma at .65.Aggies1322 said:
For the 10 day SMA of the combined equity and index put call ratio.. would that be the CBOE Put Call ratio Composite? If so, the value I'm seeing currently is .69 - is that what you're seeing?
June what? I want to go to the moon.Ranger222 said:
To the moon or zero play : AMZN June 2800 C @ 2.5
Thanks, I'm a weekly addict and most guys who don't put a date mean the nearest expiration.Ranger222 said:
June = monthly expiration 6/19
In.. went with 2760 thoughRanger222 said:
To the moon or zero play : AMZN June 2800 C @ 2.5
Got in at $4. Sold my initial investment and hanging onto the rest for net free long term gain.corndog04 said:
Who all bought OVV at OA's suggestion? Got in at $2.58 for a relatively large position (for me) and it's been a huge boost for my portfolio. I recently sold July $9 covered calls for half my position thinking it was running out of room to run (very wrong). Debating what to do with the other half. Is this worth hanging on to long-term?