EngrAg14 said:
foleyt said:
So who would actually buy nflx today? I can't find anyone who has a positive outlook. I guess it'll just be people averaging down and hoping it fills the gap at some point?
Thing is NFLX hasn't started using the information they've collected similar to FB.
Once they can figure out how to utilize/monetize that data, then they're golden.
Long term hold I like them, but immediate gain I think will be minimal.
I really think NFLX's biggest point is to sell to pizza companies/delivery companies to bombard people with coupons, ads, text etc like an hour or two before a regular binge session when people are more likely to say no to cooking and just buy a pizza and watch Netflix.
They have not used it for advertising but they've absolutely started using it to produce content that they know people will like. There are certainly flops here and there, but their original content for the most part really is golden. Having a steady stream of content that people come back for is in effect monetizing it.
My wife loves watching Friends and The Office because she's seen every episode 100 times and can have an episode on while cooking, or getting ready to go out, or whatever where she can just have it on in the background. She will miss these shows, but we are far from the point where we would cancel our Netflix subscription over it. The value proposition is still too good.
I hold a decent sized position, so not sure I am going to buy any more today, but I will absolutely keep holding it long term. Still so much potential with all the money they have put into original programming. Studios yanking content and starting their own streaming services was always inevitable.
I believe HBO Max is going to end up being more expensive than Netflix and Disney+ will be cheaper. There is certainly a breaking point where people will not add every new streaming outlet possible. In my opinion, Netflix will always be one of the top players for the foreseeable future.