awesome man, sounds like you are way ahead of the curvekhkman22 said:
Closed out a short put vertical on HD today (thanks for the heads up on them Bonfire). Got a little greedy and decided not to set to close at 50% profit after their earnings release. They had a short pop before dropping quick. Probably would have closed out that morning, but wound up holding it another two weeks to hit my target of about 57%.
Also closed a strangle on INTC for 50% profit in two weeks.
Finally, closed the short put leg of a Jade Lizard on BBY for minimal profit. Have the short call vertical that should expire worthless unless I am able to close out with a small credit. I'll wind up about with only about 30% on this one.
Returned 5% in 6 weeks on my initial deposit. Don't really have ideas for trades at the moment. Not confident in the market in either direction and iron condors are hard to get good return for my risk tolerance.
hard to fight our human nature and be mechanical on closing at certain percentages, that's why I've said a lot in this thread that's it's one of the hardest parts of the game (I've found most of the time I've tried to hold out for more profits I get bit, never to the point of losing but definitely my anecdotal career experience lines up with the tastytrade research on managing winners...full disclosure I still struggle here and there but the more humblings we get the easier it is to do it right every time LOL
had a good week taking advantage of the NK quick drop the other night, juiced puts pretty good so it was opportunity.....there's a time to be small and a time to load the boat, and that time is when I get some desired VOL spike.....I don't just go full exposed on these moves, I insure my backdoor in case of continuation but I ladder my way in then manage winners accordingly....doesn't always work out this way, in fact it's rare and a welcome change as of late on some of these big down moves, but really nice when the reversal comes quick and relentlessly squeezes the weak hands that put a little to much stock (or short stock) into the news
doesn't always have to be 50%...I never do less than 30% (even on naked options) and you can choose what you find works for you but I'll repost this nice reference chart for a beginning point of managing winners at what x % winners by it coming in on or before x many days