FAA regulations are being made to allow for drones to be operated safely by drone pilots. There was a question earlier in the year if drones would be allowed to be flown, but the newest legislation allows for them to be operated. The link below gives a more in-depth look at the legislation.
http://www.faa.gov/uas/media/Part_107_Summary.pdfThis opens the door for a lot of different uses, for example, I took a private equity class this past year at A&M and there was a presentation about a roofing inspection company that uses drones to take pictures and videos. It's safer, more effective, and more efficient. Link:
https://www.better.vu/This is just one area that can use this technology and the possibilities are endless for other things...another example, almost every wedding video I have seen over the past year has had a drone shot over the venue and some even over the ceremony.
I also think we will begin to see a shift towards utilizing drones for delivery, if they find a way to work with the line of sight clause in the legislation. But, if the drone industry shows the technology can keep them safe in the sky, I think that clause can be negotiated. Amazon wants it for their Prime delivery, I think even those food delivery companies could hop on board.
Overall, I think by finally getting a ruling by the FAA on drone operations, the industry has been set for people to jump in with the technology to create a new way to reach consumers.