tsuag10 said:
Too late. I was worried about being called out on my sold 275 calls. I'm obviously still very green on flys.
I opened another fly 275/280/285 and it broke my original fly, but now I'm stuck with what appears to me to be a damned mess. (See picture)
Is there a way out of this that doesn't involve just buying back the 275 calls?

Ok, so I have broken this up into two different ownerships.
A) You have a broken-wing butterfly consisting of the 270/275/285 call variety. This is actually a "bearish play" hoping the prices stays at 280 or below. Your max risk here is if the trade stays above 280, you're -$500 + whatever credit you may have received on the transaction. You can CLOSE this trade by "Sell to close 270, Buy to close 275 x2, sell to close 285". Expect to take a hit on that close if you want out.
B) You also have a long call spread, 270/275 that should be fully in the money right now.