I bet Saudi isn't happy. Been traveling the last couple of weeks to look.
wow I knew there CFO well.
quote:Hope not!quote:
wow I knew there CFO well.
Maybe FIFY
wow I knew there CFO well.
Maybe FIFY
quote:Doubtful. For a producer to get to FID, they need a transportation solution for their crude. No RFPs have been sent out from Shenandoah, nor do we expect any to be sent out anytime before the next 12 mos. Assume that it takes another year to negotiate with a pipeline, you're looking at 2017 at the soonest for FID. Maybe even later.
^^^yes. If there's a close facility to tie backi think $55 is doable. Shell just announced FID on their Appomattox facility. My guess is APC will do the same for Shenendoah in the next year or so. I doubt they are forecasting $55 oil when these things come on though
quote:I would guess Lewis or Blackbrush
Don't want to name but private and HQ in SA
New 52 week low on EOG. COP new low as well but they raised their dividend from .73 to .74 a quarter.
Just returned from NARO in Austin - very interesting presentation from Goldman Sachs concerning the Panama Canal
Deepening/widening to allow for super tankers. Was scheduled to be completed in 2014 but current projections for 2016.
Will open up our products to entirely new markets which are currently too cost prohibitive to ship.
EDIT: As an example, LNG super tankers taking cheap natural gas to Japan, etc.
quote:Very interested in this one. Any info?
is Swift a goner? Looking bad...