Marvin, I feel your pain
Few weeks ago wife and I are at a crawfish boil/party. It was the 1st game day Saturday of the season.
Talking to the host and a couple guys and host tells us one of Astros cheerleaders co-captains is coming to the party once the game wraps
So here I am. How am I going to get the pics, become a semi legend on this thread. All while keeping my wife from getting pizzed.
Anyway, I'm mulling this over, trying to think of how….
Anyway, couple hours later, probably close 7 o'clock this pretty damn good looking blonde wearing a jean jacket with Astros on the back, short black pleather(?) shorts (redundant?) strolls in.
And is immediately surrounded by a bunch of getting drunker by the minute guys (myself not included but we're sitting at a table just a few feet away).
Me? I'm still figuring out how to get the pic.
Unfortunately I didn't.
My bad
So I'm here seeking forgiveness