Ive now lived in three different states so I stopped caring about pronunciation long ago. There is a nice little town in Nebraska by the name of norfolk. They get pissed off there if you say nor-folk. They say it nor-fork. There are many ways to say most town names. Burnet for one, shouldnt matter if it is burn-it or bur-net. The only times things should be considered completely wrong like buna-vista for buena vista. My personal favorite is Pier for Pierre, SD. The community was named after the fort, which was named after Pierre Choteau Jr. of the American Fur Company. Im pretty sure Pierre Choteau Jr is a french guy. Thus...pier (something that I always see at the beach) should not be the pronunciation.
I guess my argument is that if it is named after someone in a specific language then it should be said like that. Otherwise, regional dialects arent exactly "wrong." Adding an 's' to New Braunfels is wrong. Saying Midland as mid-land is not wrong. They may say it like hicks there, but that doesnt mean outsiders are wrong.
[This message has been edited by txaggies07 (edited 11/28/2005 7:53p).]