Well said sir !greg.w.h said:
God, still, is good all the time. I'll note there are times when he for his own reasons doesn't provide the desired miracle, but he does answer prayer.
Remember: when YOU pray the prayer IS HEARD in heaven. And to our favor the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with communication we cannot comprehend in our behalf. Bringing the names of people you love to the Throne of Heaven is both the gift given to the child of God and a royal duty as his emissaries to the world.
And when God does visibly answer prayer in such a mighty, marvelous way, we are given entrance to the Throne yet again to offer thanksgiving and praise, again as a matter of princely privilege and royal obligation.
And all of this is our way of announcing the fulfillment of the Annunciation with marvelous pronunciation!
The ONLY valid ANNUAL goal for ALL Aggie Sports is a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!
Gig'em !
FTAC '73